Local Mom’s Courageous Struggle: Niki Gardner’s Fight Against 3c Her2-Positive Breast Cancer

Local Mom’s Courageous Struggle: Niki Gardner’s Fight Against 3c Her2-Positive Breast Cancer

Cape Town – In October 2021, Niki Gardner a 36-year-old mother’s world took an unexpected turn when she discovered a lump in her breast while breastfeeding her son. It was then that her once beautiful life was turned on its axis as doctors diagnosed her with stage 3c Her2-positive breast cancer. This daunting revelation marked the beginning of a relentless battle against an adversary she never anticipated.

Pictured above: Niki Gardner

Soon after discovering the lump in her breast, Niki underwent a needle biopsy at Tygerberg Hospital, revealing lactation in the report. Subsequently, a sore manifested on her breast, progressively increasing in size and causing severe pain. Seeking a second opinion, Niki consulted another doctor who recommended a core needle biopsy, the results confirmed a positive diagnosis for cancer. Through various scans and tests, medical professionals eventually identified cancer present in both of Niki’s breasts and in her lymph nodes. 

‘This news was a devastating blow to my family and I, especially to my daughter who took the news the hardest.’ Niki shared. reflecting on the emotional turmoil that accompanied her diagnosis. It was a moment that shattered her world and profoundly affected her family, especially her 11-year-old daughter who refused to believe that this is happening to her mother.

The journey that ensued was nothing short of a grueling uphill climb. Niki underwent numerous medical tests, needle biopsies, and treatments, including the notorious “red devil” chemotherapy – Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide. Despite enduring its harsh side effects, none of these treatments initially proved effective. The toll was evident: hair loss, chronic fatigue, joint pain, nerve pain, and neuropathy became constant companions.

Pictured above: Niki’s smile shines through even during her hair loss journey

‘It took a while for me to process my diagnosis, but I quickly got my mind set right and knew I could beat this even though it was going to be hard. I knew I had to fight with all I have so I can be there for my children and see them grow up. I still have the fear of not being there no matter how positive I feel,’ Niki recalled, emphasizing her determination to overcome the obstacles.

Hope emerged for Niki when her oncologists recommended Herceptin, a targeted treatment showing promise for her condition. But, financial constraints proved to pose a significant obstacle especially without any medical aid.

However, Niki managed to undergo eight sessions of Herceptin, marking a significant step forward in her battle against cancer with the help of family and friends, who decided to support her financially.

‘The treatment is going well. The oncologists are happy with the results so far but I still have a long way to go and it is far from over,’ Niki expressed, acknowledging the uphill road ahead.

On 25 July 2023, Niki underwent a modified radical bilateral mastectomy with flap closure, a step necessitated by the aggressive nature of her cancer. This surgical intervention was followed by the removal of 21 lymph nodes, signifying a critical phase in her journey. 

But, the road to recovery continues with more rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, highlighting the ongoing challenges she faces.

Pictured above: Niki during her treatment

Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

Acknowledging the financial strain that accompanies such a journey, Niki has taken the step to launch a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy where she managed to raise over R4000 of her R250 000 target with the help of 10 wonderful donors. ‘Your donation is not just a financial contribution; but a lifeline for a family facing a formidable adversary.’ Niki appealed, expressing her gratitude for the support received.

Despite the challenges that have physically, emotionally, and financially impacted her family, Niki remains resolute. ‘I have a lot more bad days than good days but I make it a habit to, on those good days, make the best of it by spending as much time as possible playing and making memories with my children. I’ve come a long way, fighting and staying strong. Giving up is just not an option for me,’ she affirmed, underlining her unwavering determination.

As she continues her journey, Niki remains an inspiration to all those around her..

‘You never realize how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have,’ Niki concluded, urging others to stand together in the fight against cancer and offering hope to those facing similar challenges.


Support Niki’s campaign: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/niki-gardner


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

14-year-old Ben Fights an Unrelenting Adversary: Cystic Fibrosis

14-year-old Ben Fights an Unrelenting Adversary: Cystic Fibrosis

In the serene town of Ranzadale, Wellington, resides the Klopper family – a trio comprising 48-year-old dad, Bennie, 44-year-old mum, Nicolene, and their remarkable 14-year-old son, Ben. Life in the Klopper household may seem ordinary from the outside, but for this family, each day is a battle against an unrelenting adversary: cystic fibrosis.


