Shadrack Kuchale speaks out for the first time since the armed robbery that left him paralysed

Shadrack Kuchale speaks out for the first time since the armed robbery that left him paralysed

On 1 September 2021, in the early hours of the morning, Shadrack Kuchale (38) From Cosmo City, Johannesburg, was on his way to work, when he was attacked and held at gunpoint. 

The situation soon escalated when the assailants shot the father of two in the neck, stole his cellphone, and dragged him to the nearby ATM, withdrawing R5000 from his bank account.

With complete disregard for Shadrack’s life and well-being, he was left for dead in the street. Fighting for his life and in severe pain,  Shadrack waited 12 hours for a bed at the local government hospital before eventually being admitted.

Pictured above: Shadrack and his wife, Eunice, and their two children.


Forever changed

After being assessed by a neurosurgeon, and having a CT scan, Shadrack’s worst fears were soon realized: The bullet from the attack entered the highest part of his spine, shattering his spinal cord, and then traveled to his lung and punctured it.

Sadly, Shadrack is now completely paralysed from the shoulders down and will remain a quadriplegic for the rest of his life, as no amount of physiotherapy can restore his spinal fluid or movement in his body. 

Supporting Shadrack

Before Shadrack’s life-changing ordeal, he was the breadwinner for his wife, and two children aged 8 and 11, earning R6400 a month. He was a beacon of hope in his community, and a true leader everyone admired and looked up to.

“I want nothing more than to provide for my family, find a job that gives me purpose and meaning in this life, a hobby that can give me peace of mind and keep my mind occupied. Most of all, I want to continue being the hero I have always been in my home, and get back some of the dignity that I didn’t lose, but was taken from me” – says Shadrack

Shadrack and his wife, Eunice, and their two children.

To help Shadrack cover his ongoing medical costs and living expenses after this life-altering attack, non-profit organisation, The Angel Network, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to lend a helping hand.

Since Shadrack’s campaign launched on 16 September 2021, over R350 000 has been raised to support him and his family with medical costs as well as monthly expenses such as rent, food and school fees.

“I would never have imagined that so many people would open their hearts for me in my time of need, and carry me on their shoulders during my darkest moments. Without the donors, I don’t know how I would have made it to this point. ‘Thank you’ will never be enough” – says Shadrack

Now half a year later, most of the funds that were raised for Shadrack’s care have been put to good use, covering his extensive medical needs, say Carin Silberman and Gail Mabalane, good samaritans who have walked alongside Shadrack.

“Shadrack and his wife, who is employed as a domestic worker, have faced tremendous financial pressure, dealing with their new reality and could use all our continued love and support. Shadrack and his family have a long road to healing ahead both physically and emotionally.” – say Carin  & Gail Mabalane

For those wanting to support Shadrack’s well-being on a monthly basis, his needs are as follows:

  • Rent R5500
  • Food R3000
  • Transport kids R1300
  • Transport to hospital R800
  • Transport to Church R1000
  • Water R700
  • Lights R800
  • Caregiver R2000

With support, Shadrack hopes to get a lighter wheelchair that will enable him to move more freely. God willing, Shadrack would desperately like to begin Trauma counselling to address the emotional scars that still haven’t healed since his ordeal.

Support Shadrack’s recovery by making a donation on BackaBuddy: 

Alternatively donate via Snapscan 

All donors are eligible for a Section 18A tax certificate issued by The Angel Network.

Connect with The Angel Network

The Angel Network is an organization, run solely via the power of social media. They are a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO: 181-947) and Public Benefits Organisation (PBO).

Their goal is to create a gateway for giving. A platform from which helping where help is needed, is easily accessible to anyone wanting to do a little more, and give a little more.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


‘Go-getter’ Brewery owner faces mounting medical bills while in an induced coma after contracting covid-19 Demo

‘Go-getter’ Brewery owner faces mounting medical bills while in an induced coma after contracting covid-19 Demo

Local master distiller and brewery owner, Peter Dickens (53), from Overstrand, Western Cape, was hospitalized on 24 July 2021, and remains in high ICU care in critical condition, after contracting COVID-19.

Pictured above: Peter Dickens

After the Provincial Hospital in Hermanus had done everything they could to help Peter with the equipment they had, Peter was transferred to Mediclinic as he was in need of emergency intervention, and he did not qualify for higher care treatment in another Provincial Hospital.

As Peter is unable to breathe without the help of a ventilator, and his progress has been slow and unpredictable, Mediclinic predicts Peter’s recovery will be prolonged.

