Community rallies to help nine-year-old Miane Swart overcome seizures

Community rallies to help nine-year-old Miane Swart overcome seizures

Miane Swart (9) from Witbank, Mpumalanga, faces a relentless battle against PCDH19 epilepsy, a rare and severe form of epilepsy. Since she was a baby, Miane has endured countless seizures, leaving her with the cognitive abilities of a much younger child. Now, her family seeks the community’s support to fund a crucial surgery that could dramatically improve her quality of life.

In 2015, what seemed like a typical day for Joleen Swart and Rickey Greyling turned into a nightmare that would forever alter their lives. Their baby girl, Miane Swart, only seven and a half months old, suddenly stopped breathing around 10 PM on June 28. Her tiny body turned purple, and her parents frantically tried to revive her as they awaited the ambulance. Rushed to Cosmos Hospital, Miane was resuscitated and initially diagnosed with a minor chest congestion. However, their relief was short-lived.

On the drive home, Miane’s breathing ceased once again. By the next morning, the young child experienced her first seizure, marking the beginning of a gruelling journey for the family. Over the next three years, countless tests and hospital visits eventually led to a diagnosis of PCDH19 epilepsy, a rare and severe form of the condition that defies conventional treatments.


Caption: 9-year-old Miane Swart

Now approaching her 10th birthday, Miane’s struggle with epilepsy has been relentless. The disorder has severely impacted her development, leaving her with the cognitive abilities of a three-and-a-half-year-old. Each seizure she endures deprives her brain of oxygen, causing further damage. Despite numerous medical interventions and medications, her seizures remain uncontrolled, placing her at constant risk.

Miane’s ongoing battle with frequent seizures has taken a significant toll on her brain, and her parents are desperate to find a solution. Her condition requires continuous monitoring and immediate intervention during seizures to prevent serious harm or even death. The potential breakthrough they’ve been hoping for lies in the implantation of a Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS), a device that functions like a pacemaker for the brain, helping to regulate its electrical activity and reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.


Caption: 9-year-old Miane Swart

Unfortunately, the cost of this life-saving procedure is a staggering R370,000, and their medical aid will only cover a small portion, leaving a shortfall of R300,000. 

The family has launched a campaign on BackaBuddy to raise the necessary funds for Miane’s surgery.

In an interview with WITBANK NEWS, Joleen spoke about the emotional and physical toll this journey has taken on their family. “There are days when we feel overwhelmed and want to give up, but we have to stay strong for our children. Rickey is our rock, holding us together through the toughest times. Our faith keeps us going, believing that we were chosen for this path and that we’ll see it through.”

To date, the campaign has raised R209 000 from 69 generous donors, but they still have a long way to go to reach their goal. Miane’s mother has also had to switch to a different medical aid to cover the cost of her medications, which still amounts to over R3,000 per month out of pocket.

The courage and resilience of Miane and her family is an inspiring story of hope in the face of adversity. As they prepare for the upcoming surgery, they remain hopeful that the VNS will be the key to a brighter future for their beloved daughter.

To support Miane for her VNS surgery , visit her BackaBuddy campaign:

Caption: Help give 9-year-old Miane Swart a better life

Update from the Family:

“Thank you for your incredible support for Miane. Your generosity has brought us closer to booking her VNS implantation operation. Thanks to 69 compassionate donors like you, we’ve raised R209,330 so far.

Miane’s journey has been tough, but your kindness brings hope and healing. Recently, despite battling flu and irritability, her foot wounds are healing, and she’s getting better sleep with new medication.

We still need more funds to cover the operation costs. Your continued support can make all the difference. If you could share Miane’s story with others, it could inspire further generosity.”

Youth Day 2024: Volunteering, Community Engagement, and Crowdfunding Opportunities for South African Youth

Youth Day 2024: Volunteering, Community Engagement, and Crowdfunding Opportunities for South African Youth

Youth Day in South Africa, celebrated on June 16th, is a significant occasion that honours the courage and sacrifice of the youth who fought against apartheid in 1976. It’s also a time for today’s youth to consider their role in advancing democracy. The 2024 theme, “Actively Advancing Socio Economic Gains of Our Democracy” highlights the essential role of young people in building a brighter future.

At BackaBuddy, we believe in empowering youth through volunteering, community engagement, and innovative tools like online crowdfunding. Here’s a list of activities that promote personal growth, community development, and equip young people with the skills to drive social change.

Supporting a Peer’s Cause or Launching a Crowdfunding Campaign:

Youth Day is a great time to support a peer’s cause or start your own initiative. With BackaBuddy, you can leverage the power of online crowdfunding to create a significant impact.

