Tragic Cooking oil accident: 2-year-old Willow Kleinhans suffers severe burn wounds

Tragic Cooking oil accident: 2-year-old Willow Kleinhans suffers severe burn wounds

On the 31st of March 2021, 2-year-old Willow Kleinhans from Richard’s Bay was playing in her mother’s kitchen when she reached for the gas stove, and accidentally poured boiling cooking oil over her head and 25% of her body.

Covered in 1 to 3rd-degree burns, Willow passed out from the stinging pain while being rushed to the nearest hospital 80km away from their home in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Suffering severe trauma, Willow spent a total of 52 days in the hospital, first at Ngwelezane Hospital and she was later transferred to Albert Luthuli Hospital when her wounds got infected.

With the pain and discomfort of her burns, Willow spent most of the time sleeping, she hardly ate and was unable to speak for nearly 18 days.

As soon as her infection subsided, Willow was taken into theatre for a skin graft procedure. The skin was harvested from both her legs, to cover part of her head, face, and her right arm.



What lies ahead for Willow

While doctors are happy with the progress Willow has made thus far, her road to recovery will be long and difficult.

Currently, Willow has been prescribed medication to help with the severe itching and nerve pains she experiences as a result of her wounds.


In the near future, Willow will also need to begin laser treatment to break down her scar tissue and make her skin softer.

“It has been a long, hard, and emotional road to get to where we are today, especially for Willow, but for us as her family as well. Although things are looking better now, it is still going to be a long, challenging, and uncertain road forward.” – says Willow’s mum, Charmaine.

Help Willow’s Wounds Heal

As Willow doesn’t have medical aid and her family is not in a financial position to give her the help she needs, non-profit organisation, Porky’s People NPC, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to reach out to the public for support.

Funds raised will be used to cover Willow’s immediate medical and living expenses, as well as any treatment Willow will need going forward.


“We have been so fortunate to meet the brave, happy, loving, and playful Willow. We hope that with our campaign, we will be able to give Willow the future every little girl deserves” – says Theresa Pienaar, Co-Founder of Porky’s People NPC.

Support Willow’s recovery, by making a donation here:

Alternatively donate via Snapscan here 

*Funds raised will be administered by Porky’s People NPC and paid directly to the relevant practitioners and suppliers for their intended purpose.

Share Willow’s Story


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


5 Charities To Support This Heritage Day

5 Charities To Support This Heritage Day

As a tribute to the diverse cultures and traditions that make up our nation, every year on 24th September we celebrate Heritage Day, a day where South Africans come together to honour what makes us unique. 

On this day, families all over the country enjoy a classic braai in remembrance of our culinary tradition of gathering around a fire to cook. 

Unfortunately not many South Africans can enjoy these festivities. 

While we take a day to celebrate our heritage, donate a warm nutritional meal to a charity by helping them raise funds to feed those in need. 


Here’s a list of charities you can support 


Find a need and fill it – The Cradle of Hope

Dedicated to assisting struggling families of all races and religions, The Cradle of Hope has launched a passion project to help relieve those in desperate need of making ends meet around their community affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Your donation will help the non-profit organisation continue its wonderful work by raising funds to feed more than 1200 hungry adults and children that seek shelter and meals every day.

Donate to The Cradle of Hope’s campaign here.


Picture above: The Cradle of hope feeding 1200 less fortunate adults and children, every single day.


Good4You Foods Kitchen- Eden Community Hope Outreach NPC

Aimed at helping feed as many vulnerable families living in the 7 Municipal regions of the Garden Route, the Garden Route Food Pantry has launched an initiative to provide healthy food relief during the scourge of the pandemic. 

With a large number of families to feed, the outrage is looking to raise enough funds to purchase a 300 litre boiling pan in which to produce large quantities of soup, stews, and pasta dishes for distribution to those in need.  

Donate to the Food Pantry’s campaign here.