Image above: 14-year-old brave soul Ben Klopper


Ben’s journey began with a diagnosis of Meconium ileus, a rare bowel obstruction that demanded immediate surgery following his birth, but the challenges didn’t stop there. Soon after, the family received another grim diagnosis – cystic fibrosis. This incurable genetic disorder relentlessly affects multiple organs, primarily the lungs. Thick mucus clogs Ben’s airways, turning each breath into a Herculean task, akin to inhaling through a straw. Their daily life revolves around nebulizing treatments, digesting hundreds of enzyme pills, and managing a multitude of medications. Hospitalizations, recurring infections, and missed school days have become part and parcel of Ben’s reality. 

“Ben has a lot of ups and downs currently with his health. As parents, it’s not easy for us to go public with Ben’s health condition, but we also can not sit back and do nothing.” says Bennie.


Image above: Ben and his parents Bennie and Nicolene Klopper


This hurdle however, hasn’t stopped Ben from dreaming and believing. Currently enrolled at Huguenot High School, Ben possesses an entrepreneurial spirit that he is certain will pave the way for his future accomplishments. Driven by an unwavering determination, he is adamant about never working for a boss and firmly believes in his potential to achieve success. In addition to his pursuits, Ben has a passion for playing the guitar and enjoys hitting the gym when his schedule allows.

“This year was the year Ben was out of school the most and his health became a challenge but Ben has never let that deter him and get in the way of his vibrant mind which is constantly teeming with new ideas. He holds a strong belief in himself, and openly acknowledges the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. Animals hold a special place in his heart, and his two dogs are his greatest companions.” Bennie states.


Image above: Ben, Nicolene and Bennie with their dog Fritz


For Ben and his family cystic fibrosis is an ongoing battle, but now a ray of optimism has emerged in the form of Trikafta, a revolutionary drug developed by Vertex. Trikafta has the potential to enhance lung function, facilitate weight gain, and boost energy levels for those grappling with cystic fibrosis. Unfortunately, the exorbitant cost of this medication places it far beyond the Klopper family’s reach. Neither medical aid nor Vertex’s efforts to make the drug accessible in South Africa seem promising.

Thankfully, an alternative solution exists – Trixicar, a more affordable version of the drug manufactured by Gador in Argentina. Yet, there is a hurdle. Trixicar remains inaccessible within the borders of South Africa, leaving the Klopper family at a crossroads, helplessly witnessing Ben’s condition deteriorate with each passing day.


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

To halt this heart-wrenching decline, the Klopper family urgently needs Trixicar. The price for this lifeline drug can range between R400,000 and R800,000, depending on dosage and exchange rates. It is at this critical juncture that the Kloppers are reaching out to their extended community, with a humble request for compassion.

The Klopper family has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy with a target of R400 000.00 of which they have managed to raise just over R100 000 with the help of 122 donors. This campaign, launched by the Klopper family, shines as a guiding light of optimism for Ben, offering a channel for their extended network to rally behind this brave young youth.


Image above: Ben at the hospital getting treated


We had to approach the world and ask for help funding Ben’s very expensive medication. I know there are very good people in this world who understand what we as parents go through, especially with Ben being our only child. I therefore from the bottom of my heart want to thank every good-hearted person who has helped us this far. Every anonymous person, who has donated, you know who you are, thank you so much. We are really grateful for every cent donated this far.Bennie expresses.

Your contribution has the power to transform Ben’s life, offering him the possibility of a brighter, healthier future. The Klopper family is profoundly grateful for any support you can offer, as they stand together, fighting for Ben’s chance to beat cystic fibrosis and live a life full of promise and hope. Your kind heartedness serves as a source of hope and resilience for the Klopper family and, above all, for Ben. United, we have the power to create a profound, life-altering difference in their lives.


Support Ben’s BackaBuddy Campaign: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/ben-klopper-56838016811161


Alternatively Donate via Snapscan: https://pos.snapscan.io/qr/Ben_Klopper


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

From Peak to Purpose: Gary’s Ascent for Education with Be The Difference Foundation

From Peak to Purpose: Gary’s Ascent for Education with Be The Difference Foundation

Discovering a Mission Beyond the Mountain

Gary Vogel, CEO of Hi-Tec, was more than just a hiker prepping for an adventure; he had a cause in mind. Introduced to the Be The Difference Foundation through Hi-Tec’s Corporate Social Investment program, he soon realized the potential for creating real-world impact. This was particularly evident during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, where he saw firsthand the powerful work the Foundation was doing to provide for those most affected.