How to Support a Peer’s Cause:

  1. Find a Campaign: Browse BackaBuddy’s Campaigns to find a cause you’re passionate about. You can support various projects ranging from education and healthcare to community development.
  2. Donate: Contribute financially to a campaign that resonates with you. Even small donations can make a big difference.
  3. Share: Use social media to share the campaign with your network, encouraging more people to support the cause.

How to Start Your Own Crowdfunding Campaign:

  1. Identify a Cause: Determine a community need or a personal project you’re passionate about.
  2. Create a Campaign: Start a campaign by providing details about the cause, the goals, and how the funds will be used.
  3. Promote Your Campaign: Share your campaign through social media, email, and community networks to reach potential donors.
  4. Engage Your Supporters: Keep your supporters updated on your campaign’s progress and express gratitude for their contributions.

Volunteering and Community Engagement Opportunities Across South Africa:

Find volunteer opportunities that align with your interests. Check the websites listed below for more information.

1. Eastern Cape: Project NMB

Project NMB (Nelson Mandela Bay) is dedicated to community upliftment through various initiatives, including environmental clean-ups, youth empowerment programs, and social development projects. Volunteers can engage in diverse activities that promote sustainable community growth and wellbeing.

  • Website: Project NMB
  • Location: Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape

2. Free State: Kidz Care Trust

Kidz Care Trust offers shelter, education, and support to street children in Bloemfontein. Volunteers can assist with tutoring, mentoring, and organising recreational activities, helping these children build a brighter future.

3. Gauteng: IkamvaYouth

IkamvaYouth provides after-school tutoring and mentoring to high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Volunteers can help with academic support, career guidance, and organising educational activities.

  • Website: IkamvaYouth
  • Location: Johannesburg, Pretoria, and various other locations

4. KwaZulu-Natal: The Domino Foundation

The Domino Foundation is dedicated to supporting vulnerable communities through a variety of programs, including feeding schemes, education, and enterprise development. Volunteers can assist in food distribution, educational support, and participating in community upliftment initiatives.

5. Limpopo: Oasis Haven of Love Foundation

Oasis Haven of Love Foundation focuses on providing care and support to vulnerable children and families in Limpopo. Volunteers can engage in activities such as mentoring, tutoring, and community outreach, helping to create a positive impact in the lives of those in need.

6. Mpumalanga: Hands at Work

Hands at Work supports vulnerable children and families through community care centers. Volunteers can assist in providing education, healthcare, and food security to those in need.

  • Website: Hands at Work
  • Location: Various communities across Mpumalanga

7. Northern Cape: NOAH Community Projects

NOAH (Neighbourhood Old Age Homes) supports the elderly in impoverished communities. Volunteers can engage in intergenerational activities, offering companionship and support to elderly residents while learning from their experiences.

  • Website: NOAH
  • Location: Kimberley and surrounding areas

8. North West: Youth for Change Initiative

Youth for Change Initiative focuses on empowering young people in the North West province through leadership development, skills training, and community projects. Volunteers can participate in youth-led initiatives that address local challenges and promote positive change.

9. Western Cape: Habitat for Humanity South Africa

Habitat for Humanity builds and renovates homes for families in need. Volunteers can participate in construction projects, helping to provide safe and affordable housing while learning valuable building skills.

Why Volunteering and Community Engagement Matter:

  1. Personal Growth: Volunteering exposes youth to diverse experiences, fostering empathy and broadening perspectives.
  2. Skill Development: Engaging in community activities helps develop practical skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork.
  3. Building Connections: Volunteering provides opportunities to meet new people, build networks, and strengthen community ties.
  4. Creating Impact: Young people can make a significant difference in their communities by addressing local needs through volunteer work.

At BackaBuddy, we are committed to supporting youth and community development. Whether you’re looking to volunteer, support a peer’s cause, or start your own crowdfunding campaign, we’re here to help you make a difference. Join us this Youth Day in celebrating the power of youth engagement and building a brighter, more inclusive South Africa.

SA’s Trending NPO Supporting GBV Survivors, Women for Change, Could Soon Face Closure Without Public Support

SA’s Trending NPO Supporting GBV Survivors, Women for Change, Could Soon Face Closure Without Public Support

Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) in South Africa remains a severe crisis, with over 4,000 women killed by men last year alone. With this alarming reality, Women For Change (WFC), a nationwide non-profit organisation (NPO), has been a crucial support system for survivors, offering advocacy and a voice to those silenced by violence. Despite their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts, WFC now stands on the brink of closure due to financial instability.

