Grandparents crowdfund to give grandson (29) suffering from a rare genetic condition a new lease on life.

Grandparents crowdfund to give grandson (29) suffering from a rare genetic condition a new lease on life.

Pictured above: Kyle with his grandmother, Margie.

Colin (71) and Margie Jones (69), doting grandparents from Hillcrest, Durban, have dedicated most of their lives to caring for their grandson, Kyle Skidmore (29), who lives with a rare, inherited condition.

At the age of 12, Kyle was diagnosed with Fanconi Aplastic Anaemia, a disease that occurs when a patient’s bone marrow stops producing platelets. Patients living with this condition are prone to infections and uncontrolled bleeding. 

Doctors told Kyle that without a Stem Cell transplant, he wouldn’t see his 21st birthday.

“I remember the weight of our worry before Kyle received his Stem Cell transplant. On the weekdays he would attend school which he loved. On a Friday afternoon, he would visit the haematologist and be admitted to the hospital for the weekend, to receive Platelets and Blood.” – says Colin

In January 2012, Kyle finally got the call that a donor match was found for him in Germany, and he soon underwent a Stem Cell transplant at UCT academic hospital in Cape Town. 

Pictured above: Kyle before receiving his Stem Cell Transplant in 2012.

After 6 months in hospital, he was eventually discharged, was able to return home, and completed his Matric the following year.

Things were finally looking up for Kyle. After his transplant, his platelet count steadily improved until they were near normal levels. He had a new lease on life and was living a happy, healthy life.

A new diagnosis 

In December 2021, 10 years since Kyle’s transplant, Kyle began experiencing complications and his lungs began to deteriorate.

After numerous tests and scans in June 2022, Kyle received the devastating news that he has developed Pulmonary Veno Occlusive Disease, another rare genetic condition, characterised by the blockage of the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the heart (the pulmonary veins).

Doctors say that Kyle’s prognosis is very serious, and that he will need to live on oxygen almost 24 hours a day for the rest of his life. 

Currently, Kyle is using a home-based non-portable oxygen concentrator, provided by his medical aid, that keeps him sustained.

Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

Hoping to give Kyle a better quality of life and allow him to explore life beyond his home environment ‘for the rest of his years’, his grandparents have launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, to purchase a Portable Oxygen Concentrator suitable for his needs. 

Pictured above: A portable oxygen concentrator will give Kyle a new lease on life

While Kyle has comprehensive medical aid, a portable oxygen concentrator is not available in his plan. 

The Jones’, who are both pensioners, work to provide for themselves and their disabled grandson, who is unable to work, and want nothing more than to give Kyle the life he deserves.

“Our hearts break for our grandson who watches the world go on without him from his window. All he has ever wanted was to be healthy to live unencumbered and have the freedom to spend time with his friends and family” -says Colin

Pictured above: Kyle with his grandparents, Colin and Margie.

Since the launch of the campaign more than R17 000 has been raised towards their fundraising goal of R65 000, with kind contributions from 12 donors. 

Funds raised will be used to purchase the device, an additional battery to compensate for load shedding, as well as inevitable maintenance costs.

Support Kyle’s campaign on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, donate Via Snapscan:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R350 Million.


Woman with Cerebral Palsy walks 100km to gift wheelchairs to the underprivileged

Woman with Cerebral Palsy walks 100km to gift wheelchairs to the underprivileged

Press Release for immediate distribution. 

Please contact Zane Groenewald for more information or to arrange an interview – 082 602 0735 – [email protected]

Brittany McCormick (25) a keynote speaker from Paarl, Western Cape, was born premature at just 25 weeks.

Attached to ‘every pipe and tube imaginable’, Brittany spent the first 3 months of her life in the intensive care unit, where her anxious parents Hadley (59) and Anthea (53) watched over her.

At the age of 1 Brittany was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Quadriplegia of high muscle tone, told she would never be able to walk, and that living past the age of 18 would be a ‘miracle’.

Defying the odds, Brittany learned to crawl at 2, and with the help of physiotherapy during lockdown, she can now even walk short distances on her treadmill with little assistance, a major triumph.

