BackaBuddy’s Data Science Lead and Cousin Embark on Mission to Provide School Transport for Athlone’s Vulnerable Children

BackaBuddy’s Data Science Lead and Cousin Embark on Mission to Provide School Transport for Athlone’s Vulnerable Children

Image Caption: Children at the RCYCC

At BackaBuddy, we are dedicated to empowering individuals to create positive change in the world, and our team embodies this commitment each day.

Meet Husain Badroodeen (31), BackaBuddy’s Data Science Lead for the last 5 years who lives in Crawford, Cape Town, and his cousin Irshaad Arieff (32), a Chartered Accountant, who are on a mission to transform the lives of vulnerable children. Their goal is to secure a school bus for the 30 children under Solomon Madikane’s care at Realistic Child and Youth Care Centre (RCYCC) in Athlone, Cape Town.

Image Caption: Irshaad (32), Solomon (52) and Husain (31)

Irshaad and Husain found themselves drawn to the RCYCC in December 2022. Irshaad, having lost his father at a tender age, had always felt a calling to support orphans. When he discovered the challenges faced by the RCYCC, particularly in transporting children to school with only a small car available, he knew he had to act. 

“I believe every child deserves an equal opportunity to live out and fulfill their dreams,” Irshaad shared. “And this is just one step towards changing the lives of many children at Realistic.”

With a vision of providing every child with equal opportunities, Irshaad reached out to his friend Husain, knowing he shares his passion for making the world in both his personal and professional capacity, who eagerly joined the cause.

Image Caption: Children at RCYCC

RCYCC: Nurturing Dreams Amidst Challenges

RCYCC has been a pillar of support for vulnerable children for over two decades, offering residential care and a nurturing environment. Founded in 2004 by Solomon Madikane, the center has taken over from St Francis Children’s Home to continue and improve on the work done to guarantee proper care for vulnerable children, providing residential care for up to 42 children.

Solomon Madikane is a man who wears many hats, one of those hats being his experience and passion in youth development work to residential care for vulnerable children. He has spent more than 15 years combating the challenges of recidivism, substance misuse, and social crime. Solomon works with young South Africans to free them from a cycle of drugs, crime and imprisonment.

However, the lack of transportation has been a significant barrier to the children’s education and opportunities.

Image Caption: Current transportation at RCYCC

Campaign for Change: Empowering the Next Generation

To address this issue, Irshaad and Husain launched a crowdfunding campaign to provide RCYCC with a much-needed school bus, enabling consistent access to education and other enriching experiences for the children.

“The school bus will make a huge difference in the daily lives and the future ambitions at Realistic. They will be able to confidently know that they have their bus taking them to school and extracurricular activities which they don’t have access to at the moment. They will also then be able to go on excursions and activities by themselves as an orphanage and organize fun events for these kids to explore in Cape Town and widen their horizons,” Husain explained.

Image Caption: Children at RCYCC

The campaign has already gained momentum, raising over R12 200 with generous support of 15 donors contributing towards the fundraising target of R550,000. Every donation brings RCYCC closer to acquiring the school bus and ensuring a brighter future for the children.

“I would like to thank those who are considering contributing and highlight the everlasting benefit this will bring to the lives of the orphans and society at large. Contributing to this campaign will allow all the children at Realistic and future children to travel safely to school and make it easier to realize their dreams. We are helping the future leaders of South Africa with their educational aspirations so that they may make South Africa a better place,” Husain expressed gratefully.

To support RCYCC, visit their BackaBuddy campaign link here:


Support Pours In to Grant One-Year-Old Aria the Gift of Hearing for the First Time

Support Pours In to Grant One-Year-Old Aria the Gift of Hearing for the First Time

One-year-old Aria Payton Botha, a little warrior from the South Coast of Durban, KwaZulu Natal, is battling severe hearing loss in both ears and could potentially receive the gift of sound for the first time through a cochlear implant in the next three months. With the unwavering support of her family and community, her parents aim to raise funds for this life-changing operation through a BackaBuddy campaign.

