South Africans coming together even in these trying times.

South Africans coming together even in these trying times.

2021 has been a particularly difficult year for all South Africans.

We have faced the ongoing pandemic together; many of us haven’t seen our loved ones for a long time. 

Some of us have lost someone close to us or know someone who has. 

Many businesses have struggled and many more people have lost their jobs.

But through lockdowns and isolation, we have also witnessed the resilient South African spirit in all its glory, and have seen our people come together, more than ever before to help those in need.

On BackaBuddy, South Africa’s leading donations-based crowdfunding platform, over R55 million has been raised this year with the generous support of over 62 000 donors, who have supported almost 4000 individuals and beloved non-profit organisations.

Take a look at a few BackaBuddy campaigns launched this year that reminded us what it means to be South African, even in these trying times.


Romario’s birthday pledge 

Eco-warrior Romario Valentine from Umhlanga, Durban celebrated his 10th birthday by raising over R24 000, to plant 350 trees in Kenya and build an aviary for over 3500 birds in Plettenberg Bay. Inspired by his relentless focus on improving our natural environment, Romario was invited to share his opinions on a panel with the United Nations! In the words of Greta Thunberg, ‘You’re never too little to make a difference.’

View Romario’s campaign here


Pictured above: Romario planting trees with Beverly Hills General Manager, John Aritho, and Wayne Burgess from Burgess Landscapes.


Dale came back home!

Almost 500 donors came together to bring Dale Benson, a 39-year-old educator back home from Vietnam, after he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and was unable to access the treatment he needed while overseas. 

With over R200 000 raised, Dale arrived at Cape Town international airport and shared a heartfelt moment with his mum, Inge Bosman, who was overjoyed to see him. Our thoughts are with Dale as he continues his treatment.

View Dale’s campaign here.


Pictured above: Dale with his mum, Inge.


Helping Robert start his new career!

Despite the obstacles in his path, Robert Maposa (43) from Pretoria, who was working as a gardener, went on to pass his LLB degree from UNISA with distinction this year. 

To commend Robert for his hard work and determination, almost R90 000 was raised to purchase Robert a car and professional attire to begin his new career.

View Robert’s campaign here.


Pictured above: Robert receiving his degree.


Smashing a world record

Henry Cock (34), a businessman from Sandton, Johannesburg, set out to smash the Guinness World Record for the most consecutive half marathons run in a row, while at the same time uplifting South Africans struggling with mental health issues during the lockdown. 

With his campaign launched on BackaBuddy, Henry has raised over R530 000 to support The South African Depression and Anxiety group. Henry hopes to make history with the end of his challenge on 17 November 2021.

Donate to Henry’s campaign here



A wheelchair for Omphile

With generous support from donors across South Africa, over R90 000 was raised to give Omphile Selepe (12), from Sandton his very own wheelchair. 

Omphile is living with x-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare life-threatening genetic brain disease that has inhibited his ability to walk, speak and function indepently. With his specialized chair, Omphile’s quality of life has improved tremendously, while bravely fighting his condition, never giving up his beaming smile.

View Omphile’s campaign here


Pictured above: Omphile with his sister, Ntabiseng Selepe.

Listen as BackaBuddy COO, Catherine Du Plooy speaks to SmileFm , (6/10/2021), about how we’ve seen our people come together, more than ever before to help those in need.

Thank you South Africa for reminding us of all the kindness and love we as a society have to offer.

Connect with BackaBuddy to support a loved one or uplift a cause or organisation in your community.


Shadrack Kuchale speaks out for the first time since the armed robbery that left him paralysed

Shadrack Kuchale speaks out for the first time since the armed robbery that left him paralysed

On 1 September 2021, in the early hours of the morning, Shadrack Kuchale (38) From Cosmo City, Johannesburg, was on his way to work, when he was attacked and held at gunpoint. 

The situation soon escalated when the assailants shot the father of two in the neck, stole his cellphone, and dragged him to the nearby ATM, withdrawing R5000 from his bank account.

With complete disregard for Shadrack’s life and well-being, he was left for dead in the street. Fighting for his life and in severe pain,  Shadrack waited 12 hours for a bed at the local government hospital before eventually being admitted.

Pictured above: Shadrack and his wife, Eunice, and their two children.


Forever changed

After being assessed by a neurosurgeon, and having a CT scan, Shadrack’s worst fears were soon realized: The bullet from the attack entered the highest part of his spine, shattering his spinal cord, and then traveled to his lung and punctured it.

Sadly, Shadrack is now completely paralysed from the shoulders down and will remain a quadriplegic for the rest of his life, as no amount of physiotherapy can restore his spinal fluid or movement in his body. 

Supporting Shadrack

Before Shadrack’s life-changing ordeal, he was the breadwinner for his wife, and two children aged 8 and 11, earning R6400 a month. He was a beacon of hope in his community, and a true leader everyone admired and looked up to.

“I want nothing more than to provide for my family, find a job that gives me purpose and meaning in this life, a hobby that can give me peace of mind and keep my mind occupied. Most of all, I want to continue being the hero I have always been in my home, and get back some of the dignity that I didn’t lose, but was taken from me” – says Shadrack

Shadrack and his wife, Eunice, and their two children.

To help Shadrack cover his ongoing medical costs and living expenses after this life-altering attack, non-profit organisation, The Angel Network, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to lend a helping hand.

Since Shadrack’s campaign launched on 16 September 2021, over R350 000 has been raised to support him and his family with medical costs as well as monthly expenses such as rent, food and school fees.

“I would never have imagined that so many people would open their hearts for me in my time of need, and carry me on their shoulders during my darkest moments. Without the donors, I don’t know how I would have made it to this point. ‘Thank you’ will never be enough” – says Shadrack

Now half a year later, most of the funds that were raised for Shadrack’s care have been put to good use, covering his extensive medical needs, say Carin Silberman and Gail Mabalane, good samaritans who have walked alongside Shadrack.

“Shadrack and his wife, who is employed as a domestic worker, have faced tremendous financial pressure, dealing with their new reality and could use all our continued love and support. Shadrack and his family have a long road to healing ahead both physically and emotionally.” – say Carin  & Gail Mabalane

For those wanting to support Shadrack’s well-being on a monthly basis, his needs are as follows:

  • Rent R5500
  • Food R3000
  • Transport kids R1300
  • Transport to hospital R800
  • Transport to Church R1000
  • Water R700
  • Lights R800
  • Caregiver R2000

With support, Shadrack hopes to get a lighter wheelchair that will enable him to move more freely. God willing, Shadrack would desperately like to begin Trauma counselling to address the emotional scars that still haven’t healed since his ordeal.

Support Shadrack’s recovery by making a donation on BackaBuddy: 

Alternatively donate via Snapscan 

All donors are eligible for a Section 18A tax certificate issued by The Angel Network.

Connect with The Angel Network

The Angel Network is an organization, run solely via the power of social media. They are a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO: 181-947) and Public Benefits Organisation (PBO).

Their goal is to create a gateway for giving. A platform from which helping where help is needed, is easily accessible to anyone wanting to do a little more, and give a little more.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


Community saves the life of a beautiful 5-year-old, Naledi, through donations for urgent heart surgery.

Community saves the life of a beautiful 5-year-old, Naledi, through donations for urgent heart surgery.

When Naledi Thahanyane (4) from Johannesburg was 6 months old when she was placed in the care of Juno Aurora Haven, a home for abused and neglected children in Sandton.

Fragile at first, the charismatic young lady soon went on to reach her milestones in leaps and bounds.

“When we met little Naledi, she was tiny and underdeveloped. With healthy food, love, and encouragement, we have seen her blossom into the princess she is today. She is such a vibrant, inquisitive, busy, and loving child. She steals the hearts of everyone who meets her” -says Melody Eggar, a volunteer at Juno Aurora Haven.

Pictured above: Melody Eggar with Naledi

When Naledi was taken to a pediatrician for a regular checkup three years ago, it was discovered that she had a heart defect, a growth just below the left aorta. The news was devastating to her caregivers and so began the waiting game.

Waiting for the growth to increase in size, to be safely removed, her cardiology team at Johannesburg Hospital saw Naledi for regular visits, to determine when her surgery should take place.

In May 2020, upon seeing a slight trickle of blood mixing, Naledi’s doctor gave the go-ahead for her to have surgery within the 6 months to follow.

After her surgery was scheduled, Juno Aurora Haven launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, in hopes to raise the much-needed funds to correct the hole in Naledi’s heart and ultimately save her life.

“Over the past few weeks Naledi has been tiring more easily and sleeping more than usual. We are doing our best to keep her safe and keep her spirits up. We know that without this operation, she won’t be with us for her next birthday, and that’s too difficult to contemplate. We hope the public will support our BackaBuddy campaign so we can save our little earth angel” – says Melody.

On Monday, 9th of November, after Naledi met with her surgeons, Radio 702 interviewed Melody Eggar for their #letswalkthetalk segment. In less than 12 hours, listeners contributed over R110 000 to Naledi’s BackaBuddy campaign.

Listen to the interview

Quick Update:

On Thursday, 14 July 2022, Naledi had a check up with her paediatric cardiologist and he is very happy with her progress and she only needs to go back in July 2023!

About BackaBuddy:

  • BackaBuddy is a proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.
  • BackaBuddy has raised over R200 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.
  • Website:
  • Facebook:
Community steps in to help Holly (3) find her voice.

Community steps in to help Holly (3) find her voice.

Pictured above: Holly Bright from Cape Town

Kim Jones (43) from Table View, Cape Town is on a mission to help her 3-year-old, ‘beautiful and lively niece’, Holly Bright, find her voice.

Edgemead residents may recognise Holly sitting in her wheelchair, with her beautiful big eyes, and glowing red hair, but what many don’t know is that she was born with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic neurological and developmental disorder.

The condition, which affects the way the brain develops, causes a progressive loss of motor skills and speech, as well as regular seizures and breathing challenges. Holly’s case is quite severe.

Pictured above: Holly was born with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic neurological and developmental disorder.

“Despite having a lot to say, Holly is unable to get the words out. It breaks my heart when I see her face light up acknowledging my presence, but knowing that she can’t say hello, or worse is when you see the tears well up because she is frustrated or in pain, but can’t tell us where it hurts or how we can help.” says Kim.

Pictured above: Kim sits holding Holly and her sister, Lily, with Tammy and granny at the back.

Helping Holly

To help Holly communicate, she has in the past been able to stick pictures on a velcro-covered board and then point to what she wanted to say.

While this rudimentary device showed promising results, unfortunately, Holly’s body is weak and the connection between her brain and hands is compromised, so she is often unable to use her hands to have her say.

As a solution to this obstacle, Kim set out to raise funds on BackaBuddy to purchase an electronic PCEye device that uses Eye Gaze technology, estimated to cost over R26 000. With some training, Holly’s quality of life will increase dramatically and she will have a voice in this world.

Pictured above: A PCEye device will give Holly a voice in this world.

“Tammy and Nick, Holly’s parents, have devoted every spare cent they have to provide her with the best possible nutrition, therapies, and equipment to help her little body fight all it can, but this is a “luxury” not covered by any medical aid and is just beyond their savings.” – says Kim

Thankfully, with the help of 88 generous donors, Holly’s BackaBuddy campaign has raised over R36 000, enough to purchase the PCEye device. A laptop, as well as the brackets to brace the device on Holly’s wheelchair have also kindly been donated.

“As a family, we are completely blown away by the tremendous support our BackaBuddy campaign has received. We couldn’t be more thankful to each and every donor who has come forward to help change Holly’s life for the better”, says Kim.

If any additional funds are raised, they will be used to cover the cost of the speech therapy and training Holly will need to use the device effectively, as well as contribute towards Holly’s monthly medical expenses (in the region of R30 000 a month), that are not covered by the family’s medical aid.

“We all do our best to give Holly what she needs to blossom in life. No kind gesture is wasted”, says Kim.

A photo from a couple years ago: Tammy and Nick, with their daughters, Holly and Lily.

Support Holly, by making a donation here:

Alternatively,make a donation via Snapscan here:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R260 Million.

43 days after her tragic accident, Pietermaritzburg cyclist, Ingrid Flint (57), has sadly passed away.

43 days after her tragic accident, Pietermaritzburg cyclist, Ingrid Flint (57), has sadly passed away.

On the 4th of June, the owner of Jowetts Cycles, Ingrid Flint (57) from Ashburton, Pietermaritzburg was involved in a horrific, near-fatal car accident when she crashed into an 18-wheeler truck head-on while traveling to Durban on the N3.

When the paramedics arrived on the scene, Ingrid was found unconscious and had to be sedated due to the severe head and back injuries she sustained. She was then taken to ICU at St. Annes Hospital in Pietermaritzburg.

Learn more about Ingrid’s medical journey on her website here.

Ingrid’s car after her traumatic accident.

Ingrid has sadly passed away

Suffering brain damage and tremendous physical injuries, Ingrid Flint, sadly lost her life on 17 July 2021.  Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Flint family.

It’s with a broken heart that we as a family want to let you know that my mom has passed away. She fought for 43 days like a soldier. I am so grateful to everyone who has stood with us and supported us.
We were able to give her the best shot at recovery as possible. Please can I ask for everyone to give us a little space to deal with this as a family. -says Ingrid’s son, Gary Flint posted on her WhatsApp group.

Thank you to the kind donors

A kind thank you to the generous donors, both locally and abroad, who raised over R90 000 for Ingrid’s medical treatment and recovery on BackaBuddy.

The Flint family has asked that Ingrid’s campaign be closed for any further donations.

View her campaign:

For more information

Visit Ingrid’s website or join her WhatsApp group.

The late Ingrid Flint outside her bicycle shop.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R260 Million.



1 year after his diagnosis, Shaunie (12), loses his battle with Brainstem Glioma.

1 year after his diagnosis, Shaunie (12), loses his battle with Brainstem Glioma.

In July 2020, Shaun and Bianca Pretorius from Benoni, Johannesburg, learned the devastating news that their son, Shaunie (12), a bright and happy young boy, was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive, and terminal type of brain cancer called Brainstem Glioma.


A devastating diagnosis 

At the beginning of lockdown, Shaunie was struggling with fatigue and constant vomiting. Thinking that his condition was perhaps brought on by school stress and adapting to online learning, his parents took him to a number of doctors to see what was wrong.

Matters soon got worse when the antibiotics he was given did little to remedy his condition. Shaunie began struggling with his eyesight, had difficulty moving around and battled to communicate.

Shaunie having a CT scan at Linmed Hospital

To determine the cause of Shaunie’s rapid decline, he was taken for CT scan at Linmed Hospital in Johannesburg.

The heartbreaking results of the x-ray determined that Shaunie has a cancerous tumour in his brain stem, a fatal condition known as Brainstem Glioma, which has a median survival rate of only 9 months. 

With doctors unable to operate on Shaunie, he underwent 12 aggressive Radiation Therapy sessions to shrink his tumour and alleviate some of his pain.

To shelter Shaunie from the severity of his condition, his parents didn’t tell him that his tumour was cancerous, but he understood why he was beginning to lose his hair and that he was unwell.

“Hearing that your child, who has always been perfectly healthy, is fighting a deadly disease and only has a few months left to live is devastating. We don’t know how to tell Shaunie that he is dying. We still have hope that God will hear our prayers and that he will make it through” – his mom, Bianca said.


As there is no cure for Shaunie’s condition, he was being treated symptomatically with cannabis oil and steroids to help the swelling on his brain and increase his appetite.


Shaunie’s Birthday Wish

As only 1% of children diagnosed with Brainstem Glioma live up to 5 years, the Pretorius family focused on keeping Shaunie as healthy, as pain free and as comfortable as possible so he could enjoy the time he had left with his parents and his little brother, Mattie (3).


Shaunie with his little brother, Mattie.

Focusing on all the things that spark joy for a young boy, Shaunie’s uncle Juandre Botha launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, to fulfil Shaunie’s ultimate dream of owning a Playstation 5, just in time for his 12th birthday on the 9th of March.

Shaunie on his 12th Birthday


With generous support, Shaunie’s campaign raised over R24 000 and he was able to get the playstation he always longed for and was able to cover more of his medical expenses.


Shaunie playing with his brother

Update: Rest in Peace, Brave Shaunie.

On the 2nd of July 2021, Shaunie lost his battle with Brainstem Glioma.
“It is with devastating sadness that we would like to let you know that Shauni passed away in his father’s arms this morning after a year fighting Brainstem Glioma.The family’s hearts are broken and we please ask for your prayers and love for them on this most devastating day. Shauni is a hero, having fought through all this time and will be remembered as being forever young – a bright, kind and loving child who brought joy to everyone around him.Thank you to everyone for all the love and support through the year that Shauni and his family have been fighting this monster disease.Thank you to all the contributors, well wishes, prayers, blessings and kind words from you all. It is greatly appreciated.You are welcome to send us messages on this group so that we may forward on to Shauni’s family.” – A message posted on Shaunie’s Facebook group.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R200 Million.