Naazneen’s Soup Kitchen NPC

Situated in the soul of Cape Town, Naazneen Kaariem has dedicated 10 years of her life selflessly providing nutritional meals from her home to the community of District 6. Without her warm heart and dedication, things would be a lot tougher for the residents of this community. 

With your donation, this community kitchen can continue making a difference in the lives of those who need it the most. 

Donate to Naazneen’s soup kitchen here


Picture above: Naazneen feeding over 2000 in Valhalla Park.


Breaking Bread Community Development

In support of the homeless community of Observatory and Saltriver in Cape Town, Breaking Bread Community Development operates a soup kitchen serving at least one meal per day five times a week. 

Donations raised to support this kitchen are used to buy food for daily meals including Breakfast and Lunch, as well as one large meal, served on a Friday where others can join and volunteer.

Donate to Breaking Bread’s campaign here


Picture above: Director of Breaking Bread Community Development, Sheradia Brown, serving two meals a day to the Homeless from her house in Salt River.


Raising Hope by Chad Nathan

Chad Nathan, from the Western Cape, alongside Ladles of Love, Breadline Africa, and Courage has raised over R690 000 in his initiative to mitigate the situation of less fortunate communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

To date, they have helped over 35 charities across South Africa, and with the additional funds raised, Chad is looking to support feeding schemes in Langa, Mannenberg, Hanover Park, Delft, and many more.

Donate to Chad’s campaign here.



So while we celebrate what makes South Africa great, remember those who could go without a meal today and donate to a greater cause in helping make a difference.


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


Johannesburg mother pleads for donations to help her 11-year-old twin boys, Caleb and Cole

Johannesburg mother pleads for donations to help her 11-year-old twin boys, Caleb and Cole

Crystal Meintjies from Johannesburg is a single mom on a mission to get hearing aids for her 11-year-old twin boys, Caleb and Cole, who were born deaf.

After a difficult pregnancy and contracting measles, Crystal gave birth to her charming boys at only 26 weeks. Born premature, the boys weighed only 1.9kgs and 1.6kgs respectively.

Photo above: Crystal, Caleb and Cole with their family.

The twins’ hearing problems weren’t noticed right a way, says Crystal.

“We only discovered Caleb was deaf at 1 year old and Cole at the age of 3, as we always thought he was imitating his twin brother, until our speech therapist said I should take him back to my ENT specialist, we then got referrals to audiologists who assisted” says their mother, Crystal. 

Together always, thick as thieves

Today, Caleb and Cole have grown into charming, happy and healthy boys with a special bond.

Photo Above: Caleb and Cole

Uniquely different, Caleb can be described as a quiet child, who seem reserved at times but once you get to know him, you’d love him. Whereas Cole is a character of note. He loves to tease, joke and play around. Very loving boy and enjoys attention.

“The Brothers truly are each other’s best friends. I look at these two, and as much as they fight, when nobody is looking, they’re as thick as thieves. This is the kind of love I admire. I pray they never lose sight of it” says their mother, Crystal. 

Photo above: Caleb and Cole in school uniform.

A plea for assistance

Caleb and Cole both attend St Vincent School of the Deaf and have been thriving while wearing hearing aids that have improved their lives significantly.

Unfortunately, only one twin is currently using a hearing aid between the two of them, as the one pair is broken and needs to be serviced.

Reaching out for community support to give her son’s the gift of sound and improve their lives, Crystal Meintjies, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy.

Since the launch of the campaign, over R8500 has been raised towards the fundraising target of R50 000 with contributions from 15 generous donors.

Photo above: Caleb and Cole

“Your assistance will be greatly appreciated and would be a dream come true. Please help me to help my son’s dreams and hope of having new hearing aids come true and that they can be serviced and maintained when necessary” pleads their mother, Crystal. 

Any additional funds raised will support Caleb in getting a cochlear implant, as he has been nominated as a possible candidate for the costly procedure.


Support Caleb and Cole

Donate to support Caleb and Cole’s cause:

Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.

