Kidney Transplant | Family Rejoices as Mom Becomes Living Donor to Save Son’s Life

Kidney Transplant | Family Rejoices as Mom Becomes Living Donor to Save Son’s Life

Shaun Phelan (23), an electrical apprentice from Stanger, Kwa-Zulu Natal, learned that his dad, Shaun (Senior), was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure in January 2020.

Just 3 months later, doctors discovered that his kidney function was less than 4%.

Hearing that her son and her husband of over 24 years were facing equally difficult obstacles was extremely difficult for Sharon and her family.

“I watched my diabetic husband, who was always active, go through a bypass, then dialysis, and then he was completely reliant on a wheelchair. Then Shaun got sick, which was a major shock, as he had always been healthy.” – says Sharon.


Sadly, Shaun Senior (55) who was a wonderful and giving person, succumbed to kidney failure on 5 October 2021, as he was ineligible for a kidney transplant due to his health problems.

In the absence of his dad, who he loved dearly, Shaun was determined to defeat his diagnosis and was fully focused on his health.  Shaun underwent dialysis 3 times a week for up to 6 hours.

“Mom was my Miracle”

Facing the reality that Shaun’s only hope of a ‘normal and functioning’ life, was to have a kidney transplant as soon as possible, Sharon dutifully volunteered to get tested, hoping to beat the 50/50 odds of becoming a kidney donor for her son.

Undergoing blood type, crossmatch, and HLA testing (tissue typing), Sharon was elated to learn that she was a perfect match for Shaun.


“I am really happy that I am a match for my son as this means that he can get the transplant sooner and not have to wait for a match to be found. I hoped that the transplant would be a success so that he can carry on and live his dream and he would not be held back as he was at that moment” – says Sharon

Saving Shaun’s life

With a donor match secured, Shaun was scheduled to undergo his kidney transplant at Netcare St Augustine’s Hospital on 23 June 2022.

To help cover the donor costs not covered by Shaun’s medical aid, as well as Shaun’s transplant and living expenses before and after the life-saving transplant, Sharon had launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy.


A kidney transplant will save Shaun’s life


Since the launch of the campaign, over R69 000 has been raised with kind contributions from 50 donors.


Thank you for your support and for walking the transplant journey with me. I couldn’t have done this without you! The transplant took place on the 14th of June, 2022. The transplant was a success, and the doctors are happy with my progress. My blood levels are coming back to normal slowly.

My mother is also doing well and is recovering well. I am on numerous different medications to help with anti-rejection, blood pressure, etc. And medication is really costly. The bills are also starting to come in now from the hospital.

The transplant has impacted my family’s and my life in a positive way as I have not had the need to do dialysis since the 13th of June 2022 because the transplanted kidney has worked immediately after the operation being done. If anything, this journey has taught me one thing is that the support from your friends and family helps with a speedy recovery and makes everything a bit easier to cope with.

The donations so far have helped me to pay urgent bills that needed to be paid and have made life a bit easier in terms of stress levels.

Support this campaign on BackaBuddy:

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Become an Organ Donor:

By becoming an organ donor you can save 7 lives and help 50 people.

Register with the Organ Donor Foundation here.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R350 Million.


Successful Surgery | Born with 3 Congenital Heart Defects, Baby Liané receives life-saving operation

Successful Surgery | Born with 3 Congenital Heart Defects, Baby Liané receives life-saving operation

Liané Roux, a 10-month old baby from Secunda, Mpumalanga has faced a number of serious health issues since the start of her life, as a result of being born with 3 congenital heart defects.

Concerned that their daughter (who was 4 months old at the time) was showing signs of a fever, had difficulty breathing, and was tired all the time, doting parents Ashley (26) and Quintin Roux (36), took her to their local hospital, where she was initially diagnosed with a Grade 5 Cardiac Systolic Murmur.

A week later, after seeing a heart specialist at Steve Biko hospital, the family learned that Liané’s condition was much greater than anticipated, discovering that she was born with 3 congenital heart defects: VSD, DORV and TGA.



Liané’s condition in more detail:
  • Ventricular septal defect (VSD), a hole in the heart, is a common heart defect that’s present at birth. The hole (defect) occurs in the wall (septum) that separates the heart’s lower chambers (ventricles) and allows blood to pass from the left to the right side of the heart. The oxygen-rich blood then gets pumped back to the lungs instead of out to the body, causing the heart to work harder. 
  • Double-outlet right ventricle (DORV), occurs when two large blood vessels don’t connect to the heart normally. In infants born with this condition, the main artery that carries blood from the heart to the body (aorta) and the artery that directs blood from the heart to the lungs (pulmonary artery) connect partially or completely to the right lower heart chamber (ventricle). Sometimes these blood vessels are also reversed from their normal positions. 
  • Transposition of the great arteries (TGA), is a serious, rare heart problem in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed (transposed). Source


Mending Liané’s Heart

As a result of her condition, Liané was at high risk of getting respiratory infections and ultimately suffering heart failure, when her parents approached the Maboneng Heart and Lung Institute in Johannesburg, the only hospital willing to perform the life-saving surgery she needed.