Rising Against Challenges

Women For Change initially gained recognition by hosting successful Women For Change Races between 2016 and 2019 to raise awareness against GBV. However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 halted their events. Refusing to let their efforts against GBV die down, WFC turned to social media as a powerful tool for change. They began amplifying their message, sharing stories of South African women, and providing support to survivors on their journey.

Caption: Clareinch Post Office, Cape Town

The organisation’s reach has grown remarkably, boasting nearly 400,000 followers across all social media platforms. Each month, they assist over a thousand survivors, offering a safe space for healing and empowerment. In April 2024 alone, they garnered over 28 million impressions across social media channels. More than 1 million people engage with their content monthly, creating a supportive and active community. Yet, despite these impressive numbers, the organisation’s operations are threatened by a lack of sustainable funding.

“We’re Stretched to Our Limits”

“The funding challenge WFC faces is exceptionally dire. For the past four years, I have been running this organisation primarily on my own, without any external funding,” shares founder Sabrina Walter.

“Without funding, we can’t continue our work. We’re stretched to our limits. If we don’t secure funding by August 2024, we’ll be forced to cease operations, leaving countless survivors without the support they rely on.”

Despite these limitations, WFC has made significant strides. The emotional toll of the work is immense, yet the courage of survivors and their families keeps Walter inspired and motivated. Witnessing survivors achieve justice and reclaim their power brings immense pride, even though true justice often remains elusive.

Caption: In Front of Parliament, Cape Town – GBV March 2021

“I haven’t witnessed much justice, but I’ve seen resilience and strength. Many stories have become a part of me and inspire me to work harder,” says Walter. “We need more than just passion; we need resources to keep operating.”

Reflecting on the impact of WFC’s growth, she notes, “I did not know or plan for Women For Change to become one of the flagship organisations in the fight against GBV. Today, WFC has close to 400,000 followers across all our social media platforms, and I assist more than a thousand survivors every month.”

The Power of Collective Action

Without the allocation of funding or financial contributions, WFC will be forced to cease operations in the upcoming weeks, which would have devastating consequences for survivors, their families, and the community they serve. 

To help secure funding and hire the support of a full-time team, WFC has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, hoping to receive donations from compassionate individuals, philanthropists, and supportive corporates to provide the necessary resources to sustain the organisation and enable them to provide essential support to women and children in need.

Since the launch, over 240 unique and offline donors have come together to support WFC by contributing over R107,000 towards their fundraising goal of R800,000.

“Every donation can make a difference. We need the community’s support to keep our doors open,” urges Walter. “With enough donations, we can hire professionals who share our passion and continue to provide essential services.”

One of the most significant changes observed is the increase in individuals speaking out against GBV. WFC has created a safe and supportive environment where survivors feel empowered to share their stories, fostering a sense of community and collective strength. However, the stark reality of rising femicide and GBV statistics reminds us of the work still needed.

“I believe that on WFC accounts, more voices are being heard than ever before. We have not only encouraged survivors to speak out but have also fostered a sense of community and collective strength,” says Walter. “Many survivors no longer feel isolated with their pain and trauma; they know they are not alone.”

To support Women For Change, visit their BackaBuddy campaign:

All donors are eligible for a Section 18A tax certificate issued by Women For Change. 

Update from Women For Change:

Dear Community,

Today marks the beginning of Women’s Month, and I want to take this moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who has supported our Back A Buddy Fundraiser since we launched it in April. Thanks to your generosity, we have raised over R107,000 – a testament to the incredible community we have built together. Your support is not just appreciated; it is vital to our mission and to the survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) who rely on us. As the founder of Women For Change, I am both proud and humbled by the kindness, dedication, and love of our supporters. You are the reason we can dream of a better, safer future for so many.


However, despite this remarkable progress, we are still facing significant challenges. We have not yet secured any grants or funding from businesses, and we are still short of the R800,000 needed to employ a full-time team and operate until the end of our financial year. My heart aches at the thought of not being able to continue this vital work. We are still fundraising during Women’s Month, still hopeful, and still fighting to secure the necessary resources to support survivors of GBV. If we are unable to secure the required grants by the end of the year, we will be faced with the heartbreaking decision to cease operations. I urge you, from the depths of my heart, to take action and help us continue making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Your support means everything to us and to the countless survivors who depend on our work.

