Santa’s Shoebox Project Unwraps Holiday Magic with Virtual Santa Shoeboxes

Santa’s Shoebox Project Unwraps Holiday Magic with Virtual Santa Shoeboxes

In 2006, the Santa Shoebox Project began with a modest 180 shoeboxes in Cape Town, South Africa. Over the past 17 years, it has blossomed into an annual tradition of generosity and kindness, amassing an astonishing 1,152,587 shoebox donations. This heartwarming initiative now touches the lives of over 1,000 recipient facilities annually, employing a network of more than 60 satellites across South Africa and Namibia.


Image: Santa Shoebox Project Website

At the heart of the Santa Shoebox Project’s remarkable success is its deeply personal touch. Donors lovingly contribute essential items and delightful treats to children whose names, ages, and genders are known. These shoeboxes consist of a minimum of eight items, including a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a washcloth, sweets, a toy, school supplies, and a new, age-appropriate outfit of clothing.

The project’s enduring success is also due to the dedication of a vast network of volunteers who selflessly donate their time, energy, and expertise without financial compensation. Additionally, it relies on the generous support of corporate sponsors who provide monetary and pro bono assistance.

Image: Santa Shoebox Project Website

Launching a Crowdfunding Campaign to Create Holiday Magic

To ensure that the magic of the holiday season reaches even more underprivileged children, the Santa Shoebox Project has initiated a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. The campaign aims to raise R100,000 to create as many Virtual Santa Shoeboxes as possible.

WATCH: Deb Zelezniak CEO of The Santa Shoebox Project shares a video from their warehouse in Athlone:

The Virtual Santa Shoeboxes (VSS) are a new addition to the project, assembled by devoted teams of volunteers. These boxes are then distributed to underprivileged children living in remote areas of South Africa, where access to holiday gifts is limited. The VSS contains the same eight essential items, which bring smiles and warmth to the young faces they reach.

Image: Santa Shoebox Project Website

In addition to the essentials, the VSS may include additional sponsored items like books and teen hygiene products. These shoeboxes are meticulously packaged, delivered, and personally handed to the beneficiary child, making the experience all the more heartfelt and meaningful.

The Impact of Your Gift

Even if your purchase arrives after the current campaign’s allocations and deliveries, rest assured that your Virtual Santa Shoebox will be carried over to the following year, ensuring that it ultimately reaches a child in need. Beyond the joy these boxes bring, your support helps sustain this vital project, allowing it to continue uplifting and empowering underprivileged children throughout South Africa and Namibia.

How You Can Help

You can be a part of this holiday magic by sponsoring a Virtual Santa Shoebox for just R450. Join the Santa Shoebox Project in making this holiday season brighter for children in need. Purchase your Virtual Santa Shoebox today and experience the joy of giving.

Support the campaign on BackaBuddy at this link:


Image: Santa Shoebox Project Website

If you are a South African resident and would like a tax-deductible receipt for your donation, please send your request to [email protected] with proof of your donation attached to your email.

It’s worth noting that BackaBuddy offers all registered non-profits raising funds on the platform a 0% platform fee, ensuring that more of your funds directly benefit charities and their beneficiaries.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

Overcoming the ‘Ball-Ache’ of Testicular Cancer: Cape Town Photographer Raises Over R230 000 for Cancer Treatment

Overcoming the ‘Ball-Ache’ of Testicular Cancer: Cape Town Photographer Raises Over R230 000 for Cancer Treatment

In May 2022, William Sheepskin, a 27-year-old photographer from Sea Point, Cape Town, faced a life-altering diagnosis: testicular cancer. This unexpected medical journey not only tested his physical strength but also posed financial challenges that threatened to eclipse his dreams and future plans.

    Image: William Sheepskin and his partner, Maya Sarembock

Maya, William’s partner of six years, a 25-year-old student pursuing a Master’s in Architecture at the University of Cape Town, shared her perspective on the daunting moment of diagnosis, saying, “There is never a good time for a cancer diagnosis. But Will’s career was gaining momentum, and I had just begun my postgraduate studies in architecture at UCT. It’s quite something to be twenty-five and twenty-seven, smacked in the face with urgent existential thoughts: What does OUR future look like? Do we want kids? Should we freeze sperm? Is Will going to die?”

