Welcome to the BackaBuddy Impact Village, where we share insights from our team, provide tips for successful crowdfunding, and celebrate the stories of real-life heroes uplifted by generous donors.
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Cape Town Coach, ‘Nicky’, faces a lengthy recovery after contracting a rare form of meningitis.
On 20 June 2021, Nicolaas Serfontein (36), an admired swimming teacher from Melkbosstrand Cape Town, was rushed to the emergency room at Blaauwberg...
1 year after his diagnosis, Shaunie (12), loses his battle with Brainstem Glioma.
After a year long battle with Brainstem Glioma, Shaunie Botha, from Johannesburg, passed away in his father’s arms this morning.
Covid-19: Here’s how you can help
Standing in solidarity to flatten the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic, here’s a list of crowdfunding initiatives on BackaBuddy to support. Your support may mean the absolute best in getting them through the next 14 days and possibly beyond.
Masks for Medics re-ignites emergency COVID-19 relief fund for the 3rd wave
With the increase of COVID-19 cases, a non-profit initiative based in Cape Town, has re-launched its crowdfunding campaign to supply non-hospital-based front-line healthcare workers.
Asher-Rheed Medical Bills
Rushed to hospital earlier this year, little Asher-Rheed has been in and out of surgery. Your donation will help the family afford the medical treatment he needs.
Finding your Network & Getting Started
In this article, we will discuss the first steps in your crowdfunding campaign after you have signed-up. We will guide you through receiving your first donations, how to find your network and touch on the power of social media in fundraising online.
Developing your crowdfunding concept and campaign name
In this article, we will show you how to make use of various fundraising opportunities throughout the year and even how to raise funds to support a cause on your birthday!
Teacher to translate children’s book on divorce into Afrikaans to heal broken families
According to Stats SA, Four in 10 marriages don’t last longer than 10 years. To help children cope with the emotional challenges and confusion that...
Zara’s brain tumor fund
Little Zara was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor (ATRT) in April this year when she was just 19 months old. The news of Zara’s diagnosis has been absolutely devastating to the family.
Community gets Roadside ‘roosterbrood’ master to Italy as special guest.
When Tannie Poppie Van As, an elderly lady from Laingsburg who runs a roadside ‘roosterbrood’ stand in the Western Cape was invited to Italy to show off her cooking skills, her personality instantly captured the hearts of donors both locally and abroad.
Browse through our selection of updates, fundraising resources and tips to help you raise more money and keep track of the lives you’ve changed.
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