Aria’s mother, Meghan (35), describes her as a fiery, independent, and lively little girl, whose spirit shines brightly even in the face of challenges. “Nothing stops this little girl,” Meghan beams with pride, “she is the epitome of an absolute warrior princess.”

Despite her hearing impairment, Aria finds joy in simple pleasures like car rides and playing outdoors. Her infectious spirit inspires hope and strength in those around her.

Caption Image: Baby Aria at 12 Months Old


Aria’s arrival was not without its trials. After experiencing the heartbreak of two back-to-back miscarriages, Meghan and her husband Nick (39) found renewed hope when they learned of Aria’s impending arrival. Aria, as Meghan fondly recalls, brought a sense of joy and anticipation that filled their hearts with newfound hope.

But joy turned to concern when, shortly after her birth, it became evident that Aria was facing hearing impairment. Despite the initial setbacks and inconclusive test results, Meghan’s maternal instinct urged her to seek answers and solutions for her daughter’s well-being.

After consulting with an ENT specialist, it was confirmed that Aria had severe hearing loss in both ears, a diagnosis that shattered Meghan’s heart. However, her resolve remained unbroken as she vowed to do whatever it takes to ensure Aria’s quality of life.


Caption Image: Baby Aria at 11-months-old


The journey to explore treatment options led Meghan and her family down a path filled with uncertainty but also with unwavering determination.

“I feel our family has become closed and we have seen sides to our boys that we didn’t even know existed. My eldest (17) came home the other day and told me that he had spoken to his principal to see if their school could do a fundraiser because we absolutely have to get Aria her implants … I teared up right there!” says Meghan.

In response to the urgent need for medical assistance, Meghan initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. With a fundraising target of R200,000 to cover surgery, implants, and therapy appointments, the community rallies behind Aria’s by raising over R20 000 thus far from 24 donors.

Meghan reflects on the overwhelming response from their community, saying, “To say that we have been overwhelmed by the love and support is an understatement.”

The campaign, fueled by compassion and generosity, has garnered support from far and wide, bringing them closer to their fundraising target with each passing day. As the campaign continues to gain momentum, Meghan remains grateful for every donation, every share, and every word of encouragement.

“I could absolutely never express in words the amount of gratitude that I have for everyone who has helped in some way,” she says tearfully, “if I ever had the money available to pay it forward, I could assure you that another child would receive their cochlear implants just like Aria is going to.”

Caption Image: Baby Aria at 13 months old


Update on her progress:

On the 11th of March 2024, Aria underwent a significant milestone in her journey toward hearing restoration. Accompanied by her family, she visited

the audiologist to have her hearing aids fitted. As the devices were turned on, Aria’s reaction was immediate and emotional, shedding tears in response to the unfamiliar sensation. The audiologist noted that while this reaction does not conclusively indicate Aria’s ability to hear, it suggests sensitivity to vibrations in her ears.

However, this reaction also provides encouraging insights into Aria’s condition. The audiologist remarked that her response indicates the absence of damage to her cochlea or nerves, a crucial factor for potential candidacy for Cochlear implants. This news brings relief to Aria’s family, as it opens up possibilities for her future treatment.


Our little Aria was fitted with hearing aids today. Not all reactions are smiles and joy sometimes the feeling is overwhelmed and scared 💔 What we know from this visit is that her nerves are in tact and her cochlear is functions. We dont know what sound she is hearing and the depth of the sound, it may even just be vibrations. Check in with the audiologist in 2 weeks ❤️❤️

♬ original sound – Aria | hearing Journey


To support Aria, visit her BackaBuddy campaign link here:


Follow Aria’s journey on her Tiktok:


How to raise funds for your favourite charity using events

How to raise funds for your favourite charity using events

Image credit:

Over time, runners have recognized the potential of sports events as more than just a race—they’re also a powerful opportunity to rally support and raise funds through crowdfunding. Harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of participants, these events become a vibrant hub for both athletic achievement and philanthropy, showcasing the transformative impact of collective action.