“I had come so far with learning to walk that I didn’t want to backtrack, so my family and I kept it going throughout the lockdown. During this time, I felt I needed a challenge, so I took part in the virtual races of the justice league and completed the entire series. Fast forward a year and a bit, I’m still learning to walk unassisted.” – says Brittany


Putting her best foot forward

Near the end of 2021, the pipes beneath Brittany’s wheelchair cracked, and was in dire need of a service. Spending 10 days without her wheels, Brittany was put in a humbling position.

“I understood first-hand how reliant I am on my wheelchair, and how limiting life can be if your mobility is taken away from you. I began thinking of the people who aren’t in the financial position to afford a wheelchair, let alone get it repaired. This struck a string within my heart.” -says Brittany

Challenging her will and her abilities, Brittany came up with an idea to give at least 6 individuals their own wheelchair, by walking 100km on her treadmill over 6 months.

To make her charitable dream come true, Brittany launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy with a fundraising goal of R70 000, to benefit Paarl School in Brackenfell, who will select the underprivileged beneficiaries most in need.


Since the launch of her campaign on 4 April 2022, Brittany has raised over R54 0000 with kind contributions from 66 donors. For every R8500 raised, Brittany will fund a wheelchair for someone in need.

While she had originally intended to walk 100km in six months, Brittany has completed walking 100km since she started her incredible journey 4 months ago.

I not only reached the 100km target but took on another challenge for the last day of my 100km walk. We needed to hit the last 1 with a bang, so a 2-hour challenge was set. I had never walked for 2 hours before, and little did I know that I would achieve another personal goal when I started this amazing journey. I managed to get to a distance of 3kms. I didn’t do this alone I had my family and we all challenged ourselves to do something for 2 hours that we found difficult.

One of my biggest goals going into this was wanting to show that no matter what others’ opinions are it’s your determination, drive and willpower that really matter in the end.

This journey has taught me to have a different respect for my body and health as well as my mindset. It has given me a new view and perspective of what your inner abilities really are and a new level of not only determination but dedication. 

Thank you to everyone who liked, shared, featured the purpose walk, and interviewed me for their publication. And a very special thank you to my family and friends for pushing me when I felt I have very little left. For the continuous encouragement and for celebrating the small milestones with me that were huge achievements in small ways I’m forever grateful. – says Brittany

This journey of the purpose walk is not yet over, I still need your help to hit my target. We have come too far to give up, we are all in this together. Our vision and dreams can become a reality if we work together.

If you’d still like to contribute towards her dream and help others, Brittany’s campaign is still open and accepting donations.


Support Brittany’s campaign on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, make a donation on Snapscan:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R314 Million.



FEEL GOOD | 24hrs after gunpoint mugging, Coach receives random act of kindness from his community

FEEL GOOD | 24hrs after gunpoint mugging, Coach receives random act of kindness from his community

Coach Takudzwa ‘TK’ Muzadzi (31) from Zimbabwe, a beloved coach at Busy Ballers, was sadly mugged at gunpoint while in Sunningdale, Blouberg, on 29 August 2022.

Hearing the news, Catherine Du Plooy, BackaBuddy COO, and Founder of charity e-commerce site, Gift Horse (launching soon), set up a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy with a humble target of R5000.

“TK was understandably quite upset and shaken up by the whole incident. And I knew I had to do something to help him. It’s so unfortunate that crimes like these continue to take place in our beautiful country.” – says Catherine

To Catherine’s surprise, the campaign to help replace TK’s wallet, his bag and a few personal items he lost as a result of the jarring incident, exceeded its target, raising R5937 in less than 24-hours!

“Watching the barometer spillover really warmed my heart. I am happy that TK knows that his community is here for him and that we love him dearly!” says Catherine

Support Coach TK on BackaBuddy:

My son, Daniel and nephews Jamie and Cristian joined Busy Ballers more than 3 years ago. To say that the boys love Busy Ballers and the wonderful TK would be an understatement! He manages to include everyone in the class and his method of coaching is soft yet respectful. How he gets all the kids to listen is beyond me!” -says Catherine

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R351 Million.

Restoring Dignity | ‘Little Optimist’ is on a humble quest to optimise bathrooms at special needs school

Restoring Dignity | ‘Little Optimist’ is on a humble quest to optimise bathrooms at special needs school

Greg Bertish (51) from Kommetjie, Western Cape was diagnosed with Endocarditis, which is caused by a bacteria that attacks the heart valves. He was only 30 years old.