Crowdfunding campaign brings hope to Pearl’s children after her tragic murder

Crowdfunding campaign brings hope to Pearl’s children after her tragic murder

On the 3rd of August 2020, Hlengiwe Msimango (30), affectionately known as ‘Pearl’, lost her life, when she was tragically killed by her husband, who allegedly mistook her for an intruder in their home in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Described as “a vibrant soul who brought joy to everyone she encountered”, Pearl is sorely missed by her loved ones, as well as her 2-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter who devastatingly witnessed her mother’s death a year ago.


Since the heartbreaking incident, a murder charge has been laid against Pearl’s husband Mosa Ntsibande, and his pre-trial will begin on the 14 October in the High Court in Johannesburg. 

According to The World Health Organisation (WHO), 12.1 in every 100 000 women are victims of femicide in South Africa each year – a figure which is five times worse than the global average.

“I hope that Pearl gets the justice she deserves and that this case will be a lesson to all men that heinous actions have consequences” – says KT Swart, a friend of Pearl.

Keeping Pearl’s memory alive

To honour the life and memory of her friend, KT has done her best to provide for Pearl’s children in her absence, by covering their schooling costs, and delivering food and nappies whenever she can.

Reaching out to the public for support, KT has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to help cover the cost of the children’s trauma counselling, as well as their education and living expenses for the foreseeable future.

Pictured above: KT and Pearl

Through generous donations, over R8000 has been raised since the launch of the crowdfunding campaign.

KT’s dream is to see Pearl’s children finish university and lead happy, independent, successful lives, which is what Pearl would’ve wanted.

“I am sure there are many out there, like me, who would like to donate to this cause in an attempt to positively impact the lives of these two precious children who have already dealt with so much. Please support our plight to change the trajectory of these children’s lives, and to keep Pearl’s memory alive.  #JusticeForHlengiwe” – says KT

Support Pearl’s children by donating BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, donate Snapscan: 

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.

Death and Resurrection: An exhibition to celebrate 20 years of an artists’ collective

Death and Resurrection: An exhibition to celebrate 20 years of an artists’ collective

Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa, a living museum that tells the story of South Africa’s journey to democracy, will be celebrating its 25 years since the constitution was signed December 1996.  

As part of the commemoration, an enormous retrospective exhibition, ‘Death and Resurrection’, is underway to showcase the prolific artworks that the Keiskamma Art Project have produced over two decades which explore the fabric of Xhosa narrative, South African and African society, unravelling and re-stitching histories into symbolically charged tapestries that read like storybooks.

Pictured above: Artists working on the Keiskamma Altarpiece outside the studio in Hamburg, Eastern Cape.

Through cutting and stitching, simultaneously, socio-political inquiries, responses and experiences of plagues and pandemics, humanity and hope are brought to the fore in engaging needlework and textile which are recognised for their place in art history on the African continent and in the international art community.

This exhibition will also be a way of celebrating those who have shared skills and built extraordinary relationships with the community of Hamburg in the Eastern Cape.  Exchanges of talent and trust have been at the heart of a generous interchange between the artists and a global community. 

Pictured above: Artists laying out the sequence of the panels for the Keiskamma Tapestry.

This retrospective exhibition foregrounds the traditional oral histories and acts as a loudhailer through which to amplify the stories and experiences by, and for the people who are otherwise not heard. Through simultaneous narration and documentation we hope to foster a safe environment to promote healing and sharing to bring people and diverse communities together.” says Azu Nwagbogu, world renowned curator and art collector, Founder and Director of African Artist’s Foundation, ex Interim Director/Head Curator of the Zietz Museum of Contemporary Art, Founder and Director of LagosPhoto Festival, creator of Art Base Africa 

Pictured above: Azu Nwagbogu world-renowned curator and art collector @azubogu


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

To realise the dream of bringing this exhibition, which promises to be one of the best exhibitions South Africa has ever seen, to Constitution Hill in 2022, the Keiskamma Art Project, is reaching out to the public for support through a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy.