If you have not yet pledged to support your favourite charity or bought your tickets for the event, have a read through our article below.

Here to guide you in raising funds at your local event, the BackaBuddy team has put together our best advice on how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign!

How to enter your choose event

Before you begin your crowdfunding journey on BackaBuddy, make sure you have entered for the event on their website.

Launch your crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

Once you have registered, it’s time to create your crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for your chosen charity. 

Start your campaign 

Telling your story

A key thread in all successful crowdfunding campaigns is a well-written, emotive, and informative story that connects with potential supporters of your campaign.

For inspiration on how to tell your story,  Meet Zanele.

Zanele Hlatshwayo from Soweto, told a very powerful story and personal story when raising funds for the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) in honour of her late father. 


When writing your campaign story, be sure to answer the following questions:

    • Who are you and where are you from?
    • Which organisation are you fundraising for and what do they do? Do you have a personal connection to the charity you have chosen? 

Your campaign message should highlight the importance of your cause and why others should support it. If the charity you have chosen has success stories or interesting facts to share with you, this will also help you tell your story. Connect with your charity and find out as much information about them as you can.

    • How much would you like to raise and how will these funds be used in a tangible way to benefit your charity and the work they do?

Take a look at these examples on how to write a tangible campaign ‘ask’.

For example, I am taking part in the Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon 2024 to…

    • Raise R10 000 to purchase 100 school shoes for children in need at Afrika Tikkun’
    • Raise R100 000 to help Hillwood Primary school in refurbishing 1 classroom.
    • Reach my crowdfunding target of R20 000 to support Dignity Dreams in purchasing sanitary items for young girls so that they don’t miss out on an education.

Focus on the positive impact of donations 

Presenting your campaign in a positive way can make a big difference. Focus on the positive impact the funds raised will have and the impact of your awareness campaign.

According to the 2018 Trends in Global Giving Report, by Non-Profit Tech For Good, 91% of donors are motivated to donate to causes when they feel positive emotions such as hope and empathy and only 9% respond to negative emotions such as fear and sadness.

Create a crowdfunding video

For those who don’t like reading, put together a short campaign video!

Campaigns with video content tend to raise 4 times more funds, and are shared 7 times more on social media, as they are more personal and emotive!

Shoot a video on your phone

For a crowdfunding campaign, you don’t need professional lighting, equipment or editing skills to convey a powerful message.

We recommend shooting a short, personal and informal message on your cellphone that can be posted on social media as well as on your crowdfunding campaign.

    • Make sure you are presentable and wearing comfortable clothes (try to avoid clothes with busy designs or a lot of text).  
    • Choose a clear backdrop or tidy background to shoot your video.
    • Try to eliminate as much background noise as possible.
    • Let viewers know where they can make a donation to your campaign and include your crowdfunding campaign link in every post you share.
    • Lastly, just be yourself.

If you are unsure of what to say, follow our story writing guidelines above.

Choose a friendly image of yourself

    • When choosing your crowdfunding image, choose an inviting and friendly image of yourself. If you have a photo of yourself in running gear, this will show your potential donors that you mean business and are already training to make them proud!

Set your target based on your network and available time 

When setting your fundraising target, it’s important to consider:

    • The size of your network
    • Your available time to share your campaign 
    • Your social media following
    • How long do you have to share your campaign


Getting started – Your First donation

Just like no one likes to be the first person on the dance floor, donors typically support crowdfunding campaigns once it has a few initial donations.

Through data research, we found that campaigns with initial support from family and friends specifically, tend to raise 220% more funds .

How to share your campaign with close family and friends:

When looking for your first donations, we recommend sending a personal, instant message on Whatsapp, Facebook message, email or SMS to close family and friends, extended family, neighbours, co-workers. 