Under tremendous stress, realising that almost R1 Million rand was needed to save their daughter’s life, the Roux family launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, hoping to secure the astronomical cost of the surgery, as they don’t have medical aid.

Proud parents Ashley and Quintin holding Liané


“Words cannot describe the level of fear and heartbreak we felt hearing the words ‘heart failure’, knowing that we had a financial mountain to climb and a race against time, to save the life of our little angel.” – says Quintin 

With generous support, the campaign raised almost R600 000, with contributions from 436 donors, that allowed the family to cover the first three invoices for Liané procedure.


By the grace of God, Liané successfully had her surgery on Friday, April 22 at the Sunninghill Hospital in Johannesburg.

After recovering from her surgery in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit, Liané underwent a second operation to have a pacemaker fitted, that will be able to control her heartbeat.

To support the family with Liané’s aftercare, monthly costs, and outstanding medical fees, donations are still welcome to the little one’s fundraiser, while she waits to be added to her medical aid.

“While we are not out of the woods in terms finances, we couldn’t be more thankful for the community that lovingly formed around us to help fix Liané’s heart. Without people sharing our story and shouting it loudly, we don’t what we would have done. Our little baby has a beautiful future ahead of her” – says Ashley


Support Liané by making a donation on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan:

Quintin and Liané

For updates, follow Liané’s Facebook page:

Klerksdorp Mom succumbs to injuries 5 months after hit-and-run accident in Cape Town.

Klerksdorp Mom succumbs to injuries 5 months after hit-and-run accident in Cape Town.

Charlene Drotsky (34), a stay-at-home mom from Klerksdorp, North West, was involved in a hit-and-run accident on 2 April 2022, while on holiday with her fiancé, Corné Viljoen (39) in Malmesbury, Cape Town.

After spending a night out with friends, a man with a bakkie offered to give Charlene and her friends a lift home. Charlene, who was the last one to be dropped off that night, could never have imagined what would happen next.

When Charlene arrived at her destination and tried to exit the vehicle, the driver reversed unexpectedly, trapping Charlene’s left leg under the front wheel of the vehicle.

Instead of stopping to help Charlene, who cried out in pain, the panicked driver tried to make his escape, driving over Charlene’s waist with the front and back tyre of his vehicle, before leaving her in severe pain on the road.


Charlene Drotsky before the accident

Hearing the commotion outside, Corné rushed to Charlene’s side and phoned emergency services. The driver had already vanished.

Speaking to News24, Corné said:

“When I saw what has happened to my fiancé, I thought it was over for her. I saw her getting pulled in under a bakkie, I saw her getting dragged into the road. I can still hear her screaming for help as I tried my best to fight the driver to switch off his bakkie, but I was too weak,”

“I managed to run a few metres away from the vehicle towards her as I thought he drove over her head. I remember I started shouting and screaming at God, asking him to please not let my fiancé die,”

Multiple Injuries

After her ordeal, Charlene was treated for critical injuries at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town.

She sustained multiple injuries including a broken scapula, pelvis and several broken ribs. She also suffered internal bleeding that resulted in her contracting septicemia and had bleeding on her lungs that needed to be drained. Due to the damage to Charlene’s pelvis, she also lost the function of her left leg.

“Charlene is a wonderful mother and a kind-hearted person who didn’t deserve to be discarded the way she was. This incident has devastated our family, especially Charlene’s two boys, Cayden (13) and Calden (9), who weren’t convinced that she survived the ordeal. They don’t understand what has happened and cry daily for her to come home” – says Charlene’s sister, Marcelle



On Friday, 19 August 2022, after almost 5 months in hospital, Charlene sadly succumbed to her injuries after her hit-and-run accident.

After days of struggling with her protein levels and getting Refeeding syndrome, Charlene’s condition turned critical. Her blood pressure skyrocketed, her breathing became short and fast, she struggled to recognise loved ones, and then finally her organs began to fail.

Our hearts go out to Charlene’s husband Corné, their two boys Cayden and Calden, her sister Marcelle, as well as everyone who knew and loved Charlene.

“Charlene faught so hard for so long. She was a real warrior. My heart is shattered. I didn’t just lose my sister, I lost my mom and my best friend too. She’s was everything to me. She took me in when we lost our mom. I don’t know how I’ll cope but I will keep strong for her kids and I promised her I will always love then as they were my own” -says Marcelle

Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

In April 2022, Marcelle, Charlene’s sister launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, that raised over R50 000 through kind contributions from over 42 donors, which became a lifeboat for the family, who struggled to cover Charlene’s extensive medical costs as she didn’t have medical aid.

“The most difficult thing is feeling hopeless and helpless when someone you love is struggling or in pain. We couldn’t be more thankful for the love and support we were shown after Charlene’s horrific ordeal” – says Marcelle

If anyone would like to support Charlene’s family as they come to terms with their insurmountable loss, any additional funds raised, will be used to help cover the cost of Charlene’s funeral and support her family with anything they may need during this painful time.

