On 1 September 2021, in the early hours of the morning, Shadrack Kuchale (38) From Cosmo City, Johannesburg, was on his way to work, when he was attacked and held at gunpoint. 

The situation soon escalated when the assailants shot the father of two in the neck, stole his cellphone, and dragged him to the nearby ATM, withdrawing R5000 from his bank account.

With complete disregard for Shadrack’s life and well-being, he was left for dead in the street. Fighting for his life and in severe pain,  Shadrack waited 12 hours for a bed at the local government hospital before eventually being admitted.

Pictured above: Shadrack and his wife, Eunice, and their two children.


Forever changed

After being assessed by a neurosurgeon, and having a CT scan, Shadrack’s worst fears were soon realized: The bullet from the attack entered the highest part of his spine, shattering his spinal cord, and then traveled to his lung and punctured it.

Sadly, Shadrack is now completely paralysed from the shoulders down and will remain a quadriplegic for the rest of his life, as no amount of physiotherapy can restore his spinal fluid or movement in his body. 

Supporting Shadrack

Before Shadrack’s life-changing ordeal, he was the breadwinner for his wife, and two children aged 8 and 11, earning R6400 a month. He was a beacon of hope in his community, and a true leader everyone admired and looked up to.

“I want nothing more than to provide for my family, find a job that gives me purpose and meaning in this life, a hobby that can give me peace of mind and keep my mind occupied. Most of all, I want to continue being the hero I have always been in my home, and get back some of the dignity that I didn’t lose, but was taken from me” – says Shadrack

Shadrack and his wife, Eunice, and their two children.

To help Shadrack cover his ongoing medical costs and living expenses after this life-altering attack, non-profit organisation, The Angel Network, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to lend a helping hand.

Since Shadrack’s campaign launched on 16 September 2021, over R350 000 has been raised to support him and his family with medical costs as well as monthly expenses such as rent, food and school fees.

“I would never have imagined that so many people would open their hearts for me in my time of need, and carry me on their shoulders during my darkest moments. Without the donors, I don’t know how I would have made it to this point. ‘Thank you’ will never be enough” – says Shadrack

Now half a year later, most of the funds that were raised for Shadrack’s care have been put to good use, covering his extensive medical needs, say Carin Silberman and Gail Mabalane, good samaritans who have walked alongside Shadrack.

“Shadrack and his wife, who is employed as a domestic worker, have faced tremendous financial pressure, dealing with their new reality and could use all our continued love and support. Shadrack and his family have a long road to healing ahead both physically and emotionally.” – say Carin  & Gail Mabalane

For those wanting to support Shadrack’s well-being on a monthly basis, his needs are as follows:

  • Rent R5500
  • Food R3000
  • Transport kids R1300
  • Transport to hospital R800
  • Transport to Church R1000
  • Water R700
  • Lights R800
  • Caregiver R2000

With support, Shadrack hopes to get a lighter wheelchair that will enable him to move more freely. God willing, Shadrack would desperately like to begin Trauma counselling to address the emotional scars that still haven’t healed since his ordeal.

Support Shadrack’s recovery by making a donation on BackaBuddy:


Alternatively donate via Snapscan


All donors are eligible for a Section 18A tax certificate issued by The Angel Network.

Connect with The Angel Network

The Angel Network is an organization, run solely via the power of social media. They are a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO: 181-947) and Public Benefits Organisation (PBO).

Their goal is to create a gateway for giving. A platform from which helping where help is needed, is easily accessible to anyone wanting to do a little more, and give a little more.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.