An example of a message you could send:

“Hi Monique, I hope you are well!

I am taking part in the Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon 2024 to raise funds to support FoodForwardSA and the wonderful work they do.

With my crowdfunding campaign launched on BackaBuddy I hope, to raise R10 000 to provide 100 meals to disadvantaged children living in Edenvale, Johannesburg.

If you can, please be so kind as to donate to my campaign and cheer me on during the event.

If you’re unable to contribute, please share my campaign with your friends and loved ones: Here is my campaign link:

Once you have your first donations in, we recommend sharing your campaign to a wider audience on Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram.

Depending on your chosen social network, read through our guidelines on how to make the most of social sharing!

Encourage more donations

    • Find out if the organisation you are raising funds for is a Section 18A certified as a tax break is a great incentive to encourage donations in larger amounts.


How to source champions to support your charity at events

How to source champions to support your charity at events

Image credit:

Crowdfunding is growing rapidly in South Africa, giving non-profit organizations an opportunity to raise more money by tapping into the power of the crowd.

Although over R460 million has been raised on BackaBuddy for various causes, our most successful charities, will tell you that crowdfunding is not easy.

To make things a little easier for our charities, our expert team has put together this article on how to diversify your income stream and explore different ways to raise additional funds by using some of the most famous local events.

Once you have registered your charity to raise funds on BackaBuddy, the next step is to find champions and put together a fundraising team.

Where can you find champions?

TIP 1: The best place to find champions to raise funds for your organisation is to reach out to past fundraisers who have supported your organisation.

TIP 2: If you have volunteers at your organisation, ask them if they would be interested in putting together a campaign to highlight a need you might have or help to promote your new champions that sign-up.

TIP 3: Reach out to friends, family, colleagues and social groups to see if the keen chamipons among you would like to raise funds for your organisation.


TIP 4: Create a post on Social Media to see if any of your followers are taking part in the event. If anyone on your social network is entering the challenge message them privately to see if they will champion your cause! You can also share this post on various groups and forums to reach potential donors.

TIP 5: Following the official social media hashtags for the event could also introduce you to potential champions. Simply click on the following resource to explore hashtags you can use:  Ugenie

TIP 6: Send out a call to action to your email list or database to see if any of your donors will be participating in the event and would like to raise funds for you.

Here is a template you could use: 

Dear (name)

I hope you are well and staying safe.

We are reaching out to you, as you have been a valued supporter of our organization and the work we do.

This Month, we are putting together a fundraising team of champions for the _______________, which will take place from _______________. We are hoping to raise funds at the event to create awareness for our organisation and raise much-needed funds for _______________.

If you are passionate about our organisation and the work we do to _________, please consider entering the _______________ to raise funds on our behalf.

How to enter:

Register for the _______________ here (website).
Create your fundraising campaign on BackaBuddy by letting the team know who you are, how much you would like to raise, and why you are passionate about your organisation here. 

If you have any questions please contact Lakiwe your dedicated BackaBuddy Head of Charities via email:[email protected] to arrange a meeting.

The Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon


How can you support your champions?

You need to support your champions as much as possible to empower them to raise funds for you.

Show your champions who you are

If you have an organisational video and some emotive and inspiring images that show the valuable work you do, share them with your champions. This will motivate and inspire your champions on their crowdfunding journey and give them beautiful content to share across social media 

Give your champions the latest statistics relating to your organisation and tell them about your success stories, so they can tell their networks about you and encourage donations.

Tell your champions what you need.

Crowdfunding with a tangible need, always speaks better to the public. Give your champions an idea of how funds raised will be used to benefit your organisation. This will help them determine their fundraising target and encourage potential donors to donate funds in those increments.

