Free State Teenager Sané Crowdfunds for Bionic Arm After Farm Freak Accident

Free State Teenager Sané Crowdfunds for Bionic Arm After Farm Freak Accident

Sané Wilken (18), a passionate cattle farm worker from Boshoff, Free State, experienced a traumatic event on January 25, 2024, which profoundly altered her life’s trajectory. While engaged in a routine task, pouring fertiliser into a motorised water tank, Sané’s thumb unexpectedly got caught and twisted in the bag she was using, leading to a catastrophic sequence of events.


Pictured above: Sané Wilken


Despite the immediate danger and her attempts to free herself, the machinery relentlessly twisted the bag around her thumb, eventually breaking her wrist, and ultimately resulting in the complete severance of her forearm. 

While Sané says her life has been forever changed due to the traumatic incident, she is determined not to let her define her future. Showing remarkable strength of character, Sané told her mother, Corila, in the emergency room, “It’s only an arm. I’m still alive to speak to you, and this will not get me down.”


Pictured above: Sané with her mother, Corila


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

Since losing her arm, Sané is diligently working to adapt to her new circumstances. Her greatest challenges now stem from everyday tasks that she once performed effortlessly. Simple activities such as tying her hair in the morning, getting dressed, eating, and playing with her cherished dogs have become notably more difficult.

While doctors estimate that it could take 6 to 12 months for Sané’s arm to heal, her mother has initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to purchase a state-of-the-art bionic arm for her. This advanced prosthetic, equipped with sensors that interpret muscle and brain signals, is intended to help Sané regain the confidence and independence she has lost. 


Pictured above: Sané Wilken


Since the campaign’s launch, more than R80,000 has been donated towards her fundraising goal of R400,000, with contributions from 50 donors.

Having recently completed her agricultural education, Sané, who has dreamed of becoming the best farmer she could be since she was a little girl, is counting the days until she can return to the work that feeds her spirit, lovingly tending to the crops and cattle.

Reflecting on the accident, Sané says, “It was a freak accident. There was nothing anyone could’ve done differently. It’s no one’s fault. I’m not ashamed of my ‘stompie’ and will show anyone who wants to see my arm and tell my story.”

Thanking her donors, Sané says, “They have given me a second chance. I can’t say thank you enough for the kindness I have received. I’m taking life day by day now, but I know that one day soon, I will be able to live as I did before the accident.”


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Bold KES Alumni Marks 50th Birthday With Chilly 7.5km Robben Island Swim to Fund Memorial Scholarship

Bold KES Alumni Marks 50th Birthday With Chilly 7.5km Robben Island Swim to Fund Memorial Scholarship

Dalan Holton, a 49-year-old director at Debella Finance from Morningside, Sandton, embarked on an extraordinary journey as he approached his 50th birthday on March 1, 2024.


Pictured above: Dalan Holton from Morningside, Sandton, took on a chilly Robben Island Swim for a good cause

Unlike the typical ‘midlife crisis,’ Dalan joked, which might have led one to indulge in luxury or travel, he had set his sights on a challenge that was as symbolic as it was daunting—the swim through the shark-infested waters from Robben Island to the mainland at Bloubergstrand. This endeavor was not for personal glory but for a cause close to his heart.

“Before you questioned my sanity, let me assure you there was a method to my madness. This aquatic adventure wasn’t just about proving that I’ve still got it at 50. It was about something much bigger. I was raising funds on BackaBuddy for the Daniel Lopes Memorial Scholarship,” said Dalan.

Pictured above: Dalan training for his swim


The Daniel Lopes Memorial Scholarship


During his formative years at King Edward VII School (KES), one of Johannesburg’s finest academic institutions, Dalan forged a lasting friendship with Antonio Lopes. They were in the same graduating class, swam on the same team, and remained good friends for years. Years later, when Antonio’s son, Daniel, tragically passed away at the age of 12 in a freak accident on December 15th, 2018, it left a void in the hearts of those who knew him.

In his honor, the Daniel Lopes Memorial Scholarship was founded. Known for his “grit,” hard work, and determination, Daniel excelled in academics and sports, embodying the spirit of perseverance. The Scholarship was established to support students facing financial hardships, ensuring that they could benefit from the rich educational and extracurricular offerings at KES.

To raise funds for the DLMS, Dalan launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, aiming to hit a target of R50,000. The campaign already made a splash, raising R36,000 with the support of 27 donors.

The funds assisted two deserving students by covering 50% of their tuition fees at KES, payable for their entire high school career, offering them the opportunity to thrive in an environment that nurtures academic and personal growth.

The scholarship not only offered financial support but also encompassed emotional, social, and academic guidance through the TAG Foundation.