Pictured above: Karen holds Peter’s hand in ICU

Mounting medical bills

Without medical aid, the cost of Peter’s hospitalization as a private patient has reached a staggering R700 000 to date, which has placed tremendous financial stress on the family, who are doing everything they can to keep him in hospital to get the help he desperately needs.

Currently, it costs approximately R25 000 a day to keep Peter at the private facility, a moving target which only escalates as various procedures and interventions are required. Being a private patient, the family also needs to cover the medical costs a week in advance.

Pictured above: Peter with his wife Karen of 28 years

Upon hearing about Peter’s deteriorating health, Karen’s customer, now friend, Diane Forster, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to appeal to the public for support during this difficult time.

With the support of 80 donations both big and small, over R 200 000 has been raised since the launch of the campaign that hopes to raise over R700 000 to get the beloved business owner the best treatment.

“Life doesn’t have a price, hope does. That hope is captured in every contribution that is made. Many of us will never meet Peter, but each one who has contributed will know that in these very difficult times they made a difference. Our BackaBuddy campaign is simply about making a difference to Peter and his family, but right now, the reality is that Karen doesn’t need another casserole, she needs cash. ” – says Diane

The Dickens family has been overwhelmed by support

“To our wonderful donors, thank you for raising us on your shoulders and the immense power of your support for my ‘Miracle Man’ who has the biggest heart in the world. Thank you for the out-pour of love and care, it means the world to us knowing we are not alone. Your donations humble me, and gives me strength knowing we can keep on fighting. My gratitude extends to thankless, tiresome efforts by the Doctors, Sisters and all the Hospital staff for all the have done for my Peter” – says Karen

Donate to support Peter’s medical treatment on BackaBuddy here:

Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan here: 

More info:

Peter is the owner of The Spirit of Hermanus operating as Old Tin Hat Brewery, Folk & Goode Brewing Company and Fiddler’s spirit range

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.

Crowdfunding campaign brings hope to Pearl’s children after her tragic murder

Crowdfunding campaign brings hope to Pearl’s children after her tragic murder

On the 3rd of August 2020, Hlengiwe Msimango (30), affectionately known as ‘Pearl’, lost her life, when she was tragically killed by her husband, who allegedly mistook her for an intruder in their home in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Described as “a vibrant soul who brought joy to everyone she encountered”, Pearl is sorely missed by her loved ones, as well as her 2-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter who devastatingly witnessed her mother’s death a year ago.


Since the heartbreaking incident, a murder charge has been laid against Pearl’s husband Mosa Ntsibande, and his pre-trial will begin on the 14 October in the High Court in Johannesburg. 

According to The World Health Organisation (WHO), 12.1 in every 100 000 women are victims of femicide in South Africa each year – a figure which is five times worse than the global average.

“I hope that Pearl gets the justice she deserves and that this case will be a lesson to all men that heinous actions have consequences” – says KT Swart, a friend of Pearl.

Keeping Pearl’s memory alive

To honour the life and memory of her friend, KT has done her best to provide for Pearl’s children in her absence, by covering their schooling costs, and delivering food and nappies whenever she can.

Reaching out to the public for support, KT has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to help cover the cost of the children’s trauma counselling, as well as their education and living expenses for the foreseeable future.

Pictured above: KT and Pearl

Through generous donations, over R8000 has been raised since the launch of the crowdfunding campaign.

KT’s dream is to see Pearl’s children finish university and lead happy, independent, successful lives, which is what Pearl would’ve wanted.

“I am sure there are many out there, like me, who would like to donate to this cause in an attempt to positively impact the lives of these two precious children who have already dealt with so much. Please support our plight to change the trajectory of these children’s lives, and to keep Pearl’s memory alive.  #JusticeForHlengiwe” – says KT

Support Pearl’s children by donating BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, donate Snapscan: 

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.

‘Go-getter’ Brewery owner faces mounting medical bills while in an induced coma after contracting covid-19

‘Go-getter’ Brewery owner faces mounting medical bills while in an induced coma after contracting covid-19

Local master distiller and brewery owner, Peter Dickens (53), from Overstrand, Western Cape, was hospitalized on 24 July 2021, and remains in high ICU care in critical condition, after contracting COVID-19.

Pictured above: Peter Dickens

After the Provincial Hospital in Hermanus had done everything they could to help Peter with the equipment they had, Peter was transferred to Mediclinic as he was in need of emergency intervention, and he did not qualify for higher care treatment in another Provincial Hospital.