Despite the emotional turmoil, William remained resilient as he prepared for a Radical Inguinal Orchiectomy, a surgical procedure to remove a testicle. However, the emotional blow struck when their fertility doctor revealed that due to cancer, William was likely permanently infertile. Their only option for future parenthood would be in vitro fertilization, a procedure they could only consider years later due to the lingering effects of chemotherapy.

Image: William and his family

The biopsy results confirmed the tumor’s malignancy, leading to a two-month recovery period after surgery. William then embarked on a course of carboplatin chemotherapy to minimize the risk of cancer spreading to vital organs. While the treatment marked a significant milestone, it was only the beginning of a tumultuous journey.

Three days after chemotherapy, William resumed remote work, determined to press on despite the challenges. Cancer didn’t deter his work ethic; it only made life more expensive. The financial strain, coupled with physical fatigue, burnout, and anxiety, continued to take a toll on his well-being. He often pushed himself to work long hours, only to face weeks of bedridden repercussions.

This cycle endured for a year, during which time William’s savings steadily diminished while he grappled with mounting medical expenses not covered by insurance.

Image: William and Maya

Amidst the challenges of dealing with what they often humorously referred to as this “ball-ache of a disease,” Maya highlighted their shared coping mechanism. She explained, “A cancer journey is an immense burden, and humor has been our way of lightening it. We’ve found that making light of the situation is a strategy that Will and I tend to turn to. People inquire about your well-being, and you respond with, ‘Yeah, everything is fine!’ even as you strive to convince yourself that it’s true.”

Determined to ease their financial burden and support William’s return to photography, Maya launched a crowdfunding campaign on Backabuddy. The campaign aimed to raise funds for medical bills, four more years of medical tests and check-ups, CT scans, fertility storage, and essential supplements that had become too expensive to maintain.

Maya’s heartfelt plea to help her partner recover read, “Most of all, I want my strong, creative, and passionate Will to enjoy his craft and offer him the time to find his footing again to make a living from his lens. I miss this Will.”

The response was overwhelming. Within a month, the campaign received support from over 1000 donors, surpassing the initial target of R140,000.00 and raising over R232,481.53. The outpouring of generosity not only alleviated financial stress but also brought renewed hope and determination to Will and Maya as they faced the ongoing challenges of his cancer journey.

Image: William Sheepskin

Maya expressed her gratitude, saying, “The support has meant that all of the stress associated with the financial burden of having cancer and going through the process of treating it has been alleviated. It also dramatically reduced the stress of being out of work for an extended period of time. Will was always tired and becoming extremely burnt out since he never had a chance to just reflect on what he’d been going through, and the BackaBuddy campaign has allowed him to start living on his own terms again instead of making decisions informed by the weight of illness.”

Now Will has been able to start taking on jobs that focus on progressing his career, rather than merely securing money. It no longer feels like cancer completely changed the way he had to make decisions about life. It’s been such a relief to see him come out of the place he was in as a result of the illness. The fundraiser was far more successful than they could ever have hoped for.

Image Credits: William Sheepskin


Support this campaign on BackaBuddy:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

The Gift of the Givers: Leading Humanitarian Efforts in Crisis-Stricken Gaza

The Gift of the Givers: Leading Humanitarian Efforts in Crisis-Stricken Gaza

In the midst of continued violence that has gripped the region of Israel and Gaza since October 7, a silver lining emerges as humanitarian efforts bring hope to those affected by the ongoing crisis.

Image: The Gift of the Givers

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with tens of thousands of individuals facing severe food, water, fuel, and medical supply shortages. In these challenging times, ordinary people and organizations are stepping forward to provide crucial humanitarian assistance.


A Ray of Hope

The Gift of the Givers, a renowned humanitarian organization, with a strong presence in Gaza, has mobilized its resources to support local hospitals grappling with a critical shortage of medical supplies. 

Through the launch of their own crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, and with the invaluable assistance of two dedicated volunteers—Ruqaiyah Peer, a 24-year-old optometrist from East London, and Aaliya Kader, a 10-year-old girl from Johannesburg—The Gift of the Givers has successfully amassed over R250,000 on BackaBuddy, to deliver essential aid to those in dire need in Gaza.

Image: The Gift of the Givers

Ruqaiyah Peer passionately underscores the urgency of the situation, stating, “Our fellow Palestinian brothers and sisters are in dire need of emergency shelter, sustenance, and medical provisions. Collaborating with The Gift of the Givers, we can make a significant impact in assisting them.”