“I felt that attending a school like KES offered an unparalleled opportunity, and it would have been tragic for anyone to miss out due to financial constraints. The value lay not just in the education but in the whole experience that KES provided. I would have loved to be able to provide this launchpad and experience to others,” said Dalan.


The Robben Island swim


The Robben Island swim, scheduled for February 15th, weather permitting, was more than a physical challenge for Dalan. It was a symbolic passage, representing endurance, hope, and remembrance with every stroke. The swim started at Robben Island, covering a distance of approximately 7.5 kilometers to Bloubergstrand, though currents might have extended this to 8 to 8.5 kilometers.

Despite the unpredictability and daunting aspects of the swim, including cold waters and the potential presence of sharks, Dalan’s preparation and passion fueled his determination. His training, under the guidance of coach Cyndi Starr from Wahoo Aquatics and alongside training partners Andy Johnson and Suzette Prinsloo, had prepared him for that moment.

Pictured above: Dalan with Andy and Suzette


A Lesson in Laps


Beyond his professional achievements at Debella Finance, Dalan is a devoted family man. Married to Alison, who worked in higher education, and father to a 5-year-old daughter named Evalee, he viewed this challenge as an opportunity to teach her about finding passion and helping others.

“Dalan shared, “Be active and push yourself. Find something you love and then excel at it, stretching yourself but finding joy in the process every step of the way. If you can find a way for the thing you love and are good at to add value to other people’s lives—do that!”

His active lifestyle, which included competitive swimming, racing cars, and practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, for which he had a black belt, reflected his dedication to personal excellence and commitment to contributing to the community.


Pictured above: Dalan is a devoted family man. Married to Alison, who works in higher education, and father to a 5-year-old daughter named Evalee.


Dalan wants to thank the donors who, through their generous contributions on BackaBuddy, had wished him “Good tides” and “smooth currents” on his chilly swim. As his challenge approached, Dalan was empowered by Daniel Lopes’ legacy and the scholarship in his name, which would have had a profound and lasting impact on the future of two deserving students who got to experience the education and camaraderie KES provides.


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All donations made to this cause qualify for a Section 18A tax deduction.




I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to every donor. Your generosity has not only honored Daniel’s memory but has also opened doors for deserving students at King Edward VII School facing financial hardships. This achievement reaffirms a powerful message: with commitment and a clear goal, anything is achievable.

As I reflect on the exhilarating and 7.5km swim from Robben Island to Bloubergstrand, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and pride. Not just for completing this personal milestone just before I turn 50, but for the incredible support and generosity that has poured in. Together, we’ve surpassed our initial goal of R50,000, raising an astonishing R65,000 for the Daniel Lopes Memorial Scholarship.

Special thanks must be given to Daniel’s father, Antonio Lopes, whose presence at both the start and finish of the swim added a profoundly personal touch to the event. This swim was more than just a physical challenge; it was a testament to what we can accomplish when we band together for a noble cause. Let’s continue to support and inspire one another, proving that the spirit of community and determination can make waves of change.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being part of this memorable journey.

Pietermaritzburg Teen Aims for U.S. Tour with Support from Celebrated Academic Cousin, Nhlakanipho Mkhize

Pietermaritzburg Teen Aims for U.S. Tour with Support from Celebrated Academic Cousin, Nhlakanipho Mkhize

Nhlakanipho Mkhize, a distinguished 33-year-old academic originally from Imbali Township, Pietermaritzburg, and now residing in Springs, east of Johannesburg, embodies the belief that education is the key to unlocking boundless opportunities.

Now, he’s embarked on a mission close to his heart: to pay forward the transformative power of education to his cousin, Busiswa Kuzwayo, aged 14. His goal is to provide her with a chance to broaden her horizons through an educational tour of the United States in September 2024.

Pictured above: Busiswa Kuzwayo

At just 14 years old, Busiswa is described as focused, ambitious, self-disciplined, hardworking, and an ambivert. She has already shown remarkable academic prowess and versatility. Excelling in her studies at Pietermaritzburg Girls High and actively participating in sports such as soccer, netball, and hockey, along with cultural activities like poetry, she has consistently performed at the top of her class.

Her achievements have earned her a coveted spot among the 50 top achievers invited to the U.S. tour, highlighting her as a multifaceted individual with a deep-seated desire to make her mark on the world.

The heart of this story lies in the crowdfunding campaign initiated by Nhlakanipho on BackaBuddy, aiming to cover the significant costs associated with the trip, such as flights, accommodation, and other travel expenses.

With a target of R78,000, the campaign has already raised over R36,000, a testament to the community’s belief in Busiswa’s potential and the collective effort to invest in her future. The funds will ensure that Busiswa, raised by a single mother alongside her grandmother, can embark on this life-changing journey without financial burden.

