FEEL GOOD | 90-year old COVID survivor completes 900km walk to support families of healthcare workers.

FEEL GOOD | 90-year old COVID survivor completes 900km walk to support families of healthcare workers.

Bill Wedderburn (90), a philanthropist and COVID-19 survivor from South Coast, Durban, completed his 900km by 90 years charity drive on 29 April 2022 in support of families of healthcare workers affected by the pandemic.

Completing his final kilometre to the rousing sounds of Chariots of Fire, Bill was cheered on by fellow Renishaw Hills residents.

“We are so proud of Bill’s incredible achievement that has touched the lives of so many people, far and wide, since he started in June last year,” said Phil Barker of Renishaw Property Developments.

“He is the true embodiment of the community spirit and nature of giving that is found within Renishaw Hills. We are so proud. He is a real inspiration, not only to Renshaw Hills residents, but people of all ages regarding purpose, goals, dedication and compassion for those in need. I hope Bill becomes a shining example of the good that can be achieved by each and every one of us. We all have our part to play.”

Bill got the idea for this charity initiative during his time at Netcare Kingsway Private Hospital in January 2021 while recovering from a Covid-19 infection. Living with chronic kidney disease and being a prostate cancer survivor, Bill was considered high risk. However, the dedicated medical fraternity did everything they could to ensure his recovery during his two-week hospitalisation.

In fact, it was during his stay that Bill learned of the death of 36-year-old nurse, Hlengiwe Mbeje, an employee of Netcare Kingsway Hospital who’d died of Covid-19 shortly before he was admitted. Mbeje is one of many healthcare workers who have died as a result of contracting Covid-19 while caring for patients. This tragedy, coupled with the incredible support he’d received, prompted Bill to do something in return.

Working with a dedicated team that includes a practising surgeon, attorney, IT specialist and former Springbok captain Jean de Villiers, Bill has established the Covid Healthcare Workers’ Family Fund to raise funds for the relatives of those who’ve died fighting the virus.

COVID-19: Bill is committed to support families of healthcare workers (Image: Sandile Ndlovu)


For the fundraising initiative launched on BackaBuddy, Bill committed to walking 900km before his 90th birthday on 9 June 2022, clocking 100 kilometres for every decade of his life.

For every kilometre missed, Bill said he’d pay R10 into the fund – and he’s encouraging other like-minded sponsors to support this cause. In support, Renishaw Property Developments, the developers of Renishaw Hills, contributed R10 for every kilometre Bill walked.

Since the launch of the campaign, Bill has raised over R22  500 through kind contributions  from 27 donors.

Speaking at the event, Bill reminded everyone about the reason behind this walk:

“The funds will go to the families of healthcare workers who passed away from Covid-19, as many of those families have been left destitute with their breadwinner gone. The walk also aided me in recovering from my illness, and I really encourage everyone to get out there and exercise! I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed, and to the Renishaw Hills community for your greetings and encouraging comments on my daily walks through the village. Those really kept me going. Although I’ve reached my goal six weeks early, I think I’ll continue going and try to reach 1 000km by my birthday!”

Support Bill’s campaign on BackaBuddy:


For updates, Visit Covid Healthcare Workers’ Family Fund on  FB


FEEL GOOD | Adventure mom (41) to conquer Mount. Kilimanjaro in aid of Ostomy and Cancer Patients

FEEL GOOD | Adventure mom (41) to conquer Mount. Kilimanjaro in aid of Ostomy and Cancer Patients

Lerato Monyatsi (41) from Krugersdrop, Gauteng, is the founder of SkirtGirlHiker Foundation, a non-profit organisation that aims to restore dignity to Ostomy and Cancer Patients by conquering mountains and hiking with purpose.

In 2020 while many lives had been shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic, Lerato was diagnosed with stage 3 Colorectal Cancer. This meant receiving immediate medical attention and undergoing multiple surgeries as well as chemotherapy and radiation.

Through this journey, Lerato also became a permanent Ostomate after losing her colon to cancer and faced exorbitant medical costs. Still to this day, she requires costly medical supplies and ongoing treatment.


Lerato’s serious health battle made her realise the harsh reality that many South Africans lack access to basic medical care, and thus she created The Skirtgirlhiker Foundation.

“After I confronted this stage3 Colorectal Cancer Mountain and survived it, I felt the urgent need to create awareness about this type of Cancer and what being an Ostomate means…Being an avid multi-day hiker I felt my ostomy gave me another chance at living life to the fullest while making an impact on the lives of those less fortunate.” – says Lerato

New heights

With a mandate to close the care gap and raise funds for the medical attention, supplies and mental wellness of Colorectal Cancer patients and stoma patients, Lerato aims to summit the rooftop of Africa, Mount. Kilimanjaro at 5895m.


Lerato, who is an avid explorer and adventurer, will begin her charity climb on 2 June 2022 and aims to reach her peak, in triumph, in 8 days.

