Ukrainians observed the solemn anniversary of the Russian invasion that disrupted their lives and threatened Europe’s security on February 24, 2022. 

One year on, the scars of war remain fresh as individuals remember the lives lost, the homes destroyed, and the families torn apart by the conflict. 

In a statement, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy acknowledged the resilience of the Ukrainian people, saying they demonstrated their invincibility during “a year of agony, sorrow, faith, and unity.” 

As the world continues to watch the devastation unfold, many have come together to provide humanitarian relief to the people of Ukraine. 

To support South African humanitarian organisation,  The Gift of the Givers, who are working tirelessly to uplift the lives of Ukrainians affected by the war, 5 individuals have launched crowdfunding campaigns on BackaBuddy, hoping to make a difference. 

  • Soup Kitchens in Kyiv

Natalia Venter, a 46-year-old originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, who now lives in Cape Town, has launched a crowdfunding campaign with her husband Div Venter (49), to provide warm, cooked meals to people affected by the war in Ukraine. 

The B50 Field Kitchen has prepared and distributed over 1 million meals with the support of the Gift of the Givers, which has received an official certificate for their continuous support. 

Pictured above: Natalia Venter

The campaign aims to raise funds to purchase fresh produce, ingredients, packaging materials, and hygienic products to support the B50 Field Kitchen and other soup kitchens on a regular basis. 

The cost to support the B50 Field Kitchen is around R30,000 per week, while other smaller soup kitchens cost an additional R30,000 per week for products and gasoline for deliveries.

Since the launch of the campaign, more than  R6 075.16 has been raised towards the target of R500 000.

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  • Madelaine Reader Supporting #LOVERENI 

Madelaine Reader, a 47-year-old from Rustenburg Johannesburg, has started a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for #LOVERENI, a movement that supports Michele Potgieter’s mission in Reni, Ukraine. 

The mission provides education, health, and socio-economic projects and services to residents, including refugees and displaced people affected by the War in Ukraine. 

Pictured above: Madelaine Reader

The funds raised will be used to sustain vital services such as providing fuel for generators, humanitarian aid, food for refugees and vulnerable people, and coal for heating during winter months for the Raduga Children’s Home and The Ark Shelter. With continued support, #LOVERENI will be able to provide necessary aid to help those in need.

Since the launch of the campaign, more than R2500 has been raised towards the target of R100 000.

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  • Kateryna Tertiienko helping orphans and children in Ukraine

Kateryna Tertiienko (39) who is originally from Kyiv, Ukraine and now lives in Cape Town started a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, to provide humanitarian aid for orphans and children who became orphans during the conflict in Ukraine. 

Pictured above: Kateryna Tertiienko


Funds raised will be used to purchase essential products for preparing wholesome meals for children, fresh vegetables, and fruit, as well as non-perishable foods that require less electricity for preparation. 

“Ukraine is my home, and it has been really difficult to not be right there and help during those hard times. Although we are on another continent, I would like to do everything in my power to send some help back to those who need it.” – says Kateryna Tertiienko

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Support Humanitarian efforts in Ukraine on BackaBuddy. In partnership with The Gift of the Givers:

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