If you missed our introduction to crowdfunding and still need to create a campaign, please click through to this guide.

In this article, we will discuss the first steps in your crowdfunding campaign after you have signed-up. We will guide you through receiving your first donations, how to find your network and touch on the power of social media in fundraising online.

Getting started – Your First donation

Just like no one likes to be the first person on the dance floor, the members of the public typically support causes once they have a few initial donations from the beneficiaries family and friends . 

We have also found through data research that campaigns with initial support from family and friends also tend to raise 220% more funds than those who don’t. 

This is because your first donors, in a way, vet your campaign. They let others know that you are a trusted person, and that your campaign is for a reasonable request because they know you or have interacted with you at some point in your life.


How to communicate with close family and friends:

Accompany your BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign link with a short personalized message to introduce your fundraiser. We recommend sending a Whatsapp, Facebook message, email or SMS to close family and friends, extended family, neighbours, co-workers, social groups or sportsclub to get started.

See this example of a message you could send:

“Hi Monique, I hope you are well!

I have created a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to feed 100 families in Pietermaritzburg who are unable to provide for their families during the lockdown.

We have so far raised R 15 000 towards our fundraising target! Funds raised will be used to purchase digital food vouchers for those in need.

Please support us by making a small donation on BackaBuddy

If you’re unable to contribute, please be so kind as to share our campaign with your friends and loved ones. 


Did you know? 98% of WhatsApp messages are both opened and read within the first 3 seconds. – Hoodsuite . 

Now that you have shared your campaign with those closest to you, such as your friends and family and hopefully, if you were able to, donated to your own campaign, it’s time to reach out to your wider network.


Finding your network

You will find in your crowdfunding journey, that most of your donors will be people you know. This is because your friends and family know you well, they know your character, your lifestyle and they have a personal connection with you in some way. 

This is not to say that the public can’t be generous in their support of worthy causes.

Who makes up your network?

  1. Close family and friends.
  2. Extended family, neighbours, co-workers, social groups, sportsclub
  3. Social media followers and friends (Facebook/Whatsapp/Twitter/Instagram/YouTube/Pinterest/LinkedIn/Snapchat).
  4. School/University friends
  5. Your local community, church and the wider public.
  6. Local Media (Local paper, radio stations, pubic forums)



Sharing your crowdfunding campaign on Social Media

Crowdfunding campaigns are 5 times more likely to succeed if shared on social media. Take a look at our social media guides to reach your wider network:


Every week the BackaBuddy team showcases a few campaigns to share on social media. When posting about your campaign, please mention us:

@BackaBuddy on Twitter and Instagram

@BackaBuddySA on Facebook 


Lastly, ask your campaign manager to create a Snapscan code for your campaign for an additional donation option.

BackaBuddy has partnered with Snapscan to generate unique snapscan QR codes for each crowdfunding campaign on the platform. Once scanned, donors will be able to donate to your campaign easily via the unique code. These are also great to add to your campaign, print on posters or share on social media. 

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R390 Million.

  • Raise funds for an individual or cause.
  • Register your non-profit organisation.
  • Create a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for a non-profit organisation.