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“As a platform, BackaBuddy allows us to come together as communities to support people and causes that we believe in, regardless of our differences. For every cause, accident or catastrophe that we face, we bear witness to the many who step up when asked to by their peers. This is the immense power that crowdfunding facilitates and which goes far beyond just the funds that are raised” says BackaBuddy, CEO, Patrick Schofield

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‘Chatty’ Winston dreams of becoming the first blind tour guide in South Africa

‘Chatty’ Winston dreams of becoming the first blind tour guide in South Africa

Winston Fani (35), an unemployed blind gentleman, lives in Mfuleni, Cape Town, with his wonderful wife, Busi (43), who is also considered legally blind, and their faithful guide dog, Gladys.

Picture above: Winston, Busi and their guide dog Gladys.

Winston was born with glaucoma, a progressive eye disease and from the age of 12, has lived life in total darkness.

Like so many South Africans, Winston, who worked as a call centre agent at a logistics company in Cape Town, was retrenched during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and has struggled to find a job for the last 3 years.

“Due to the scarcity of jobs for the visually impaired, and that Winston only has a matric certificate, he has been unable to secure a job despite his determination, and humble dream to support his family” – says Tania Robbertze (54), a friend of the couple who puppy-raised their guide dog. 

A vision for the future

For the longest time, Winston, who has a passion for history and education, and a love for people, has dreamed of furthering his education and becoming the first blind tour guide in South Africa.

“I want to be the first blind tour guide in South Africa. I want to make history. I want to show it’s not impossible to do what you want to do, despite the obstacles. I want to meet new people and learn from people from different countries who come to visit our country. I’m on the verge of learning new things.” – says Winston

Picture above: Winston Fani

To help Winston realise his dream and gain independence, Tania, who has built an everlasting friendship with Winston and his wife,  launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, appealing to the public to support Winston in receiving his tour guide certificate.

Thankfully, the appeal reached Enver Duminy, the CEO of Cape Town Tourism, who kindly agreed to cover Winston’s tuition fees for the tour guide course, which will allow Winston to expand his career options.

Still in need of funds to cover Winston’s first aid course, a laptop which will help him work through the course material, data and transport costs, Tania is keeping the fundraising campaign open, for anyone willing to help Winston get back on his feet. 

Picture above: Winston and Busi Fani

Since the launch of the campaign over R 5 800 has been raised towards Winston’s fundraising target of R20 000 with the support of 15 generous donors.

“Winston is a personable, chatty, gentleman, who connects very well with every person he meets. A job in the tourism industry will be a perfect fit for him. By supporting our BackaBuddy campaign, you will give a wonderful man a chance to reimagine his life and restore his sense of dignity by being able to work independently again.” – says Tania

Tania says there’s a lesson we can all learn from Winston.

Seeing the world from the perspective of a blind man changes how we appreciate and see the world around us. Winston can’t wait to break barriers around visual impairment, and share his unique perspective on the world” – says Tania


Support Winston on BackaBuddy:


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Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R370 Million.

Singer Zolani Mahola backs drive to save 3-year-old boy diagnosed cancer

Singer Zolani Mahola backs drive to save 3-year-old boy diagnosed cancer

Due to life-threatening blood diseases, such as leukaemia, many families will not have the privilege of having their loved ones home these holidays as patients undergo chemotherapy in hospital while awaiting a stem cell transplant. 

One such patient is a three-year-old, Kethan Govender from KwaZulu-Natal.

Pictured above: Kethan Govender

Kethan’s  recent leukaemia diagnosis came as a shock to his parents, but Kersan (father) and Sheena (mother) remain hopeful and have turned their focus towards raising awareness and funds, through the SA Bone Marrow Registry’s (SABMR) Give a Little, Save a Life campaign on BackaBuddy – not only for Kethan, but for many other children and patients like him.

Kersan says the family’s only wish is for their little boy to be healthy again.


“Kethan is currently undergoing chemotherapy and will continue with treatment for the next few months, after which he will need a stem cell transplant. Even though he is still young, Kethan has inspired us through his display of strength and resilience, which gives us hope.

“We’d like to appeal to the public to sign up as donors and support the SABMR’s Give a Little, Save a Life fundraising campaign, not only for Kethan, but for other children and patients too that rely on donors to give them a second chance at life. There really is no greater gift to give than the gift of life.”

