Image: Facebook: Adnan Patel

Cassie Booyse (66), better known as Vernon Koekemoer or ‘SA’s Chuck Norris’, became an instant celebrity in 2008 after a photograph of him at a H2O Party went viral.

Currently, Vernon, who lives in Boksburg, Johannesburg, is fighting for his life, following three failed hip operations at Tambo Memorial Hospital. His fiance, Linda, says the only thing that can save him is a miracle.

Vernon’s health struggles began in 2018, when he began experiencing pain in his right hip due to advanced arthritis. Without medical aid, Vernon was booked for hip replacement surgery at Tambo Memorial Hospital in January 2019.

In the space of 5 years Vernon has undergone 3 failed hip surgeries

The operation seemed to have been successful at first. Vernon was advised to attend physiotherapy to exercise his hip to build muscle strength, but he struggled through the sessions, experienced more pain than before the operation and was unable to walk without crutches.

Months passed and Vernon returned to his surgeon, who agreed to perform a total hip replacement in February 2020. After the procedure, the surgeon discovered that the steel pin used initially was the incorrect size.

“After the total hip replacement revision, when the drain pipes were removed, the wound did not heal and was continuously draining. We returned to the surgeon to discuss the outcome many times but were dismissed” – says Linda

Vernon with his wife, Linda


After Vernon’s second hip operation, his teeth began falling out and he complained of severe pain. Again, Vernon’s wound was infected. To make matters worse, Linda pulled a 30cm string out of Vernon’s wound that was left in after the procedure.

When the drainage of the wound got worse and resulted in additional pain, Vernon demanded a third procedure which took place in February 2022.

“Since day one after the surgery, he could not walk without crutches. Now his hip is full of infection, the steel pin used during the hip replacement is loose and causes extreme pain whenever Vernon moves” – says Linda

Linda says that Vernon has suffered avoidable pain, suffering and trauma over the last 5 years, which has kept him from living a full life and earning an income.

Fighting to stay alive

On Friday 16 September 2022, Linda called the ambulance to take Vernon back to Tambo Memorial Hospital, as Vernon could not take the pain of the infection anymore.

Vernon is currently bed ridden, fighting for his life, and in such immense pain that Linda says he’s contemplated taking his own life.

Picture above: Vermon


Support for Vernon

To help Vernon get back on his feet Good Morning Angels has been in contact with a specialist in hip replacement surgery and complications in Pretoria.

Hoping to determine an appropriate treatment plan, they have agreed to cover the cost of the consultation and the necessary tests.

Upon seeing Vernon’s story, H2O Party, have launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, appealing to the public to assist Vernon with his medical costs, as well as the comprehensive after care he will need.

Since the launch of the crowdfunding campaign over R100 000 has been raised towards their fundraising target of R100 000. 

“We just wanted to say thank you to all of our donors for their care, motivation and financial support. Your contributions mean a lot to us . This will help Cassie get well and healthy again. Thank you for your assistance during this extremely difficult time in our lives. It is greatly appreciated.” – says Linda

Support Vernon on BackaBuddy

Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:

Update on Vernon: 

There has been a slight improvement in Vernon Koekemoer’s condition following yet another hip operation on October 17. Koekemoer’s life partner, Linda Coetzee, said he was transferred from Tambo Memorial to Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital on October 12 to go under the knife again.

“It was a long operation. They pushed him into the theatre at 22:45 and he came out at 03:00. It looks like it went well. He is doing a little bit better but is still in pain.

“The doctors cleaned his hip. They also put a spacer in his hip. It is a prosthesis and the antibiotics will help fight bacteria left behind,” she explained.
Coetzee said that Koekemoer will have to undergo the same process if the infection has not cleared up. – Tayla Smit from Letaba Herald


“Apart from our BackaBuddy campaign, Vernon has been supported by a number of donors who have contributed towards our medical and living expenses: 

  • Nando’s has donated R87 000, 
  • Jacaranda FM (Good Morning Angels) has donated R30 000, 
  • H20 donated R20 000, 
  • A family from the Netherlands has donated R15 000
  • R1500 has been donated from people who have called in” – says Linda 

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R340 Million.