(For example)

R100 will allow us to purchase 1 pair of shoes that will benefit disadvantaged children living in Edenvale, Johannesburg”

“Raising R10 000 will cover allow us to cover the data costs for 100 students struggling with online learning in their matric year”

“If we raise R100 000 with our crowdfunding campaign, we will be able to refurbish two classrooms

If your runner has a personal connection with your charity and would like to fundraising for a particular need that resonates with them, this will make an emotive crowdfunding appeal!

Highlight your donors and help them spread the word

During your champion’s crowdfunding journey they will also need your encouragement and support to achieve their fundraising goal. 

Create a post on social media to introduce your champion to your social media following, post updates about their campaign and congratulate them when they reach certain milestones.  Encourage your champions to also share their connection with your organisation on their social media platforms when sharing their crowdfunding campaign link.

Examples of social media posts you could create:

Stefani from Cape Town is halfway towards reaching her fundraising target of R100 000 on BackaBuddy! With the support she has received thus far, we can cover the registration cost of 10 learners at UCT! 

Communicate with your champions

Create a WhatsApp group to keep in touch with your champions, and see how their campaigns are doing and where their successes or struggles lie. Host regular Zoom meetings with your champions to motivate them, say thank you and offer them some encouragement. If you would like a BackaBuddy team member present in your workshops, let us know and we will be happy to share our expertise!

Encourage more donations

  • If your organisation is Section 18A certified, let your champions know to share this information with their potential donors as this is a great incentive to encourage donations in larger amounts. If you are Section 18A certified, let us know and we can add it to your campaign page for all potential donors to see! 

We hope you found value in our advice, if your organisations have any questions, please reach out to us. The BackaBuddy team is here to help.

We wish your organisation and all your champions at the event all the best on their journey!


Muizenberg’s Mother of 3, Monique Hayes’ Battle Against Aggressive Cancer

Muizenberg’s Mother of 3, Monique Hayes’ Battle Against Aggressive Cancer

Monique Hayes, a vibrant 31-year-old mother of three from Marina da Gama – Muizenberg, was thrown into a whirlwind when a check-up in June 2023, led by the discovery of a lump in her groin, delivered devastating news. Initially diagnosed with a hernia, Monique underwent surgery only to discover she had an aggressive form of cancer—stage 4 anaplastic large cell lymphoma, which had spread to her liver.

Before the diagnosis, Monique’s life revolved around her family, filled with beach outings, road trips, and a bustling, independent lifestyle.

Image Caption: Monique Hayes with her family enjoying a pool day

However, the day of diagnosis shattered her world. Shocked and struggling to process the news, she grappled with anger and the existential question of “why me?” Reflecting on her journey, Monique expressed both the struggles and moments of joy amidst adversity. 

She shared, “The emotional side of this journey has been a very long one with lots of ups and downs. My relationship with my loved ones was what kept me going.” Monique’s husband, his unwavering support, has been her rock throughout this challenging ordeal.

The treatment regimen has taken its toll, subjecting Monique to physical, emotional, and mental anguish. 

She confessed, “The treatment has been torture.” However, her positivity to overcome shines through as she continues to fight for her life, motivated by the hope of a cancer-free future.

While facing limited community support, Monique draws strength from the love of her family and close friends. Witnessing her children’s happiness amidst her illness serves as a powerful motivator, underscoring the importance of love and support during tough times.

Despite the daunting diagnosis, Monique’s spirit remains unbroken. 

She launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy in January 2024 to cover the overwhelming medical expenses that accompany her treatment. With a fundraising target of R100,000, the campaign has already garnered momentum from generous donors.

Image caption: Monique Hayes at hospital receiving treatment.

“Your generous donations will not only aid in covering the overwhelming medical expenses but will also help alleviate the weight of the numerous other bills that have gone unpaid. Your support, no matter the amount, would be immensely appreciated. Thank you for considering contributing to my cause.” says Monique.

To support Monique, visit her BackaBuddy campaign link here:

Alternatively, donate via Snapscan here:

Spread the word and join us in making a difference in Monique’s journey towards healing and hope.