Pictured above: Kethan Govender 

Head of Sustainability and National Operations for the SABMR, Kamiel Singh, while they’re eternally grateful for those who have signed up as donors, a bigger donor pool is needed to help Kethan, especially from those of Indian descent. 

“We also need more funds to help cover donor recruitment, which is costly. For example, each tissue typing kit costs R1 500 per donor – a cost which we absorb. There are many other costs which we incur as to not burden donors or patients. It is for this reason that we ask South Africans to get behind our Give a Little, Save a Life fundraising campaign so we can recruit as many donors as possible in order to give every patient in need, the second chance they deserve.”

In addition to donor recruitment, the SABMR also financially assists patients who are not able to cover other costs associated with the transplant through its Patient Assistance Programme. Non-profit organisations are still recovering from the financial effects of the pandemic and while the SABMR has managed to continue the lifesaving work it does, it relies heavily on donations from corporates and the public.

Since the campaign’s launch, R1000 has been raised towards Kethan’s fundraising target of R250 000.

Zolani backs Kethan

Singer, and songwriter, Zolani Mahola, also known as, “The One who Sings”, will be backing the campaign this festive season through a series of awareness posts on social media to donors to invite donations to Kethan’s cause.

Pictured above: Zolani Mahola

Mahola says as a long-time SABMR ambassador, the cause remains close to her heart. 

“It is heart-wrenching to think what a family must go through when their loved one is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Nothing prepares you for the shock and devastation and in many cases, it is young children who are affected. Help me spread the word this festive season to bring hope and life to everyone in need of a stem cell transplant.”


To donate to this campaign visit:


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Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R370 Million.


FEEL GOOD | Young adult from the Cape Winelands dreams of becoming a qualified social worker to pay it forward

FEEL GOOD | Young adult from the Cape Winelands dreams of becoming a qualified social worker to pay it forward

Pictured above: Les-Leeco Koopman dreams of becoming a social worker. (Image Credit: Llewellyn Duim)

Les-Leeco Koopman, an 18-year-old young man who lives on Delheim farm in the Cape Winelands, has attended the Pebbles Project After-School Club for 11 years. 

The Pebbles Project is a non-profit organisation that partners with local farms in the Western Cape to establish and manage Early Childhood Development Centres and After-School Clubs on farms to enable children from farming communities to access quality education programmes, health, nutrition, and social work services. 

Currently in matric, Les-Leeco has his heart set on furthering his studies and giving back to the organisation which has been instrumental in his growth, by becoming a social worker.

The goal is to have Les-Leeco work alongside the Social Work team at Pebbles Project as an Auxiliary Social Worker (Social Work Assistant) once he’s completed his 12-month course at Hugenote Kollege, a private Christian post-school training institution.


Pictured above: Les-Leeco teaching rope-skipping to the other learners at the Pebbles Project After-School Club. (Image credit: Anna Lusty)


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

With his acceptance letter in hand to attend Hugenote Kollege in 2023, the only obstacle in the way of Les-Leeco’s dream of impacting the children on his farm, as well as children from neighbouring farming communities, is much-needed funding.

“I really want to become a Social Worker, because I see the children on my farm who are struggling to deal with their problems and they don’t have people to talk to. I want to help them to stay motivated. I love Pebbles, I’ve seen how they have helped people on my farm to follow their dreams.” – says Les-Leeco

With the goal of having Les-Leeco work along the Social Work team at Pebbles Project as an Auxiliary Social Worker (Social Work Assistant), the organisation has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, hoping the public will support ‘hard working’ Les-Leeco.


As Hugenote Kollege is a private institution, which does not offer bursaries and isn’t eligible for NSFAS (Government) funding, Les-Leeco will need to raise a total of R65 000, to cover his deposit, tuition fees, accommodation, and spending money, to begin his schooling. 

Since the launch of the campaign, over R8000 has been raised towards Les-Leeco’s campaign’s with kind contributions from 11 donors.

Pebbles Project Social Worker, Mineke Toerien, speaks highly of Les-Leeco and is excited about the possibility of having him join the Social Work team. Mineke says that: 

“Les-Leeco is a wonderful child. There is just something about him. I can say with certainty that he will make an exceptional Auxiliary Social Worker, he would be a great asset to the Social Work team. I know that he will have an immense impact on his community and on other farming communities. He will inspire so many. Please support this wonderful child’s dream so that he can help uplift communities and inspire other children on his farm to follow in his footsteps.” 


