The Marine Mongrels are set to embark on an exciting journey to Australia, representing South Africa in the World Lifesaving Championships. This incredible team, hailing from the esteemed Marine Lifesaving Club in Durban, is led by the world-class sweep Gary Brummer. They have trained tirelessly, demonstrating unparalleled dedication and spirit, and now, with Jenn Seady’s passionate support, they hope to rally the nation behind them.


A Pillar of Strength and Inspiration for Surfboat Rowing in South Africa

Jenn Seady, a devoted advocate for surfboat rowing, has recently reached out to share her joy and to rally South Africa to support the Marine Mongrels. Jenn’s connection to the sport runs deep; it has been her lifeline through two bouts of cancer. Currently undergoing treatment, Jenn finds solace and inspiration in the team’s journey, receiving regular updates that lift her spirits on the darkest days.

In her heartfelt message to Good Things Guy, Jenn shares the exhilarating nature of surfboat rowing. “There’s a sport called surfboat rowing, which is part of Lifesaving. Apart from being super fit, you also have to be a little nutty to partake in this rather eventful, occasionally dangerous rowing sport. Four team members row a boat through the waves out to sea, turn around, and race back, hopefully catching waves in the process,” she explains. “The sweep steers the boat from the back, and the team sits with their backs towards the waves. Timing, skill, and a whole lot of trust in your team are required. It is the ultimate team sport where you take on the ocean and is one of the greatest tests of endurance.”

For the past four years, surfboat rowing has been Jenn’s passion and driving force. She describes how, after competing in the 2022 Lifesaving Nationals, she was diagnosed with cancer. Despite undergoing treatment, Jenn continued to row, even competing in the 2023 Nationals and securing second place with her team. Her determination and love for the sport kept her going through the toughest times.

In June 2024, Jenn’s dream comes closer to reality as the Marine Mongrels, an all-female team, prepare to compete in the World Champs of Lifesaving on the Gold Coast. This marks a historic moment for South African surfboat rowing, as it is the first time a ladies’ team will represent the country in Australia.

The Marine Mongrels’ journey has not been easy. They have faced early morning training sessions, full workdays, and numerous challenges along the way. Despite their dedication, they still need support to cover accommodation costs, nutrition, and vehicle hire. Jenn, who has been living her dream vicariously through one of the team members, shares how their updates and videos have lifted her spirits and inspired her during her treatment.

“This team needs South Africa’s support,” Jenn urges. “They exude every possible quality of great sportsmanship. Their kindness knows no bounds. Their focus, trust, love, and dedication towards their team and sport are admirable. Let’s make the Marine Mongrels great!”

Jenn’s call to action is a testament to the incredible bond within the lifesaving community. The Marine Mongrels have not only demonstrated their athletic prowess but also their compassion and sportsmanship by supporting Jenn through her journey.

To support the Marine Mongrels and help them achieve their dream, Jenn encourages everyone to contribute to their BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign where they have already raised over R11 000 of their R300 000 goal with the help of 18 amazing donors. Your donations will ensure that this remarkable team can represent South Africa with pride on the world stage.


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