In a world where many take education for granted, two exceptional athletes from George, are taking extraordinary steps to ensure that others can access the same opportunities they were fortunate enough to receive. Sebastian Prentice and Jason Hofmeyr, driven by their belief in the transformative power of education, are setting out on a gruelling 100-mile (163 km) race through the Outeniqua Mountains on Friday, May 24. Their mission? To raise funds and awareness for Usapho Indlu, a George-based non-profit dedicated to uplifting the local community.


The Challenge

Sebastian and Jason’s race is part of the Mountain Ultra-Trail (MUT) of the Ultra Trail de Mont Blanc (UTMB) festival, a series of trail races that test the limits of human endurance. Covering varied and challenging terrain, this race is not just a physical test but a testament to the athletes’ commitment to their cause. Their goal is ambitious: to raise R350 000 to establish a learning centre for local students and to purchase a vehicle to facilitate transportation to and from the centre.


The Cause

Education in South Africa faces significant challenges. It is estimated that less than 40% of South Africans complete high school. This statistic reflects a larger issue of educational inequity, which Sebastian and Jason are passionate about addressing. Their chosen beneficiary, Usapho Indlu, under the leadership of CEO Sally Versfeld, works tirelessly to empower families in the George area. Their programs focus on unlocking potential and fostering a sense of identity among community members.

“Each household is surveyed and through the survey they inform Usapho Indlu of their individual needs. Support is tailored to map out a pathway that is sustainable, healthy, and realistic for all members of the family. Extreme challenges facing these families include lack of transport for children, poor nutrition, no support system with homework as well as abuse in schools.” Versfeld told the George Herald

Versfeld highlights that one of the most common requests from families involved in their outreach is for better educational opportunities for their children. Many parents, themselves uneducated and unemployed, see education as the key to a brighter future. The funds raised by Sebastian and Jason will help Usapho Indlu meet these needs more effectively, particularly by reducing the heavy costs currently spent on transportation like Ubers and hired vehicles.

“This will be the focus of our fundraiser. Our aim is to better equip the Education Centre, where 42 children from 27 households attend. In addition, the transport situation in the community is unsafe, expensive and out of the reach of the learners.” says Sebastian and Jason.


A Call to Action

The public’s support is crucial to achieving this goal. Donations are being collected through Sebastian and Jason’s BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign. So far, the campaign has raised just over R46 000. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings the community closer to realising the dream of a dedicated learning centre and reliable transportation for students.


How You Can Help

Sebastian and Jason’s journey is not just a race; it is a powerful statement of solidarity and hope. By donating to their campaign on BackaBuddy under “100 Miles for Education,” you can join them in making a tangible difference in the lives of young learners in George.