Tests revealed that his heart was swollen 30% bigger than normal, and his aortic valve was destroyed and almost non-existent. He was rushed in for emergency Open Heart Surgery and the Ross Procedure.

In April 2016 Greg Bertish sailed an 8 foot Children’s Optimist dinghy around the Cape of Storms. He crossed False Bay, rounded Cape Point and headed for Langebaan Lagoon on the wild West Coast. His 200-kilometre journey matched the 200 days he had spent in hospital fighting life-threatening heart infections.

Little Optimist Trust

After Greg’s life-changing adventure, he founded The Little Optimist Trust, and penned a children’s book about a little believer with a HUGE heart, hoping to teach kids that being small, sick, poor or different is OK. And prove that they too can survive and thrive, get better, be better and follow their passions and dreams.

To date, The Little Optimist Trust has raised over R3.2 Million rand and has impacted more than 500 000 children.

Optimising Bathrooms for Special Needs children

This October, The Little Optimist Trust is taking on a humble quest, to uplift Astra School, an institution for 300 physically and mentally disabled learners between the age of 5 and 18 in Montana, Cape Town.

The school’s hostel is in dire need of beautification and an upgrade, as more than 45 students use the rundown facilities. Bathing is a challenge for wheelchair users in particular, as the showers are not in working order, and the students are currently unable to shower while seated.


Hoping to raise R70 000 to launch phase 1 of the renovation project, which will allow the organisation to purchase the building materials needed to upgrade two bathrooms, The Little Optimist Trust has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy.

Since the launch of the project, more than R20 000 has been raised through kind contributions from 13 donors.

“With this initiative, not only will we finally have working bathrooms again, but this will bring love, hope and positivity to these kids who need this more than anything. Thank you for helping us to restore our dignity” – says Melanie Mabotha, Principal of Astra School.

Students from Astra School.

In collaboration with Italtile Ceramics and Italtile FoundationThe Little Optimist Trust has thus far raised over R100 000 to start their project and has received tiles, baths, and basins to the value of R133 000 from Italtile stores across the country.

“With additional support, we are optimistic that we will get all hands on deck to start our project in October 2022. We hope that you will join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of these wonderful children, by providing them with the facilities and opportunities that so many of us take for granted.” – says Greg Bertish, Founder of The Little Optimist Trust

Support this campaign on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, donate Via Snapscan:

*All donated funds will be paid into The Little Optimist Trust account which will then be paid to contractors for building materials.

Donors are eligible for a section 18A certificate issued by The Little Optimist Trust on request.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R340 Million.


Pakistan Flood | Gift of the Givers intervenes in the wake of death and destruction in the region

According to CNN, monsoon rains in Pakistan have killed more than 1033 people, including 348 children, and have affected more than 33 Million people since Mid-June 2022.

Responding to a request for international assistance, by Pakistani Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, The Gift of the Givers, have launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, hoping to raise R100 000, to help those in need.

A Message from Imtiaz Sooliman, Founder of The Gift of the Givers:

“We have immediately opened dialogue with the Surgeon General’s office in the Pakistani military and Alkhidmat, a civil society organisation, both are entities with whom we had excellent partnerships during our intervention in the earthquake of 2005 and the floods of 2010. The military have the resources, helicopters, boats, personnel, capability and logistics to access “cut-off” areas as 60% of the country is underwater currently. Alkhidmat has proven time and again its capability to reach the most far-flung areas where a large majority of poverty-stricken families reside. 

The situation is an absolute tragedy with a million homes destroyed, 33 million civilians displaced, roads, bridges, infrastructure and sewerage systems decimated, localities are cesspools of faeces with increasing cases of waterborne diseases, fertile agricultural land washed away and animals are hungry. The official death toll is 1000 but the reality is that it could be 4-5x more given the volume and power of water flowing in the country. 

The priority requirements are tents to set up tent cities, dry food rations that can be consumed without cooking and the provision of hot meals. Gift of the Givers has authorised the purchase of these items immediately. Medical care is adequate given the large support from pharmaceutical companies and volunteer health care workers nationally.”

Support this campaign on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, Donate Via Snapscan:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R290 Million.