    Pictured above: Hi-Tec CEO, Gary Vogel

The Catalyst: A Conversation That Changed Everything

A chat with the first South African to summit K2 was a game-changer for Gary. This wasn’t about setting a personal best or a cool summit selfie. It was about channeling the energy and resources going into this expedition for a greater cause. When the opportunity to climb Kilimanjaro came, he was quick to say yes, fully backed by his family. He thought it would be a missed opportunity if all the effort didn’t translate into something more impactful for the community.


The Summit Experience: More Than Just a Climb

Gary’s climb was far from easy. Navigating through altitude sickness, he faced headaches that he likened to “the size of the Statue of Liberty.” One particularly challenging moment was at the ‘kissing rock,’ a precarious position on the ascent where a single misstep could be disastrous. It was then he realized Kilimanjaro was no “Mickey Mouse mountain.”

Pictured above: Mount Everest

Lasting Impact and Next Steps

“The struggle to go up makes the summit even more special,” he notes. With the fundraising goal met, Gary is optimistic. He believes it will set off a domino effect of positive change. Four bright girls will get to go to school, and when they graduate, they’re expected to pay it forward, creating a lasting, exponential impact.

Pictured above: Mount Everest sunset

How You Can Join the Journey and a Friendly Challenge to Fellow CEOs

Feeling inspired by Gary’s commitment? You too can dedicate your next hike, or any adventure, to Be The Difference Foundation. In doing so, you’re not just getting those boots muddy; you’re laying the groundwork for education and opportunities for future generations.

To the CEOs reading this: we know you’re already doing remarkable work. Here’s a friendly challenge to add a dash of fun and philanthropy to your leadership. Gary has shown that influence can extend beyond the boardroom and into communities in need. Why not use your role for additional good? Lead by example, make a commitment to raise funds, and let’s create an even more positive change together.


View Gary’s campaign here:



Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

A Journey of Hope: Help Jason Brits’ Walk Again and Embrace Fatherhood

A Journey of Hope: Help Jason Brits’ Walk Again and Embrace Fatherhood

Life can take unexpected turns, challenging us in ways we never imagined. Such is the case for 27-year-old Jason Brits’ from Pretoria, a talented glass blower whose life was forever altered by a devastating road accident in September 2022.

As he sought medical attention at a state hospital, regrettably due to not having any medical aid, Jason received subpar treatment, leaving his foot with shattered and swelling carpal bones, nerve, tendon, and muscle damage, and rendering it unusable. Due to the extent of damage to the bones, nerve damage and incorrect medical care has left him with atrophy and if left untreated, amputation would be an option to relieve him of the constant pain he is suffering.

Pictured above: Jason Brits

With no other choice, Jason sought a second opinion from Dr. Pieter Coertze, a renowned specialist at Montana Hospital in Pretoria. The consultation brought a ray of hope as Dr. Coertze diagnosed that with corrective surgery, Jason’s foot could be salvaged. The infected bones need to be removed, paving the way for physiotherapy which would enable Jason to walk without pain and work again. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated, as the surgery must take place as soon as possible for the inflicted bones have a high possibility of turning gangrenous which will result in the irreversible decision of amputation.

The severity of Jason’s injury not only affects him but also has far-reaching consequences for his wife, Emlee, and their unborn child. Their once-stable life turned upside down as Jason’s injury forced him into unemployment. With no other financial support, Emlee is now the sole provider for their family. The impending arrival of their first child makes the situation even more heart-wrenching. Jason’s greatest wish is to be an active and supportive husband and an engaged father, free from the limitations of a limp or amputated leg.

Pictured above: Jason with wife, Emlee

Jason’s aspirations extend beyond his own well-being. He yearns to be a supportive husband and an active father, engaging in all the adventures and joys that come with parenthood. His desire to walk, run, play, climb, and be an equal participant in his child’s life fuels his determination to undergo the necessary surgery and reclaim his life as an artisan, a supportive husband, and a loving father and caregiver.

Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

In pursuit of restoring hope and mobility, Jason and his family have launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to raise funds for his medical journey. The family has since raised R64 837 towards his target of R150 000.00.

“After the accident, aiding my wife with rent and food, I was left penniless. My wife and I had no means to afford further medical expenses and for a time gave up on trying to find hope in resolving our changed lives. Once news came to light of my wife’s pregnancy and we heard of BackaBuddy, did the spark of hope return. We made an active effort, with the support of family members, to seek out a better doctor and start a campaign to have the surgery needed so that I may return into the fold of my career and to begin the great adventure of starting a family; of being a father. BackaBuddy has shown us that if there is a will there’s a way and if there is a way life will, with no doubt be better in the end!”