Pictured above: Les-Leeco at one of the Pebbles Project Ambassador Training Sessions. (Image Credit: Chris du Toit)

All donors who contribute towards Les-Leeco’s tuition fees are eligible to receive a Section 18A Tax Certificate, issued by the Pebbles Project.

“Les-Leeco has put in a lot of work to get good grades in order to get accepted at Hugenote Kollege. He’s really given his all to take the first step towards getting accepted to study. We kindly ask to please help him take the next step in pursuing his dream.” – says Liesl Ahlers, Pebbles Project Ambassador Mentor.

Support Les-Leeco’s campaign on BackaBuddy:


Alternatively, donate Via Snapscan:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R370 Million.

FEEL GOOD| Environmental Activist (11) to protect seabirds from menacing mice this Christmas

FEEL GOOD| Environmental Activist (11) to protect seabirds from menacing mice this Christmas

Romario Valentine, an 11-year-old eco-warrior from Umhlanga, Durban, has a deep-rooted passion to protect and preserve our planet.

Echoing Dr Wangari Maathai’s mantra ‘To the young people I say, you are a gift to your communities and indeed the world. You are our hope and future.’

Proving that you’re never too young to make a difference, Romario has received international recognition for his environmental efforts.


An impressive resume 

To date Romario has done over 250 beach cleans and planted/sponsored over 455 trees in 31 countries around the world. 

During the covid lockdown in 2020, with the support of his fans, family and friends he launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to support 900 endangered bird species for Umgeni River Bird sanctuary in Durban. Read More.

In, 2021 Romario launched his second campaign on BackaBuddy, for the completion of an aviary for 90 abandoned African Grey parrots for Birds of Eden, Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape. They are the largest free-flight sanctuary in the world, which includes their free-roaming forest primate sanctuaries in Western Cape and Ballito, Durban.  Read more.


Romario made history by becoming the youngest Ambassador for Ocean Sole, a Kenyan company that recycles flip-flops that wash ashore. 

He has represented South Africa on a panel at The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and has appeared in multiple media publications including 50/50, Extreme E’s Virtual Series Launch, National Geographic Kids, Global Citizen to name a few.

To inspire the next generation of nature lovers, Romario enthusiastically launched his first book in September 2022 titled ‘Protect our Planet – Take action with Romario’. The comprehensive guide focuses on key environmental topics – from recycling and reforestation to pollution solutions and climate change. Read More.


“I have always been passionate about nature and biodiversity. However, when I was 6, I participated in a school play as an orca. I did research with my mother and discovered the damage pollutants were doing to orcas and other marine species. I realised this could lead to their extinction and cause an imbalance in the ocean’s ecosystem. I embarked on a mission to clean the beach at least once a week ever since.” – says Romario

Crowdfunding this Christmas

This Christmas, Romario who has been chosen as 2022 BirdLife SA Owlet laureate, is championing conservation efforts of seabirds such as albatrosses, petrels and penguins, which all play a vital role in the marine ecosystem. 

With a crowdfunding campaign launched on BackaBuddy, Romario hopes to raise R11 000 which will support BirdLife’s Mouse-free Marion Project.


Currently, BirdLife South Africa is on a mission to eradicate rodents wreaking havoc among bird species on Marion Island. The sub-Antarctic island is located South East of Cape Town in the Southern Indian Ocean. Birds such as the albatross – wandering, sooty, grey-headed and petrels are on a rapid decline. 

It’s believed that stowaway mice in the 19th century from sealers and whalers’ ships infiltrated the island. These invasive predators have now started eating seabird chicks therefore not allowing them to reach adulthood. The adult birds are affected too not only by the mice but climate change and other human activities. Due to the severity of the infestation, the adult birds have not adapted any defences against these predators.  

Since the launch of the campaign, over R1400 has been raised with contributions from 5 donors which will save the bird species on Marion Island from extinction and restore the ecosystem by eliminating the menacing mice. 

“With your help, you can be part of this legacy, to restore the beautiful seabirds and other biodiversity on Marion island . When we take care of nature. We take care of ourselves.” – Romario

Help Protect Bird Life on Marion Island on BackaBuddy:  


Alternatively, donate Via Snapscan:


Romario has raised a total of R56 000 on BackaBuddy to support the natural environment since 2020.

Purchase Romario’s Book

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R360 Million.