The ongoing violence has strained healthcare facilities to their limits. Gift of the Givers has taken a multi-pronged approach, including procuring medical supplies, medicines, and wheelchairs for injured individuals. Additionally, they are funding the purchase of fuel for ambulances, which have been deliberately targeted in the conflict.

WATCH: Dr Mohammed Qandil who is on the ground in Gaza:

Dr. Imitaz Sooliman, the founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, remains hopeful for a ceasefire, stating, “We believe that there are no winners in war and there are no losers in peace. We wish not to see children in pain and mothers losing children and loved ones.”


A Beacon of Hope Amidst the Crisis

While the conflict takes a toll on the lives of many, the outpouring of compassion and generosity from individuals and organizations alike serves as a poignant reminder that humanity can shine even in the darkest of times. 


To contribute to the Gift of the Givers’ humanitarian efforts, donate on BackaBuddy here:


Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:


Gift of the Givers Foundation, the largest disaster relief organization of African origin on the continent, has delivered over R5 billion in aid to 42 countries worldwide, including South Africa.

Press release for immediate distribution: For more information, please contact Ali Sablay –  082 651 4195- [email protected]


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.



From Peak to Purpose: Gary’s Ascent for Education with Be The Difference Foundation

From Peak to Purpose: Gary’s Ascent for Education with Be The Difference Foundation

Discovering a Mission Beyond the Mountain

Gary Vogel, CEO of Hi-Tec, was more than just a hiker prepping for an adventure; he had a cause in mind. Introduced to the Be The Difference Foundation through Hi-Tec’s Corporate Social Investment program, he soon realized the potential for creating real-world impact. This was particularly evident during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, where he saw firsthand the powerful work the Foundation was doing to provide for those most affected.

    Pictured above: Hi-Tec CEO, Gary Vogel

The Catalyst: A Conversation That Changed Everything

A chat with the first South African to summit K2 was a game-changer for Gary. This wasn’t about setting a personal best or a cool summit selfie. It was about channeling the energy and resources going into this expedition for a greater cause. When the opportunity to climb Kilimanjaro came, he was quick to say yes, fully backed by his family. He thought it would be a missed opportunity if all the effort didn’t translate into something more impactful for the community.


The Summit Experience: More Than Just a Climb

Gary’s climb was far from easy. Navigating through altitude sickness, he faced headaches that he likened to “the size of the Statue of Liberty.” One particularly challenging moment was at the ‘kissing rock,’ a precarious position on the ascent where a single misstep could be disastrous. It was then he realized Kilimanjaro was no “Mickey Mouse mountain.”

Pictured above: Mount Everest

Lasting Impact and Next Steps

“The struggle to go up makes the summit even more special,” he notes. With the fundraising goal met, Gary is optimistic. He believes it will set off a domino effect of positive change. Four bright girls will get to go to school, and when they graduate, they’re expected to pay it forward, creating a lasting, exponential impact.

Pictured above: Mount Everest sunset

How You Can Join the Journey and a Friendly Challenge to Fellow CEOs

Feeling inspired by Gary’s commitment? You too can dedicate your next hike, or any adventure, to Be The Difference Foundation. In doing so, you’re not just getting those boots muddy; you’re laying the groundwork for education and opportunities for future generations.

To the CEOs reading this: we know you’re already doing remarkable work. Here’s a friendly challenge to add a dash of fun and philanthropy to your leadership. Gary has shown that influence can extend beyond the boardroom and into communities in need. Why not use your role for additional good? Lead by example, make a commitment to raise funds, and let’s create an even more positive change together.


View Gary’s campaign here:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

Gift of the Givers Rushes to Aid Flood Victims as Devastating Rains Sweep Western Cape

Gift of the Givers Rushes to Aid Flood Victims as Devastating Rains Sweep Western Cape

Extensive areas of the Western Cape are currently grappling with the catastrophic aftermath of severe flooding, landslides, and rockfalls that began on September 16th and worsened over the long weekend spanning from Sunday, September 24th, to Monday, September 25th. These events have led to the complete closure of major routes leading into Cape Town.

The entire region has been thrust into turmoil as incessant rains wreaked havoc, overwhelming rivers, crippling infrastructure, causing power outages, and submerging homes.