Support Charlene on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R323 Million.


Transportation needed to keep singing dream alive for 40 disadvantaged youngsters from Cape Town

Transportation needed to keep singing dream alive for 40 disadvantaged youngsters from Cape Town

“When I am with the choir, I feel like somebody who is worth something.”

Rachel’s face lit up as she uttered these words. At 14 years old she is one of 40 young members of the Junior Rosa Choir, established by the Cape Cultural Collective in 2016.

The Cape Cultural Collective focuses on communities in the City of Cape Town. The CCC unites communities and promotes personal and community development through the Arts.



The children who are between the ages of 10 and 14 reside in Manenberg, Langa, Kalksteenfontein, Gugulethu, Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu. Many of their families face a daily struggle for survival. They battle to make a living and put food on the table. Some experience the trauma of gang violence.

For a few hours every week, they can relax and experience the joy of singing together without restraint. They gather for practice under the guidance of a qualified music teacher, singing in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa. The excitement and the energy are palpable as the young ones express themselves in their regular sanctuary.



Their confidence and self-esteem grow visibly. Singing together breaks down cultural, language and spatial divisions. Music improves their learning abilities and promotes harmony among the singers. They also participate in performances, an annual concert and a summer camp.

The partners in the initiative are the CCC and the Denis Goldberg House of Hope, an arts development centre in Hout Bay inspired by the late Rivonia trialist who was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 along with Nelson Mandela and others.

About 16 children from the Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu communities are part of the choir.


Transporting Talent

One of our biggest needs to ensure the sustainability of the Junior Rosa Choir is transport, which accounts for about half of the choir’s expenses annually.

To help cover the fuel costs for the remainder of the year, estimated to cost R30 000, a crowdfunding campaign has been launched on BackaBuddy, so that the children can continue their magical experience of singing, developing and moving around the City.


“Transportation is expensive. Some of the factors that drive up the costs of transport are high petrol prices and long distances which result from the legacy of spatial arrangements during the time of segregation.” – says Kay Jaffer, Founder of the Junior Rosa Choir

Support the Junior Rosa Choir on BackaBuddy:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R320 Million.

Durban Floods | Community helps 10-year-old after the ‘unspeakable’ loss of her entire family

Durban Floods | Community helps 10-year-old after the ‘unspeakable’ loss of her entire family

On Tuesday, 12 April 2022, during the torrential rains and flooding that devastated the most part of KwaZulu-Natal, Shakirah, a young girl, aged 10, had her entire world ripped from her, in the most unspeakable and unutterable manner.

During the early hours of the morning, at about 04:00, at their home near the Palmiet Nature Reserve in Westville, Haji, aged 34, his wife Halima, aged 29, and their 10 month old baby, Kevin, died in a horrific mudslide, when the bank and retaining wall behind their home collapsed, destroying their home, and claiming their lives.

Miraculously, their 10 year old daughter, Shakirah survived.

The bodies of Haji, Halima and Kevin were only recovered more than 12 hours later at approximately 17:00, after the Malawian community came together to physically dig, not stopping until they were found.

Haji was retrieved first, under more than 2 metres of mud, thereafter Kevin, and then Halima.

Shakirah lost not only every little possession she ever owned, but everything and everyone close to her heart. Her entire world has been taken from her, in the most treacherous circumstances. Shakirah has been forced to face life without the only people who have always been there for her, loved her and cared for her.

Shakirah has shown utter bravery during the past few days, despite her complete heartache, and has been kept safe and homed by many of us. Her future and where she will end up, is at this stage uncertain.

We, as the families that Haji and Halima not only worked for, but whose lives were touched by them, are absolutely devastated by their deaths. The loss is deeply felt by us, and throughout our homes. Haji and Halima, became a part of our families. They genuinely cared for us, and would do anything to make our lives easier.

Shakirah’s family home was destroyed in the Durban Floods

Standing in for Shakirah

To support Shakirah’s future, and take care of her  imminent needs such as clothing, school supplies, toiletries, a cell phone and the day to day basics, Jason and Vanessa Norris, Mark & Megan Sponneck, Mildred Moore (Busybee Daycare), Lenard and Lauren Hall, and Mechell Chetty have launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy.

No task was ever too much for them . We are utterly heartbroken by this tragedy.  They were the most incredible family. Honest, kind and loyal. Their passing has left a huge hole in our hearts and daily lives.

Since the launch of the campaign, 212 donors have contributed more than R300 000 to support Shakirah as she comes to terms with the life-changing tragedy she has experienced.

All funds raised will be administered by a Trust, in order to fund Shakirah’s day to day needs and education.

We know that Haji and Halima would be so appreciative of any act of kindness, no matter how big or small. As Shakirah slowly starts to pick up the pieces of her life which has forever been changed, we hope to help her in whatever way we can to ease her financial burdens and to provide for her future, as her parents had previously done.

Support Shakirah on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R320 Million.