Pictured above: Busiswa Kuzwayo

Nhlakanipho’s journey from his hometown to the world’s leading academic institutions provided him with a deep understanding of the transformative impact of international exposure on young minds. He excelled early on, ranking first in matric in 2008 and serving as the deputy head boy at Carter High School.

His significant period as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, where he pursued a DPhil in Material Science focusing on electrohydrodynamic jet printing, exemplifies his commitment to academic excellence. Having traveled the globe for his education, Nhlakanipho has gained firsthand insight into the breadth of perspective and depth of knowledge that such experiences afford.

Pictured above: Nhlakanipho at Wadham College, Oxford in May 2022

“I believe that this opportunity will allow Busiswa to dream bigger and more boldly! She will see that the world is truly her oyster, she only needs to work diligently towards her goals to attain them,” Nhlakanipho articulates, emphasising the profound effect this tour will have on Busiswa’s aspirations and worldview. His conviction that education and exposure are key to unlocking one’s potential resonates throughout the campaign, inspiring others to contribute to Busiswa’s journey.

Busiswa’s aspirations to study Dermatology, Real Estate, Town Planning, or Geoscience at prestigious universities like UCT, Stellenbosch, Wits, or even internationally at Yale, Harvard, or Stanford, are ambitious. Yet, these dreams are firmly within reach with her track record of academic excellence and the unwavering support of her cousin and the community. The U.S. tour is poised to be a cornerstone experience, offering her insights into global academic communities, diverse cultures, and the kind of independent thinking and confidence that will serve her well in her future academic and professional endeavors.

Pictured above: Busiswa with her gran, Eunice Kuzwayo, at her mom Busisiwe Kuzwayo’s graduation, where she received  Masters in Adult Education from UKZN.

“This tour will lead to character-building, confidence, independence, self-discovery, and creating lasting friendships. It will also broaden Busiswa’s horizon academically thus building academic capacity,” Nhlakanipho remarks, highlighting the multifaceted benefits of the tour.

This story transcends the narrative of individual success; it’s a vivid illustration of paying it forward, of using one’s achievements as a platform to uplift others.

As the campaign continues to gain momentum, it stands as a call to action for those who believe in nurturing the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators. It’s a story of family, ambition, and the collective effort to turn dreams into reality, proving that together, we can overcome barriers and pave the way for a brighter future.

“I am certain that this trip will open her eyes to a world beyond her wildest imagination!” Nhlakanipho concludes

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Self-Taught  Piano Prodigy, Jason Haas (15) Dreams of Owning His Very Own Grand Piano

Self-Taught Piano Prodigy, Jason Haas (15) Dreams of Owning His Very Own Grand Piano

Jason Haas, a 15-year-old musical prodigy from Springs, Johannesburg, embodies the transformative power of music. 

His story unfolds from the early age of four, when the melodies of his grandmother’s old piano captivated him, sparking a passion fueled by his mother’s love for music. This love nurtured his talent, leading him to master his first piece, Canon in D major, by ear—an early indication of his extraordinary musical intuition.


Pictured above: Jason Haas as a little boy discovering his love for the piano


Despite the lack of formal lessons, Jason’s determination saw him turning to the internet, where he fearlessly tackled compositions by his favorite composers, Frederic Chopin, and Franz Liszt, that would intimidate even seasoned musicians. His remarkable ability to grasp complex pieces by ear quickly established him as a standout talent.

Jason’s educational journey faced a hurdle when the language requirements at the East Rand School of the Arts shifted, making it difficult for him to continue his studies there. However, this setback didn’t dampen his spirit; he found a new home with the East Rand Youth Orchestra. Joining the orchestra in July 2023, Jason didn’t need to audition; he simply introduced himself, sat at the piano, and became an integral part of the ensemble, despite only having learned to read music the previous year under the guidance of Mr. J. Manamela, his piano teacher who became a mentor and friend.


Pictured above: Jason Haas



Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy


Initially unbeknownst to his mother, Jason initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy intending to acquire a secondhand black polished Middle Ford baby grand piano, priced at R150,000. This venture is more than a quest for a musical instrument; it’s a means for Jason to engage in consistent practice and substantially improve his musical skills. Since the launch of the campaign, almost R4,000 has been raised through the generous contributions of donors.


Pictured above: Jason Haas gets to practice his piano skills once a week with the East Rand Youth Orchestra


Driven by the exemplary career of his musical hero, Kristian Zimmerman, Jason’s ambitions stretch far beyond his present situation. He dreams of achieving international renown as a pianist, envisioning a future filled with global tours, performances at celebrated concerts, and sharing his classical music passion worldwide. Beyond performing, Jason aims to contribute to the musical world by designing instruments, producing captivating YouTube content, and furthering his studies at a distinguished music college in Germany.

