One-year-old Aria Payton Botha, a little warrior from the South Coast of Durban, KwaZulu Natal, is battling severe hearing loss in both ears and could potentially receive the gift of sound for the first time through a cochlear implant in the next three months. With the unwavering support of her family and community, her parents aim to raise funds for this life-changing operation through a BackaBuddy campaign.

Aria’s mother, Meghan (35), describes her as a fiery, independent, and lively little girl, whose spirit shines brightly even in the face of challenges. “Nothing stops this little girl,” Meghan beams with pride, “she is the epitome of an absolute warrior princess.”

Despite her hearing impairment, Aria finds joy in simple pleasures like car rides and playing outdoors. Her infectious spirit inspires hope and strength in those around her.

Caption Image: Baby Aria at 12 Months Old


Aria’s arrival was not without its trials. After experiencing the heartbreak of two back-to-back miscarriages, Meghan and her husband Nick (39) found renewed hope when they learned of Aria’s impending arrival. Aria, as Meghan fondly recalls, brought a sense of joy and anticipation that filled their hearts with newfound hope.

But joy turned to concern when, shortly after her birth, it became evident that Aria was facing hearing impairment. Despite the initial setbacks and inconclusive test results, Meghan’s maternal instinct urged her to seek answers and solutions for her daughter’s well-being.

After consulting with an ENT specialist, it was confirmed that Aria had severe hearing loss in both ears, a diagnosis that shattered Meghan’s heart. However, her resolve remained unbroken as she vowed to do whatever it takes to ensure Aria’s quality of life.


Caption Image: Baby Aria at 11-months-old


The journey to explore treatment options led Meghan and her family down a path filled with uncertainty but also with unwavering determination.

“I feel our family has become closed and we have seen sides to our boys that we didn’t even know existed. My eldest (17) came home the other day and told me that he had spoken to his principal to see if their school could do a fundraiser because we absolutely have to get Aria her implants … I teared up right there!” says Meghan.

In response to the urgent need for medical assistance, Meghan initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. With a fundraising target of R200,000 to cover surgery, implants, and therapy appointments, the community rallies behind Aria’s by raising over R20 000 thus far from 24 donors.

Meghan reflects on the overwhelming response from their community, saying, “To say that we have been overwhelmed by the love and support is an understatement.”

The campaign, fueled by compassion and generosity, has garnered support from far and wide, bringing them closer to their fundraising target with each passing day. As the campaign continues to gain momentum, Meghan remains grateful for every donation, every share, and every word of encouragement.

“I could absolutely never express in words the amount of gratitude that I have for everyone who has helped in some way,” she says tearfully, “if I ever had the money available to pay it forward, I could assure you that another child would receive their cochlear implants just like Aria is going to.”

Caption Image: Baby Aria at 13 months old


Update on her progress:

On the 11th of March 2024, Aria underwent a significant milestone in her journey toward hearing restoration. Accompanied by her family, she visited

the audiologist to have her hearing aids fitted. As the devices were turned on, Aria’s reaction was immediate and emotional, shedding tears in response to the unfamiliar sensation. The audiologist noted that while this reaction does not conclusively indicate Aria’s ability to hear, it suggests sensitivity to vibrations in her ears.

However, this reaction also provides encouraging insights into Aria’s condition. The audiologist remarked that her response indicates the absence of damage to her cochlea or nerves, a crucial factor for potential candidacy for Cochlear implants. This news brings relief to Aria’s family, as it opens up possibilities for her future treatment.


Our little Aria was fitted with hearing aids today. Not all reactions are smiles and joy sometimes the feeling is overwhelmed and scared 💔 What we know from this visit is that her nerves are in tact and her cochlear is functions. We dont know what sound she is hearing and the depth of the sound, it may even just be vibrations. Check in with the audiologist in 2 weeks ❤️❤️

♬ original sound – Aria | hearing Journey


To support Aria, visit her BackaBuddy campaign link here:


Follow Aria’s journey on her Tiktok:
