From Fish Hoek High to Ireland: Liam Coetzee’s Rugby Journey

From Fish Hoek High to Ireland: Liam Coetzee’s Rugby Journey

Liam Coetzee a 18-year-old matric student at Fish Hoek High School in Cape Town, is embarking on a journey from the local rugby fields in South Africa to the international stages in Ireland where he will not only shine bright for his skills but also for his dedication, perseverance, and passion for the game. 

Pictured above: 18-year-old aspiring rugby player Liam Coetzee

“Liam has a good sense of humour and is a great leader. He is very self motivated and  determined and once he has set his mind to do something he doesn’t give up. He inspires his peers and is always pushing hard for the next goal.” says Liam’s proud mum Gail.

Born and raised in the heart of South Africa, Liam’s love for rugby ignited when he was just 6-years-old while watching rugby with his dad who is a big fan of the sport. From the moment he first held a rugby ball in primary school, he knew that this sport would be his calling. Over the years, his dedication and determination transformed him into a formidable player, earning him recognition both on and off the field.

At Fish Hoek High School, Liam’s leadership qualities were evident as he was elected head student and appointed captain of the u19 1st team rugby in 2024. His peers and coaches alike admired his unwavering work ethic, persistence, and self-motivation, traits that not only propelled his own performance but also inspired those around him.

Pictured above: Liam with his rugby squad

“Rugby is a true source of happiness where I can develop physically and mentally. It’s an escape from the stress of school and life in general all while being a part of a brotherhood that plays for something bigger than any one player. A career in rugby would be incredible, I’m planning on studying engineering next year but would love to keep playing and maybe go pro.” says Liam

In addition to his achievements in rugby, Liam excelled academically, earning full colours for school academics and the prestigious Springbok Scout award. His ability to balance sporting excellence with academic success speaks volumes about his character and determination to excel in all aspects of life.

Pictured above: Liam with his sister Josie

But Liam’s journey doesn’t stop at the school gates or within the local league. His talent and hard work have caught the attention of scouts beyond South Africa’s borders. Currently, he is attending trials for the Western Province (WP) u19 provincial side, aiming to represent his province at the highest level.

However, the pinnacle of Liam’s rugby journey lies in an opportunity that transcends borders and continents—the Rhino Rugby Touring side. Selected to be a part of this elite squad, Liam will be travelling to Ireland this September to compete alongside international teams, train with top youth players and coaches, and immerse himself in the rich history of rugby.

This opportunity truly means the world to me, it’s the result of years of passion and belief. Not only from me but from my family, teammates and community. It’s an opportunity to see the sport I love from a whole new perspective.” Liam tells us.

Pictured above: Liam with the Fish Hoek u19 A first team

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is not just about playing the game; it’s about experiencing the camaraderie of international competition, learning from the best in the world, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. For Liam, it’s a dream come true, a chance to represent his country on foreign soil and showcase his talent on a global stage.

However, realising this dream comes with its challenges. The financial burden of such a trip is significant, especially on short notice. Which is why Liam and his family has started a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy where they have already managed to raise over R27 000 of their R50 000 goal with the help of 17 amazing donors. 

“I am incredibly grateful for each donation and honestly overwhelmed by the timely support I’ve received. A massive thanks to all for believing in me, your generosity is inspiring and I promise to make the most of it.” says Liam.

Support Liam’s campaign here:


A Story of Resilience: Sam Stewart’s Journey from Cancer Survivor to Battling a Stroke

A Story of Resilience: Sam Stewart’s Journey from Cancer Survivor to Battling a Stroke

Sam Stewart, a 48-year-old International External Affairs Manager from Plumstead, has been on a roller coaster journey of challenges, victories, and an unwavering spirit that refuses to surrender. 

Nineteen years ago in 2005, Sam received a devastating diagnosis—breast cancer with a mere 7% chance of survival and only six months to live. Against all odds, she triumphed over cancer, not just for herself but for countless others facing the same battle.


Pictured above: Sam Stewart

Sam was in a complete state of shock and disbelief when she found out that she had cancer. She was coerced into having surgery by the surgeon without any second opinion. A decision she regrets as she knows now that the surgeon only gets paid for surgery. Not for making the patient think of options. She knows that cancer is now behind her but this is after having been 152 times to the chemo room over 10 years. Sam is now on only natural health remedies.” says Natalie Dreisenstock, a long time friend of Sam who took the incredible initiative to share Sam’s story with everyone who would listen.

Sam’s tenacity extended beyond her personal triumph as she fought for the right treatment, forming an NGO that aids patients in navigating the complexities of medical aid treatments. This organisation, born from her own struggle, continues to be a spark of hope for those in need.

In the midst of this noble endeavour, Sam and her husband Allan (59), faced a different kind of adversity during the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic—financial ruin. The couple were in a very stable financial position and Sam left her corporate job with Hewlett Packard (HP) to focus on her true passion of motivational speaking and her NGO SoulSync assisting cancer patients to access treatment. Allan had been employed for over 7 years with a large South African IT company, as the Regional Executive for the Cape Region.  


Pictured above: Sam and her husband, Allan enjoying a night out

“The hardest part about losing everything is your pride, the best part of it is how liberating it is to be free of all the consumer driven expenses that mean absolutely nothing really. We were forced to look at what really matters in life, we learnt to live on next to nothing and our relationship just got stronger and stronger as the only thing we really had was one another.” says Allan.

At the end of 2019, Allan received an excellent offer to join a global IT Organisation. By March 2020 Covid and the associated national and international lockdowns took the world by storm, and Allan found himself a casualty of the global cutbacks, so many of us experienced. He left the company in October 2020 and since then has applied for countless positions and attempted to start his own business. For some time they survived on savings, but ultimately ended up living with friends or house-sitting to keep a roof over their heads. 

In August 2023 Sam found a permanent position with World Animal Protection and they were finally able to rent a home, having moved an astounding 19 times in just two and a half years, and get on to medical aid again. Allan has been putting all his energy into getting his 2 businesses, Flowte Franchise and SalesSync, a coaching business, off the ground. 


Pictured above: Sam and Allan Stewart

“I was ecstatic when I got the job. It was such a wonderful time, I was finally going to do something for animals which is my biggest passion and joy. Getting this job also meant having medical aid and a place to stay and start over again.” says Sam

However, just as they glimpsed a positive turn, fate dealt a cruel blow—Sam suffered a hemorrhagic stroke on February 4th 2024.

The stroke, a severe deep brain bleed in the basal ganglia, left Sam paralyzed on her right side and robbed her of speech. Allan, who is an ex-medic, acted swiftly, and managed to get Sam to emergency care within 15 minutes. Though Sam has made some progress in her recovery, her ability to conduct business conversations, read, spell, or grasp complex concepts remains impaired.

The problem they face now is Sam will unlikely be able to work for the next 8 months to a year, and it is critical that during her recovery they have sufficient income to pay for medical aid and rent. Allan will have to act as Sam’s primary care-giver as they cannot afford full time care, and that will impact his ability to work.


Pictured above: Sam in hospital after her stroke

Navigating the complexities of the medical system has become yet another battle for the couple. The medical aid, despite being legally obligated to cover Sam’s condition as a prescribed minimum benefit, has proven challenging as they tried in every possible way to delay the authorisation for the emergency. Their fight for authorization, therapies, and proper care is ongoing, adding to the mounting pressure on both Sam and Allan.

Amidst this struggle, Allan has put his businesses on hold to focus on Sam’s recovery. Sam’s own employment is at risk due to the obvious challenges she faces. The couple, demonstrating resilience and commitment, face each day with determination, love, and strength, even as time works against them.

Now, a call for support echoes through their story. Friends, family, and well-wishers are rallying to raise R300 000 through a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy where they have already managed to raise over R80 000 with the help of 27 incredible donors.


Pictured above: Sam enjoying being surrounded by nature and sunshine

The money raised will alleviate financial burdens, cover medical expenses beyond the aid rates, provide necessary care, and supplement lost revenue from work. The hope is to ease the financial strain, granting Sam the time and resources needed for a thorough recovery—estimated to be no less than eight months and potentially exceeding a year.

“The generosity and kindness that has been shown to us is overwhelming. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We’ve been through tough and defining times before and we are determined to get through this challenge with flying colours. Watch out for Sam 2.0, the upgrade who will emerge. Without your help this would be near to impossible.” concludes Allan.


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Micheal and Bailey: Balcony Accident Strengthens Bond Between Rescue Cat and Dog

Micheal and Bailey: Balcony Accident Strengthens Bond Between Rescue Cat and Dog

Furry Instagram celebrities and best friends, Micheal and Bailey

However, tragedy struck on January 2nd when Micheal, just one-year-old, accidentally fell from the fourth floor of their apartment building. This unfortunate incident left Micheal with fractures in both of his legs, necessitating urgent medical attention.

Amber recounted the heartbreaking details of the accident, saying, “We were on the balcony for our morning sun and coffee, we had mesh up, but the estate we live in made everyone remove it due to aesthetic reasons. I looked away for a split second, and something caught Micheal’s attention on the little ledge. I did not want to scare him, so I called him back inside because I thought if he got safely out there, he would be able to bring himself safely in. He was doing great until he got his hips stuck and panicked, and in a normal cat reaction, he tried to reverse. He pushed too quickly, and I started running towards him, but I wasn’t able to grab him in time.”

Micheal and Bailey with their fur-parent, Amber

While insurance did provide some coverage, the damage caused by the fall was extensive. Amber recalled, “Micheal was awake and crying. Thankfully, there was no blood, but that cry will stay with me forever! I could see his front paw was broken, but had no idea the back had snapped too.”

The estimated expenses included R2,500 for an emergency vet visit, over R40,000 for surgical procedures, and more than R8,000 for post-operative care.

Amber, feeling helpless but resolute in her determination to save Micheal, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. The campaign aimed to raise R65,000 to cover the hefty medical bills. So far, it has garnered tremendous support, with 10 generous donors contributing over R17 400 to help Michael on his road to recovery.