As Peter is unable to breathe without the help of a ventilator, and his progress has been slow and unpredictable, Mediclinic predicts Peter’s recovery will be prolonged.

Pictured above: Karen holds Peter’s hand in ICU

Mounting medical bills

Without medical aid, the cost of Peter’s hospitalization as a private patient has reached a staggering R700 000 to date, which has placed tremendous financial stress on the family, who are doing everything they can to keep him in hospital to get the help he desperately needs.

Currently, it costs approximately R25 000 a day to keep Peter at the private facility, a moving target which only escalates as various procedures and interventions are required. Being a private patient, the family also needs to cover the medical costs a week in advance. 

Pictured above: Peter with his wife Karen of 28 years

Upon hearing about Peter’s deteriorating health, Karen’s customer, now friend, Diane Forster, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, to appeal to the public for support during this difficult time.

With the support of 80 donations both big and small, over R200 000 has been raised since the launch of the campaign that hopes to raise over R700 000 to get the beloved business owner the best treatment.

“Life doesn’t have a price, hope does. That hope is captured in every contribution that is made. Many of us will never meet Peter, but each one who has contributed will know that in these very difficult times they made a difference. Our BackaBuddy campaign is simply about making a difference to Peter and his family, but right now, the reality is that Karen doesn’t need another casserole, she needs cash. ” – says Diane

The Dickens family has been overwhelmed by support

“To our wonderful donors, thank you for raising us on your shoulders and the immense power of your support for my ‘Miracle Man’ who has the biggest heart in the world. Thank you for the out-pour of love and care, it means the world to us knowing we are not alone. Your donations humble me, and gives me strength knowing we can keep on fighting. My gratitude extends to thankless, tiresome efforts by the Doctors, Sisters and all the Hospital staff for all the have done for my Peter” – says Karen

Donate to support Peter’s medical treatment on BackaBuddy here:

Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan here: 

More info:

Peter is the owner of The Spirit of Hermanus operating as Old Tin Hat Brewery, Folk & Goode Brewing Company and Fiddler’s spirit range 

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


When people come together, we can change the world.

When people come together, we can change the world.

300 000+ donors have supported over 30 000+ heroes like you through their medical treatment, education or have rewarded a gesture of kindness by paying it forward on BackaBuddy.



We thank our generous donors and hardworking campaign creators everyday for making the world a better place.



We are the shoulders on which heroes stand.



Here are a few inspiring stories of impact made possible through kind support.



Nkosikho’s good deed 


When Monet van Deventer stopped at a petrol station in Cape Town and realised she had forgotten her bank card at home, good samaritan, Nkosikho Mbele, offered to fill her tank with R100 to ensure she got home safely.

To thank him for his kind deed, she set up a campaign with a fundraising target of R100 000 that soon gained support from over 2500 donors, raising over R500 000 in total.




Saving Aaron

Aaron Lipschitz (5) from Sea Point, Cape Town, is the first child in South Africa to be diagnosed with Interleukin-12 Receptor Defect, a rare genetic condition that affects the immune system.

With no cure for Aaron’s condition, the only way for him to overcome his recurrent infections, was to have a bone marrow transplant which was made possible in August 2018 with the support of generous donors.

To date, over R1.6 Million has been raised to support Aaron’s medical treatment on BackaBuddy.





Eco-warrior, Romario Valentine 

Romario Valentine (11) is a young eco-warrior from Umhlanga, Durban, who has dedicated his last two birthdays to raise funds to support his favourite bird park, plant trees and build an aviary.

Focused on saving our environment, Romario’s efforts have garnered international attention, and he has been featured by 50/50, National Geographic Kids, Global Citizen and has even appeared on a panel with The United Nations!  


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Naledi’s heart surgery

When Naledi Thahanyane was 4-years-old, she was in urgent need of surgery after it was discovered that she had a heart defeat.

Without the funds to cover Naledi’s medical needs, the children’s home in which she lives, reached out for support. With an outpouring of love and support, over R260 000 was raised to save her life. 


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Rebuilding Knysna

In the wake of the Knysna Fires in June 2017, Former Miss South Africa, Demi Leigh Nel Peters launched a campaign on BackaBuddy to help rebuild her hometown after fires raged through the Garden Route.

Urging South Africans to support her cause for the Sedgefield Lions Club, over R820 000 was raised, exceeding the initial target of R500 000 to provide supplies for the families that lost their homes and livelihoods in the blaze.




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