Follow Women For Change on Instagram:

Celebrating National Rescue Dog Day in South Africa: How You Can Help

Celebrating National Rescue Dog Day in South Africa: How You Can Help

National Rescue Dog Day, celebrated annually on May 20th, is a special day dedicated to raising awareness about the countless dogs in shelters awaiting their forever homes. This day is not only about raising awareness but also about inspiring action—giving hope and a loving home to our furry friends who need it most.

In SA, the number of rescue dogs is alarmingly high. Shelters and rescue organisations are overwhelmed with the sheer volume of abandoned, neglected, and stray dogs. According to recent statistics, thousands of dogs are surrendered to shelters every year, and only a fraction of them find new homes. 

This National Rescue Dog Day, BackaBuddy has put together a list of ways you can get involved and help give hope to a furry friend.


How You Can Help:

  • Adopt: Open your heart and home to a rescue dog. Adoption not only saves a life but also enriches your own with the love and companionship of a grateful friend
  • Foster:  Offer temporary care for dogs until they find their permanent families. Fostering provides a safe and loving environment for dogs to thrive while they wait for their forever homes.
  • Volunteer: Lend your time and skills to local shelters and rescue organisations. Whether it’s walking dogs, assisting with adoption events, or helping with administrative tasks, every bit helps.
  • Donate: Support the essential work of animal rescue groups through financial contributions. Donations help provide food, medical care, and shelter for dogs in need.


Places in Need: Where to Adopt in South Africa


  •  Animal Anti-Cruelty League (AACL)


Contact: 011 435 0672  

Donate to AACL on BackaBuddy

Mission: Since 1956, the AACL has been a home for abused and neglected animals. They provide shelter, rehabilitation, and adoption services, ensuring each dog finds a loving home.


  • SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)


Contact: 011 907 3590  

Donate to SPCA on BackaBuddy

The SPCA operates nationwide, committed to preventing animal cruelty and promoting responsible pet ownership. Their shelters offer refuge and rehoming for countless dogs in need.


  • Woodrock Animal Rescue


Contact: 082 925 3133  

Donate to Woodrock Animal Rescue on BackaBuddy 

Mission: One of South Africa’s largest independent animal rescues, Woodrock provides sanctuary and loving homes for dogs in need, advocating for animal rights and welfare.


  •  Husky Rescue South Africa


Contact: 083 640 8827  

Mission: Specializing in Siberian Huskies and Nordic breeds, this organisation provides a network of support for these unique dogs, ensuring they find suitable, loving homes.


  • TEARS Animal Rescue


Contact: 021 785 4482

Mission: Based in Cape Town, TEARS rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes abandoned and abused animals. Their community outreach programs aim to create lasting change for animal welfare.

By adopting a rescue dog, you not only give a deserving animal a second chance at life but also help reduce the strain on shelters. Each adoption opens up space for another dog in need. This National Rescue Dog Day, consider making a difference by adopting, fostering, or supporting these incredible organisations. 

Give hope to a furry friend and experience the unconditional love and gratitude that only a rescue dog can offer.

Run for Rainbows at the Comrades Marathon

Run for Rainbows at the Comrades Marathon

Rainbows and Smiles, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing joy and hope to children facing life-threatening illnesses, is gearing up for the 97th edition of the world’s most renowned ultramarathon, the Comrades Marathon. This iconic race spans 90 kilometres, starting in Durban and ending in Pietermaritzburg on Sunday, 9 June 2024.

People from all around the world have joined forces to support their various initiatives, aiming to brighten the lives of these children and their families, providing essential support and resources during challenging times.

This year, a selection of runners has committed to dedicating their efforts by participating in the annual ultramarathon race to help raise funds for their mission.

These are the champions in need of support:

  1. Denise, Tammy and Bon Run for Rainbows 
  2. Gerrida Runs for Rainbows
  3. Rene Runs for Rainbows
  4. Rianette Runs for Rainbows 
  5. Nicole Runs for Rainbows 
  6. Sean Runs for Rainbows
  7. Rob Runs for Rainbows
  8. Janine Runs for Rainbows 
  9. Njabulo Runs for Rainbows 
  10. Henri Runs for Rainbows 
  11. James Runs for Rainbows 
  12. Dean Runs for Rainbows 
  13. Alistair Runs for Rainbows 
  14. Carla Runs for Rainbows 
  15. Christian Runs for Rainbows 
  16. Dylan Runs for Rainbows 
  17. Adrienne Runs for Rainbows 
  18. Madeleine Runs for Rainbows
  19. Katlego Runs for Rainbows 

Join Rainbows and Smiles in supporting these champions as they lace up their shoes and prepare to tackle the challenging Comrades Marathon #RainbowsAndSmiles #ComradesForACause