Pictured above: Jason Brits and his mentor

Life is full of unexpected challenges, and Jason Brits’ journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Despite facing the heartbreak of a life-altering injury, he remains determined to reclaim his life as a glass blower, husband, and father. With the support and generosity of the community, we can rally together to help Jason get the corrective surgery he urgently needs. This act of compassion and kindness will not only change his life but also bring hope and joy to his family’s future. Let’s come together and be a part of Jason’s second chance – a chance to rebuild his dreams and embrace the boundless possibilities of life once again.

For more information or to support Jason’s campaign, please visit:
BackaBuddy campaign:


Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.


Featured campaigns in need of support this week

Featured campaigns in need of support this week

When people come together, amazing things can happen.

Take a look at a few campaigns that have been highlighted on the Backabuddy Impact Village as well as in media publications across South Africa this week. 


Featured Campaigns 

Read our latest blog posts featured on the BackaBuddy impact village this week.



Inspirational ‘Arm-Run’ Marathon Honors Late Mother and Supports Educational Cause


In memory of her beloved mother who passed away in November, Briony Chisholm is undertaking a unique initiative to cope with grief. To celebrate what would have been her mother’s 80th birthday on February 11, 2024, Briony has committed to “arm-running” 80 km, utilizing discovered arm movements as steps, despite being quadriplegic since a car accident in 1996.

This initiative seeks to raise funds for the UWC Fairy Godmother, supporting students at UWC facing financial challenges. The initiative resonates with her mother’s belief in the transformative power of education. Donations contribute directly to the UWC Fairy Godmother, aiding determined South African students pursuing education under difficult circumstances. Updates on the progress, measured in steps and kilometers, will be shared to engage supporters.


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Johannesburg Father, Quintus Serton, in Critical Condition After Brutal Assault


Quintus Serton, a beloved father, is fighting for his life after a brutal attack on December 9th. Currently in Milpark Hospital’s trauma unit, he faces extensive injuries and mounting medical bills exceeding R450,000 due to a lack of medical cover. Despite slow but steady progress, Quintus needs further procedures and therapy for his long road to recovery. Financial support is urgently needed, and every donation will directly contribute to covering his ongoing treatment expenses. A call for generosity and kindness has been made to aid Quintus in his recovery. Your support can make a significant difference in this difficult time.


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Surfing Icon Ian Armstrong Faces Devastating Loss as Wildfire Consumes Shaping Room


Surfing legend Ian Armstrong, a former World Big Wave Champ and influential figure in the surfing community, recently lost his shaping room and livelihood in a devastating wildfire in Cape Town. The fire destroyed his tools, shaped boards, and the structure itself. Shaping is not only Ian’s passion but also his family’s main income source. A fundraising initiative has been launched on BackaBuddy to raise approximately R150 000 to help Ian rebuild his shaping room. Contributions from the community will support him in getting back to shaping boards. Ian’s work on his website at https://armstrongsurfboards.co.za/. Your support is greatly appreciated.


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In the News

Take a look at campaigns featured in various media publications this week.



Appeal to Help Cancer Orphan, 7


The public is being asked to help a 7-year-old Belgravia orphan who is battling cancer.

Media Source: Athlone News


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Max Smart Qualifies for the Junior World Rally Championship

Max Smart had a very successful 2023 Rally Season, earning a place in the Junior World Rally Championship where he will represent South Africa.

Media Source: Good Things Guy


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Anzil (16) Remains Positive After Rugby Injury


After suffering severe injury to his neck while playing in a rugby tournament in September last year, which initially left him paralysed, four months later an avid rugby player, Anzil Williams (16) from Humansdorp, is looking forward to continuing positive results in his recovery, and celebrating all the excitement of being in matric.

Media Source: News24


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Do you need to raise funds for a personal need such as medical, education, or for a cause or charity?If so, you’re in the right place. 30 000+ people just like you have successfully raised funds on BackaBuddy.






Read our Impact stories

300 000+ donors have supported over 30 000+ heroes like you through their medical treatment, and education or have rewarded a gesture of kindness by paying it forward on BackaBuddy.

We thank our generous donors and hardworking campaign creators everyday for making the world a better place. We are the shoulders on which heroes stand.



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