Micheal underwent a successful seven-hour surgery at Sunset Veterinary Clinic, where screws and wires were expertly placed to mend his broken bones. The joy of his family, and especially Bailey (exuberantly wagging her tail), was immeasurable when Micheal finally returned home.


Micheal laying in his crate after his fall from the balcony

The pair, accustomed to doing everything together, is now temporarily separated by a crate as Micheal undergoes a six-week recovery process.

Amber shared the heartwarming details of their friendship, saying, “They love to play fight on the couch and go on beautiful walks together!”

The response from the Cape Town community has been nothing short of heartwarming. Friends and complete strangers, moved by the unlikely friendship between Micheal and Bailey, have stepped up to donate and send their good wishes. Amber and Calvin have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.

Amber shared her gratitude, saying, “We thought we were going to lose our beautiful boy. We were so overcome with emotions, but to see strangers who have never even met Micheal donating and sending good wishes, it was just so heartwarming.”


Micheal and Bailey enjoying a day at the beach

Micheal‘s journey began when Amber and Calvin were on a trip to KZN (South Coast) for their wedding. Amber shared the heartwarming story, saying, “My husband and myself had made the journey back to KZN for our wedding, and on the way down, my mother sent us a few photos of kittens. The mother had been rescued, and she had given birth to six beautiful kittens who were looking for homes. We saw the photo of Micheal, and it was instant love at first sight! He had the most beautiful blue eyes and white whiskers. We bought all the supplies needed and drove back to Cape Town as a family of 3.”

Currently, Micheal is on the mend, having completed two of his eight weeks in the crate. His bandages and stitches have been removed, and he’s yearning for cuddles and attention. While he can walk, his recovery is ongoing as his legs are still a bit stiff.

In about 7 months, Micheal will have to have another operation to remove the screws and plates, as he is still growing, and if he doesn’t have the operation, it will affect his ability to walk.

Looking ahead, Amber and Calvin are determined to move to a safer home for Micheal and Bailey, away from the dangers of a high-rise apartment. They are actively searching for a new home where Micheal and Bailey can enjoy a secure and happy life together.


To contribute to Micheal’s ongoing recovery, consider donating to his BackaBuddy campaign:


For Updates: Micheal and Bailey’s Instagram page:

Teacher to translate children’s book on divorce into Afrikaans to heal broken families

Teacher to translate children’s book on divorce into Afrikaans to heal broken families

According to Stats SA, Four in 10 marriages don’t last longer than 10 years.

To help children cope with the emotional challenges and confusion that comes with divorce, Natalie Knox (46) a primary school teacher and a counselor from Cape Town, South Africa, now living in Spain, has penned a resource book called the ‘Mending Chronicles of Liam & Emily.’

The colourful handbook, which has an inspiring Christian message, is filled with advice and activities that give children the tools to navigate and express their feelings when their parents make the difficult decision to separate.

Divorce, Knox says, is a trickier subject than we realise, especially when young children are involved.

“Divorce is so common that I find people tend to think that kids can bounce back easily and will turn out okay.  Sadly, in my experience, kids who aren’t given support and a safe space to process the changes and their emotions tend to carry related issues into their teenage years and adulthood.  These stem potentially from unprocessed emotions and misconceptions kids pick up about themselves and their family during the divorce.  These could look anything like feeling as if the divorce was their fault or they aren’t worth sticking around for.” – says Natalie

Teacher and author, Natalie Knox

Translating into Afrikaans

‘The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily’, which is currently only available in English, is already a page turner, having been a finalist at the 14th National Indie Excellence Awards in America.

To fulfil her dream of translating the book into Afrikaans,  to reach and heal more families, Natalie has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy with the help of her friend of over 14 years, Lana Potgieter who lives in Bellville, Cape Town.


“Divorce knows no boundaries and happens in every culture and language. Sadly, resources to help and support families and children are not always easily available in other languages besides English.  Books that deal with such personal and sensitive issues are more accessible and effective for the young reader if it’s in their mother tongue.  So I think that The Mending Chronicles is going to be an incredibly helpful handbook for Afrikaans children who have experienced divorce, as well as a great addition to Afrikaans children’s literature.” – says Natalie

Since the launch of the crowdfunding campaign, almost R30 000 has been raised towards the fundraising target of R70 000 which will cover the cost of the translator, editor, proofreader, designer and the first print run of the book.    

“My hope for The Mending Chronicles handbook is that children of divorce can go on a journey with the main characters, Liam and Emily, and work through their own responses to divorce and be equipped to deal with the changes they face.  I am a firm believer in the power of emotional intelligence to help children express themselves effectively so that they can communicate their thoughts and needs and receive the help and support they require.  Spirituality is also part of Liam and Emily’s story, which I hope will be well received by the Afrikaans community. I’m very excited to think that this amazing resource can be made available to Afrikaans children in their own language bringing healing and emotional wellness to the next generation.” – says Natalie

Support this campaign by making a donation on Backabuddy here:


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