“I have been so anxious to share the news because this journey feels so surreal and the purpose is bigger than me. Nothing carries more potential for change than individual acts of human kindness.” – says Lerato

Through a crowdfunding campaign launched on BackaBuddy, Lerato hopes to raise R20 000 or more for her foundation. Since the launch of the campaign 8 donors have made kind contributions to the value of R2400.


“Join hands with us as we make an impact in the lives of South Africans’ stoma and cancer patients. You can make a difference now. Now more than ever, your support means everything. Thousands of people like you help us stand up and move mountains to restore the dignity of South Africans, one community, one cancer patient and one Ostomate at a time.” – says Lerato

Support Lerato on BackaBuddy: 


Alternatively, donate via Snapscan: 


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R329 Million.

Jason Mraz among generous donors supporting local musician’s humble quest to transform his late father’s farm

Jason Mraz among generous donors supporting local musician’s humble quest to transform his late father’s farm

Divine Mahara Chitubura (28), a full-time Afro-folk musician from Greyton, Western Cape, is on a mission to transform his family farm, in honour of his father, Edmond (58), who recently passed away after a two year battle with Melanoma cancer.

Originally from Zimbabwe, Divine has returned home to fulfil his father’s dying wish of transforming their homestead into a self-sustaining, safe and thriving environment to benefit his siblings’ Prayer (25), Tendai (22), Rutendo (15) and Shalom as well as his wider local community.

“My dad first acquired our farm in 2010, and in the last 12 years, it has been home to many people— passers-by in need of shelter and many children my parents took in when we were all children.”

“Both my late mom and dad worked harder than I’ve known anyone to work, right here on this farm. In its prime, it had hectares of crops and many animals including cattle, goats, chicken and pigs.” – says Divine

Divine says that with the passing of his mom 9 year ago, and his dad’s poor health, the family and consequently the farm went into a depression— bringing the farm to where it is now.

“Our farm has no water supply, no functioning plumbing system, and is missing many more necessities. There is also virtually no internet connectivity in the area, making things even more challenging.” – says Divine

Funding a father’s legacy

To help realise his father’s dream, Divine launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy with a fundraising target of R375 000, appealing for community support in the form of donations.

To Divine’s delight, his ‘water and wifi’ campaign has raised over R66 000, with generous contributions from 26 donors, including one of his heroes, Grammy-award winning singer/songwriter, Jason Mraz, who wrote a warm message of support:

“Your mission is noble and inspiring. I wish you luck and wellness on this journey. I hope I might come to visit you on this farm someday.” – Jason Mraz


“Jason Mraz’s song inspires me through this journey.. he sings ‘Look for the good in everything and that is what I am doing. As one of my greater role models, having him donate to this cause is incredibly encouraging. It motivates me to do more just as he is (he too has a farm!)” – says Divine

With funds raised, Divine says, the farm will not only be able to create work opportunities for locals, but it will also become a supplier of healthy, organic produce to the local towns and villages, and ultimately provide reliable internet connectivity for the entire community.

“My hope is that all that my parents worked for, will not be in vain and that we will continue to grow the seeds and multiply. We will collectively take it forward in the way I know they wanted to themselves. I am in awe of the impact BackaBuddy and all the wonderful donations are making in our lives.” – says Divine

Support Divine on BackaBuddy:


Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:


For updates follow Divine on Instagram:


Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R329 Million.

Hardworking man who lost his wife, son, and humble home in Durban Floods, receives generous community support

Hardworking man who lost his wife, son, and humble home in Durban Floods, receives generous community support

Elias Dlamini a plumber from Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal tragically lost his wife, son, home and everything he owned, in the violent floods that affected the coast on the early morning of 12 April 2022.

While Elias was able to rescue two of his sons from the debris, the aftermath of a devastating landslide, and they are currently receiving medical treatment for their injuries, he was unable to find his 11-year-old son and wife in time. 

Uplifting Elias

To help Elias in his time of need, the company he works for, AllPlumb Projects Pty Ltd, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, with a fundraising target of R200 000, hoping the public would open their hearts to help him get back on his feet.

“This man has done nothing but good, he works hard, is of sober habits, he is a man of very few words but shines through his smile. This is an absolute tragedy that should never happen to such a wonderful person.” says his employer and friend,  Justin Allison from AllPlumb Projects Pty Ltd.

With overwhelming support from 77 donors, more than R170 000 were kindly donated to Elias, who is still coming to terms with the life-changing tragedy he has experienced.

He hopes to rebuild his humble home and care for his surviving sons with continued support.

“Please help this good man who has been through hell. Every little bit counts. Any remaining funds will be used for groceries and school fees for his surviving children,” says Justin.  

Support Elias on BackaBuddy:


Alternatively, make a donation via Snapscan:



Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R323 Million.

Durban Floods | Sisters pen emotional appeal after losing family home of 28 years, in an instant

Durban Floods | Sisters pen emotional appeal after losing family home of 28 years, in an instant

Janelle (27) and Bianca Barnard (24) from uMdloti, Kwa-Zulu Natal, have launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to restore their family home of 28-years that was destroyed in Durban floods on 21 May 2022.

In the aftermath of the floods, the sisters shared an emotional appeal for support:

“We shared 28 years of treasured memories in our family home that our parents built. In less than 24 hours, that home was destroyed.