“For 20 years, we have seen first-hand the magic that is possible through community. The Keiskamma Art Project is a testament to this.  It is for this reason that we look to crowd-funding to make this vision a magnificent reality of world-class standards to be shared and marvelled by all.” – says Pippa Hetherington, curator Death and Resurrection. 

Pictured above: A rendering of the exhibition space showcasing the Keiskamma Guernica, made in 2010, mixed media including appliqué, embroidery, felt, wire, blankets, metal, beads.

Since the launch of the campaign, over R246 047.18 has already been raised towards the fundraising target of R1 234 000, which is needed by 30th November 2021 to secure the date of the exhibition and start production.

The project has so far secured generous donations from Constitution Hill, Eastern Cape Provincial Arts and Culture Council (ECPACC), Kathy Robins, Wendy Ackerman and a number of anonymous donations.


“We truly believe that this is an opportunity to challenge the perception of contemporary African art and showcase a collective on African soil and then for it to travel. Apart from the national and international impact of providing insight to social, health and art intersections, the visibility of the Keiskamma Art Project is vital for the knock-on effect of the sustainability of the artmaking and the livelihoods of the artists.” – says Michaela Howse, project manager Keiskamma Art Project

Donate to support The Keiskamma Project on BackaBuddy here:

Alternatively, donate Snapscan here:

View the artworks and digital catalogue here: 

Social media links:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


‘Go-getter’ Brewery owner faces mounting medical bills while in an induced coma after contracting covid-19

‘Go-getter’ Brewery owner faces mounting medical bills while in an induced coma after contracting covid-19

Local master distiller and brewery owner, Peter Dickens (53), from Overstrand, Western Cape, was hospitalized on 24 July 2021, and remains in high ICU care in critical condition, after contracting COVID-19.

Pictured above: Peter Dickens

After the Provincial Hospital in Hermanus had done everything they could to help Peter with the equipment they had, Peter was transferred to Mediclinic as he was in need of emergency intervention, and he did not qualify for higher care treatment in another Provincial Hospital.

As Peter is unable to breathe without the help of a ventilator, and his progress has been slow and unpredictable, Mediclinic predicts Peter’s recovery will be prolonged.

Pictured above: Karen holds Peter’s hand in ICU

Mounting medical bills

Without medical aid, the cost of Peter’s hospitalization as a private patient has reached a staggering R700 000 to date, which has placed tremendous financial stress on the family, who are doing everything they can to keep him in hospital to get the help he desperately needs.

Currently, it costs approximately R25 000 a day to keep Peter at the private facility, a moving target which only escalates as various procedures and interventions are required. Being a private patient, the family also needs to cover the medical costs a week in advance. 

Pictured above: Peter with his wife Karen of 28 years

Upon hearing about Peter’s deteriorating health, Karen’s customer, now friend, Diane Forster, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, to appeal to the public for support during this difficult time.

With the support of 80 donations both big and small, over R200 000 has been raised since the launch of the campaign that hopes to raise over R700 000 to get the beloved business owner the best treatment.

“Life doesn’t have a price, hope does. That hope is captured in every contribution that is made. Many of us will never meet Peter, but each one who has contributed will know that in these very difficult times they made a difference. Our BackaBuddy campaign is simply about making a difference to Peter and his family, but right now, the reality is that Karen doesn’t need another casserole, she needs cash. ” – says Diane

The Dickens family has been overwhelmed by support

“To our wonderful donors, thank you for raising us on your shoulders and the immense power of your support for my ‘Miracle Man’ who has the biggest heart in the world. Thank you for the out-pour of love and care, it means the world to us knowing we are not alone. Your donations humble me, and gives me strength knowing we can keep on fighting. My gratitude extends to thankless, tiresome efforts by the Doctors, Sisters and all the Hospital staff for all the have done for my Peter” – says Karen

Donate to support Peter’s medical treatment on BackaBuddy here:

Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan here: 

More info:

Peter is the owner of The Spirit of Hermanus operating as Old Tin Hat Brewery, Folk & Goode Brewing Company and Fiddler’s spirit range 

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.