Musa, a young man known for his infectious smile and enthusiastic spirit, is no stranger to life’s difficulties. Bound to a wheelchair due to Polio, Musa is also an orphan who has never had the opportunity to attend school or experience the joy of reading and writing. He faces challenges in finding work, and on top of the daily struggles that come with navigating life on wheels, Musa finds solace and happiness in one thing that many South Africans hold dear, rugby.

As a dedicated member of a wheelchair rugby team in Mandeville, Musa plays under the guidance of his coach, Ilan Guest. Ilan has coached the team for many years and has a personal understanding of Musa’s plight, as his own brother is also wheelchair-bound. According to Susan Schaum, “He is a selfless and generous individual,” she said of Ilan.

Ilan further explains the extraordinary effort Musa puts into getting to practise each week, saying that despite his many challenges, he pushes himself to make the 10km round trip on busy roads to attend. Missing practice is a rare occurrence for Musa, even though his wheelchair was on the brink of collapse. “The frame is cracked. No welding can salvage it. At some stage, it will collapse with him in it, heaven forbid on a busy road and far from help,” Ilan said.

Determined to lighten Musa’s load, Ilan initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to provide him with “the best chair he has ever had.” And the response from South Africans has been nothing short of astounding. In just two days, the campaign was fully funded, raising R30,000, and it didn’t stop there. The campaign had surpassed its goal, reaching an impressive R46,150, thanks to the generosity of 81 donors!

This means that not only will Musa get a new wheelchair, but he will also receive additional support for adult-based learning and essentials like shoes, a backpack, axles, and tyres.

The way South Africans rallied behind Musa’s campaign is a remarkable testament to the spirit of community and generosity that thrives in this country. It’s a victory that can stand proudly alongside any Springbok triumph-a reminder that when we come together, we can truly change lives.

SOURCE: Good Things Guy