Our hearts are as heavy as the mud that stands up to our ceilings as we write this. An unyielding reminder of the devastation we’ve endured.

It is a surreal sight – red sand engulfed most of our possessions. Most painfully, irreplaceable family heirlooms and albums of the last pictures we have of our parents sit submerged under the mud.

We have lost nearly all of our material possessions, but we have not yet lost hope, even though it is being worn down to its foundations by the weight of wet sand.

We are no strangers to picking up pieces and having to start over. My sister and I lost our mother, our last living parent, unexpectedly in 2019.

The two of us have been trying to hold everything together as best as we can. But we are just two, and the pieces are becoming too heavy to carry on our own” – says Bianca


Since the launch of their crowdfunding campaign on 23 May 2022, more than R80 000 has been raised through kind contributions from 52 donors, towards their fundraising target of R200 000.

“We are appealing to everyone to help us gain some stability in what feels like living in quicksand. If we stand still, we will sink. If you are able to assist in any way we are appealing to you to help us move forward. To help us rebuild our family home – the same home our parents built 28 years ago.” – says Janelle

Janelle and Bianca have lost their family home and all their treasures as a result of the floods


While their home is insured, and insurance will help alleviate some of the financial pressure they are experiencing, the Barnard sisters desperately need to find temporary housing, begin clearing the devastation, hire 24-hour security for the shell that remains, as well as replace a few personal items claimed in the flood.

“ We have been blown away by the overwhelming support we’ve received not only from our friends and family via BackaBuddy, but also from complete strangers. The immense support is what has kept us moving forward“ – says Janelle

Support the Barnard sisters on BackaBuddy:


Alternatively, donate Via Snapscan:



Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R323 Million.

6-year old Fanele is in desperate need of finding a bone marrow donor to save her life

6-year old Fanele is in desperate need of finding a bone marrow donor to save her life

Fanele Memela (6) from Durban, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in March 2022, and is in desperate need of a stem cell transplant that could save her life.

As none of Fanele’s family members is a viable bone marrow stem cell donor match for the little one, the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) has activated a nationwide search to find a suitable donor.

Ramping up their donor recruitment efforts, the organisation hopes to give this twinkle-eyed Durbanite, a second chance. 


Fanele is currently undergoing chemotherapy until a matching donor is found.  

Her mother, Gugu Mkhulisi, says as a parent all you want to do is to help and protect your child.However, in this instance, there’s very little I can do.  I have to rely on the generosity and goodwill of others. 

“It broke my heart when the doctors shared the news that none of us offered a good enough match. While this journey has been tough, it has opened my eyes to so much that I didn’t know about. I have learned about the dire shortage of black donors on the registry, which makes it so difficult for children like Fanele, to get the help they need.”

A need for ethnic donors

According to the SABMR, black donors only make up a mere 10% of registered donors. That means there is a slim chance of finding a match for Fanele and other children like her. 

A patients’ best chance of finding a match is within their own ethnic group. The lack of donors of colour is not unique to South Africa, globally there is a 27% chance of people of colour finding a match, compared to that of Europeans who have a 70% chance of finding a comparable tissue match. 

It is for this reason that the SABMR has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, to raise funds alongside the family to bolster donor recruitment efforts. 

Kapil Premchand, SABMR Sustainability and Donor Recruitment Coordinator for the KZN region says around 200 cases are referred to the SABMR annually, and the goal is to eventually be able to assist every patient. 

Our mission is to save as many lives as possible. Often, we find ourselves in a position where there is no suitable match, as is in Fanele’s case, but this doesn’t deter our efforts. 

“With this campaign we aim to raise R500 000 which will help to get as many black donors as possible between the ages of 16 and 45 to sign up to the registry.” 

Mkhulisi who refers to her daughter as a superhero, says Fanele has many things she aspires to and hopes that her daughter gets the second chance she wishes for. 


Her future aspirations change as often as the weather. She has recently decided that she no longer wants to be a doctor (like me), but rather a singer. She loves her little brother who is six-months old, and I would like for her to be around to spend many more years with him as they already share such a special bond. 

I am appealing to my fellow black South Africans to become bone marrow stem cell donors. It only takes 3 minutes to sign up and if you’re a match, the stem cell donation process is very similar to giving blood and all the costs are covered by the registry.”


Support Fanele on Backabuddy:


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Sign-up to become a donor:


Connect with the SABMR:

The SABMR (NPO) was established in 1991, motivated by the concern that although bone marrow transplants were a life-saving treatment option, they were only available to patients with a matching donor in their family. Today, the SABMR searches both locally and internationally for donors, thereby making collaboration with international registries and observing universal standards of practice essential. 

To date, the SABMR has helped save the lives of over 550 patients with life-threatening blood disorders by matching them with healthy, unrelated bone marrow donors from South Africa and the rest of the world.

According to SABMR, Sustainability Portfolio Manager, Kamiel Singh, there are currently only 74 000 donors registered on the site to cater to over 57 million South Africans.

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R323 Million.