               Pictured above: Houses submerged in water due to the floods


Responding to the Crisis: Gift of the Givers Launches Crowdfunding Campaign

In the face of this humanitarian crisis, Gift of the Givers has sprung into action, launching a crowdfunding campaign on Backabuddy to raise R50,000 in aid of those affected by the Western Cape floods. The situation on the ground remains dire, with access challenges caused by washed-out roads, unstable bridges, rockfalls, and uprooted trees. 

Communities in Botrivier, Caledon, Riviersonderend, Hermanus, De Doorns, Robertson, Ashton, Montague, and Ladysmith find themselves cut off from critical support. The disaster has left formal houses submerged, informal settlements washed away, vehicles displaced, and people’s possessions destroyed.


Ali Sablay from Gift of The Givers is on the ground:


Urgent Needs: A Call to Action

The needs are vast, and every contribution counts. Urgently required supplies include sandbags, bottled water, hot meals, fortified foods, mattresses, blankets, new clothing, hygiene packs, sanitary pads, and diapers. Following these immediate needs, the recovery effort will require building materials, food parcels, stationery, and uniforms.


Pictured above: The Gift of the Givers handing out parcels and blankets to those affected by the floods


How to Help

Individuals who wish to make a meaningful contribution to support those in distress are encouraged to donate through Backabuddy. As a token of appreciation for their generosity, donors will be eligible to receive a Section 18A tax-deductible certificate issued by Gift of the Givers.

The Western Cape community is facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions, and unity and support are critical at this time. Together, we can make a difference and help those affected rebuild their lives.


Support this campaign on BackaBuddy:

Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

Cooking Icon Fatima Sydow Overwhelmed as R700,000 Pours in for Her Cancer Fight

Cooking Icon Fatima Sydow Overwhelmed as R700,000 Pours in for Her Cancer Fight

Celebrity chef, cookbook author, and TV show host, Fatima Sydow (49) from Lansdowne, Cape Town, has bravely shared her cancer journey with her followers since her diagnosis with Soft Tissue Sarcoma in December 2020.

This journey has tested her strength and resilience, leading her through a challenging array of treatments and surgeries, each taking a toll on her physical and emotional well-being. Her path has been marked by moments of triumph and despair as she has continuously battled against the odds. 


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

On August 18, 2023, realizing that she was unable to work and confronted with the weight of her battle, Fatima reached out to her followers for

financial assistance through a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. 

Fatima with her oncology palliative nurse, Carly Rinquist and Kulthum Mukuddem Ismail, Head of the radiation department at Vincent Palotti.


This moment of vulnerability was met with overwhelming kindness, as more than 1,000 donors came together to raise over R720,000 towards her target of R750,000. 

Thanks to the generosity of donors, Fatima can now focus on her treatment without the burden of work or financial worries.

These funds will provide crucial support by covering her fundamental requirements, such as medical treatment, at-home caregiving services, and the purchase of a hospital bed for her forthcoming discharge. Furthermore, they will assist in addressing ongoing day-to-day costs, including specialized dietary needs, weekly transportation to the hospital for treatment, and any other essentials that can significantly improve her overall comfort and quality of life.

The outpouring of support has deeply touched Fatima and her family, underscoring the transformative power of even the smallest acts of kindness and the resilience needed to conquer life’s challenges.

Fatima, in a heartfelt message posted on her YouTube channel on September 13, expressed her gratitude towards her donors who have contributed on BackaBuddy

“The support I’ve received has shown me the humanity of our community and the love we have for each other, our culture, our people, our city, and our country. I am so grateful; you have carried me through this journey more than you realize. You’ve done so much. Thank you; I love you all.”


Fatima recently completed a series of radiation therapy sessions, with a focus on treating the cancer in her frontal lobe, the region associated with one’s personality, and her right forearm, the skilled hand she’s used for years to craft her famous dishes—5 sessions for the brain, and 10 sessions for the arm. While she’s currently on a 10-day break, her treatment is ongoing. In the next phase of her journey, she will be managing her condition with oral medication.


Fatima is deeply touched by the support she has received from kind donors


Fatima’s culinary journey began at a young age, and her popularity soared with her Facebook page, “Cape Malay Cooking with Fatima Sydow.” She later self-published her first book, “The Journey of Cape Malay Cooking with Fatima Sydow,” which opened doors to numerous opportunities, including a cooking show called “Kaap, Kerrie, and Koesisters” and additional published works.


To support Fatima’s campaign, please visit:

Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.