10-year-old Marcus-Craig Knop, affectionately known as MC from Witbank, Johannesburg, is a little boy who embodies resilience and courage despite facing challenges hidden beneath his seemingly ordinary exterior.

MC is a non-verbal autistic and unique little boy who was first diagnosed at 22 months old with Pervasive Developmental Delay, an informal diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He was formally diagnosed with ASD when he was three years old. Being non-verbal autistic meant that MC did not communicate with anyone, and this diagnosis, while tough on MC, was also really difficult for his family. 

Image above: MC during the Woodside Sanctuary Spring Day festivities

‘At first, it felt like our whole world was tumbling into pieces. All the hopes and dreams I had for MC changed overnight. Yet, this was the beginning of a brand-new adventure.’ says Meryke, MC’s mum.

However, two years ago in 2021 MC found solace in the embrace of Woodside Sanctuary, a home for the intellectually disabled, which offers daily stimulation, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, morning ring, social outings which are accompanied by staff, regular doctor visits (in house), annual psychiatric evaluations and checkups. For MC and his family, the journey to finding the perfect place for him was arduous, but when they discovered Woodside, it became a ray of hope and transformation.

Within the nurturing walls of Woodside, MC has flourished in unimaginable ways. In just two years, he has achieved milestones that once seemed out of reach, surpassing seven years of progress elsewhere. Through the dedicated care and support provided at Woodside, MC has found his voice, making friends, and even mastering the art of speaking some Zulu words.

Image above: MC in a colouring activity class in the simulation department at Woodside Sanctuary

‘Radical improvement are the words that describe how Woodside has changed MC’s life. He has gained a vocabulary that ranges far wider than I could ever expect. He is now fully potty trained. His social skills improved so much that we can now go on family outings and eat at a restaurant. He is no longer running away at the first chance he gets. He can now compose himself and verbalise his basic needs.’ says proud mum Meryke.

The journey towards independence has been significant for MC. Every step forward at Woodside reflects a triumph of spirit and determination. Here, MC receives comprehensive therapy and stimulation tailored to his needs, ensuring holistic development and growth.

More than just a care facility, Woodside is home to MC. It’s a place where he is not judged but celebrated for his uniqueness. Surrounded by peers and caregivers who understand him, MC can truly be himself, embracing his true identity without fear or reservation.

Image above: MC with his mum Meryke, dad Petrus, and siblings Megan, Cayleb, and Klara

Yet, amidst the warmth and love of Woodside, financial constraints loom large for MC’s family. With monthly fees amounting to R13,649.00 and additional expenses for medications and other necessities, the financial burden weighs heavily on his mother, who strives to provide for MC and his siblings on a teacher’s salary.

Despite receiving minimal financial support from MC’s biological father, the financial strain persists, threatening MC’s continued stay at Woodside. As an NPO, Woodside faces its own financial challenges, unable to fully fund MC’s care amidst numerous responsibilities.

MC and his family are reaching out for help through their crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy where they have already raised over R18 000 of his R228 000 with the help of 21 amazing donors. 

Image above: MC at the Woodside Sanctuary Christmas party

‘With the money raised on BackaBuddy, MC will be able to stay at Woodside and continue his journey of improvement. He will be able to have his friends with him and will receive the care and therapy that he so desperately needs and deserves.’ explains Meryke.

Their humble request echoes the sentiment of countless families navigating the complexities of caring for a loved one with special needs. With your assistance, MC can continue to thrive at Woodside, embracing every opportunity to grow and develop to his full potential.

‘Thank you to each and every one who has donated to MC’s campaign. I know that thank you may seem too little for the huge impact that you are making in MC’s life and future. If I could, I would scream from the rooftops how extremely thankful and grateful I am to each and every person donor that generously opened up their hearts towards MC.’

Support this campaign: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/campaign/mc-knop-5854385818263923556