Central to Jason’s ethos is a deep-seated belief in music’s capacity to inspire, heal, and unite. His narrative exemplifies how resilience, inventive flair, and communal support can enable young talents to surmount obstacles. Jason hopes to encourage other young musicians with his insight: “Music is a very beautiful thing, and if you love it, pursue it. You have endless opportunities.” 



As a single mum, Leanne Haas, couldn’t be prouder of her talented son.

“I am extremely proud of Jason’s accomplishments, and his Go-getter attitude in life. Despite all the challenges we have faced, he always adjusted well, did well in school, and made new friends wherever we went. I admire his resilience.

Growing up without a father hasn’t been easy, but he never let it affect him, and he has grown up to be quite an “Alpha Male” as he calls himself.” – says Leanne 

Pictured above: Jason with his mom Leanne Haas and sister Azania


Support Jason on BackaBuddy by donating here:

Mhlengi Gwala: Embracing Paralympic Dreams After Surviving a Hand-Saw Attack

Mhlengi Gwala: Embracing Paralympic Dreams After Surviving a Hand-Saw Attack

In the early hours of March 6, 2018, Mhlengi Gwala, then in his late twenties and a rising star in international triathlon from South Africa, endured an attack that would irrevocably alter his life. 

During a training session in Durban, he was viciously assaulted by assailants who pulled him from his bike and brutally injured him, sawing into the calf of his right leg, severely damaging muscles, nerves, and bones, before attacking his left leg. Yet, this harrowing incident did not break Gwala’s spirit; rather, it paved the way for a new chapter in his life as a para-athlete.



Pictured above: Mhlengi at Durban Prosthetic, getting his new prosthetic leg.

Born and raised in the Chesterville township of Durban, Gwala, now 32, faced a monumental transformation following the assault. As he was undergoing surgery, a friend initiated a BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign aptly titled “Get Mhlengi back on his bike.” This campaign struck a chord with people globally, raising over R764,000, vital for his medical expenses rehabilitation, and also contributing towards building a house for his mother.

Fast forward to 2024, and Gwala has emerged as a formidable figure in para-athletics. Taking control of his fate, he launched a new BackaBuddy campaign to support his journey to The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, where he will compete alongside 4,400 athletes from a record number of National Paralympic Committees. 

Pictured above: Gwala training at Kings Park in Durban this year.

Gwala is set to participate in the challenging Para triathlon, which will start from a floating pontoon at the iconic Pont Alexandre III bridge in Paris. This picturesque course will lead him past notable landmarks, including a 750m swim in the Seine, followed by a 20km bike and 5km run through areas near landmarks such as Le Grand Palais and l’Assemblée nationale.

Gwala’s relentless resilience has led to remarkable achievements in his sporting career. He has been crowned a 3x African champion and has achieved significant placements in various international competitions, including:

– **1st Place:** 2019 Shandrani African Championship

– **2nd Place:** Portugal World Para Cup

– **1st Place:** 2021 RSA Championship

– **12th Place:** 2021 World Championships in Abu Dhabi

– **1st Place:** 2022 RSA Championship

– **7th Place:** 2022 World Para Cup in Coruna

– **1st Place:** 2023 African Championship in Hurghada


Pictured above: Mhlengi at the World Paratriathlon Cup (Bari, Italy 2022)

As Mhlengi prepares for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, scheduled for August 28 to September 8, his profound dedication to his sport is reflected in his rigorous training routine. Embracing the disciplines of running, swimming, and cycling, Gwala is leaving no stone unturned in his quest for Paralympic glory.

To support this journey, he has initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to purchase a Speed Concept SLR 7 bike, which costs about R195,000

The Speed Concept SLR 7 is more than just a bike; it’s an aerodynamic carbon triathlon bike engineered for incredible speed and seamless integration. Every aspect of this bike, from the lightweight aero frame and ride-smoothing IsoSpeed to its cutting-edge fuel and hydration system, is designed for peak performance. 



The outpouring of global support that Gwala has received throughout his journey is a vivid illustration of the impact of community in triumphing over adversity. 

“The people of South Africa and across the world are the ones who have kept me going. Their support and well-wishes – and my children – are what kept me going.” 

Pictured above: Mhlengi at KZN Cycling Champs.

This solidarity has not only bolstered his athletic endeavors but also serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It highlights how collective encouragement and support can propel individuals to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Gwala’s remarkable transition from the victim of a vicious assault to a hopeful for the Paralympics and a celebrated para-athlete transcends the realm of personal achievement. 

Support Mhlengi’s campaign on BackaBuddy:


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South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R490 Million.