Asher-Rheed is our pride and joy, our Rainbow baby. Our fighter in every sense of the word. We are from Parklands, Cape Town.

After going into early labour at 15 weeks and almost losing him, he fought to stay with us, at 34 weeks he made his grand entrance into the world, after only 18 days in the NICU we took our trooper home with us. He has been a blessing ever since.

In and out of hospital

Unfortunately despite every Dr and clinic app showing he was progressing well and doing great suddenly in February 2021 we had to rush him to the ER, the result was him having emergency surgery, the first of two. As we prepared ourselves for the second one after success on the first, we were faced with more health issues and now have loads of tests that need to be done to determine what exactly is wrong. lung tests, allergy tests, ENT’s, pneumologist the list goes on. Our medical aid is depleted and after all this, we still have that pending second surgery to do this year. We need help covering all the medical bills.



Help Asher get back to school

Our 19-month-old ball of sunshine and happiness deserves a normal childhood free from sickness and constant Dr trips. He loves school and hates missing so much of it. We hate seeing how not being at school hurts his little heart, we as parents just want to get him back on track and hopefully 100% healthy as fast as possible. We prayed for this little boy, we would give our lives for this little boy.

We are asking for any help to keep his medical bills, and medications covered so that he can get back to being at school all the time, thriving and growing and learning. Back to walking into school every day waving goodbye because he is so happy there, he doesn’t even cry when he is dropped off. No more constant coughs, runny noses, sleepless nights for weeks on end. No more sore body or wheezy chests, no more specialists and operations. Just a normal happy healthy almost 2-year-old boy. Please if you can spare something we would be ever so grateful and if not at least share it because you never know who might see it and be able to assist.