Community saves the life of a beautiful 5-year-old, Naledi, through donations for urgent heart surgery.

Community saves the life of a beautiful 5-year-old, Naledi, through donations for urgent heart surgery.

When Naledi Thahanyane (4) from Johannesburg was 6 months old when she was placed in the care of Juno Aurora Haven, a home for abused and neglected children in Sandton.

Fragile at first, the charismatic young lady soon went on to reach her milestones in leaps and bounds.

“When we met little Naledi, she was tiny and underdeveloped. With healthy food, love, and encouragement, we have seen her blossom into the princess she is today. She is such a vibrant, inquisitive, busy, and loving child. She steals the hearts of everyone who meets her” -says Melody Eggar, a volunteer at Juno Aurora Haven.

Pictured above: Melody Eggar with Naledi

When Naledi was taken to a pediatrician for a regular checkup three years ago, it was discovered that she had a heart defect, a growth just below the left aorta. The news was devastating to her caregivers and so began the waiting game.

Waiting for the growth to increase in size, to be safely removed, her cardiology team at Johannesburg Hospital saw Naledi for regular visits, to determine when her surgery should take place.

In May 2020, upon seeing a slight trickle of blood mixing, Naledi’s doctor gave the go-ahead for her to have surgery within the 6 months to follow.

After her surgery was scheduled, Juno Aurora Haven launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, in hopes to raise the much-needed funds to correct the hole in Naledi’s heart and ultimately save her life.

“Over the past few weeks Naledi has been tiring more easily and sleeping more than usual. We are doing our best to keep her safe and keep her spirits up. We know that without this operation, she won’t be with us for her next birthday, and that’s too difficult to contemplate. We hope the public will support our BackaBuddy campaign so we can save our little earth angel” – says Melody.

On Monday, 9th of November, after Naledi met with her surgeons, Radio 702 interviewed Melody Eggar for their #letswalkthetalk segment. In less than 12 hours, listeners contributed over R110 000 to Naledi’s BackaBuddy campaign.

Listen to the interview

Quick Update:

On Thursday, 14 July 2022, Naledi had a check up with her paediatric cardiologist and he is very happy with her progress and she only needs to go back in July 2023!

About BackaBuddy:

  • BackaBuddy is a proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.
  • BackaBuddy has raised over R200 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.
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#TheBucketStopsWithMe initiative aims to eradicate bucket toilets in schools across South Africa

#TheBucketStopsWithMe initiative aims to eradicate bucket toilets in schools across South Africa

Every year millions of children die from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene, according to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Tracker.

In South Africa, this reality manifests itself as children in over 3 000 schools are using dangerous pit latrines (toilets) in their learning environment. 

As a solution to this dire problem, The HomeComing Foundation, based in Pretoria, has launched groundbreaking initiative, #TheBucketStopsWithMe, to assist in the eradication of pit/bucket toilets in schools and replace them with dignified and safe sanitation infrastructure, including taps and toilets for schools in need.

Picture Above: The Foundation’s mission is to ensure that the next generation is equipped with the adequate tools for future success. 

“We understand that quality education is accompanied by a clean environment, sufficient equipment, and a safe space for students to thrive. #TheBucketStopsWithMe initiative is the first project from our foundation, and we are proud to embark on this transformative journey that will address key problem areas in learning environments,” says the Managing Director of HomeComing Foundation, Kopano Bookholane. 

With the first phase of this initiative, HomeComing Foundation aims to raise enough funds to transform the sanitation challenges in up to 4 schools. So far, #TheBucketStopsWithMe has managed to raise over R62 000 via the BackaBuddy crowdfunding platform. 

“The funds raised are allocated towards the implementation of a non-polluting, cost-effective toilet system, plus the safe and hygienic infrastructure to house it,” explains Kopano. 

To amplify its fundraising efforts, the #TheBucketStopsWithMe initiative has joined forces with media personalities, Hulisani Ravele and Dr. Musa Mthombeni, as its key spokespersons. 

“We have both had the privilege of being educated in learning environments that were safe and clean. Our parents never had to carry the fear of receiving a phone call from the school saying that we had fallen down a pit toilet or contracted an illness as a result of unhygienic conditions. For this fear to still be a reality for so many parents and learners speaks to the crisis our education system finds itself in. We’re excited to lend not only our voices but also our hands to HomeComing Foundation,” said Ravele and Mthombeni. 

The Homecoming Foundation #TheBucketStopsWithMe Initiative is live and both individuals and corporates are encouraged to pledge their donations as we aim to eradicate pit toilets and the buckets system, thus creating safe and hygienic learning spaces for students to thrive.

Support the HomeComing Foundation

Donate to support #TheBucketStopsWithMe initiative:

Donate via Snapscan

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The Homecoming Foundation (HCF), is on a mission to make sure that the next generation is equipped with the best possible chance of achieving success. We understand that quality education is accompanied by a clean environment, sufficient equipment, and a safe space for students to thrive.

For more information on #TheBucketStopsWithMe please follow the foundation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.


Covid-19: Here’s how you can help

Covid-19: Here’s how you can help

Earlier this week, South Africans experienced the harsh reality of once again moving back to the Adjusted Alert Level 4 regulations, due to the increasing numbers of Covid-19 infections. 

The virus has been the greatest global shock in decades resulting in tens of millions of people losing their livelihood and falling into extreme poverty. 

Standing in solidarity to flatten the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic, here’s a list of crowdfunding initiatives on BackaBuddy to support.


Categories you can support:

  • Medical Practitioners and Healthcare facilities 
  • Local Restaurants 
  • Individual Initiatives
  • Charities 
  • Animal NPC and Shelters
  • Shelters 

Supporting Medical Practitioners and Healthcare facilities 


Gift of the Givers Foundation

The Gift of the Givers Foundation has been involved in multiple interventions during the third wave of Covid-19, by not only standing behind our medical front-line heroes but also distributing blankets in the winter cold, providing home-based care networks with oxygen concentrators, supporting vaccination sites, and delivering water and PPE’s as requested. This campaign has successfully raised over R2 Million thus far, all thanks to the generosity of the donors who have timeously contributed to their cause.

Support this cause on BackaBuddy.

By donating to this campaign, all donors qualify for a Section 18A tax certificate issued by the Gift of The Givers.



Masks for Medics 

To help support medics during the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, Masks for Medics, a non-profit initiative based in Cape Town, South Africa, has re-launched its crowdfunding campaign to supply non-hospital-based front-line healthcare workers with medical-grade personal protective equipment (PPE). The campaign has raised over R600 000 thus far. Read more 

Support the Masks for Medics initiative by donating to their BackaBuddy campaign.



The Witkoppen Clinic

The Witkoppen Clinic is a comprehensive primary healthcare clinic that has bravely played a part in giving back by creating a campaign to help purchase PPE’s for their clinical staff and preparing its clinic for the required safety protocols for increasing Covid-19 infections.

Support this cause on BackaBuddy.  

By donating to this campaign, all donors qualify for a Section 18A tax certificate issued by The Witkoppen Clinic.



#SanitizeSouthAfrica is a movement created by a group of young South African women, to raise funds towards providing sanitization materials to communities who do not have the luxury of self-isolating and access to clean water sanitation. 

Play your part by giving back and donating to this BackaBuddy campaign.


Supporting Local Restaurants 


Hout Bay Restaurant Staff Support Cause

To assist their employees during the Lockdown Level 4 restrictions, local restaurant owners of the Hout Bay community have started a campaign to raise funds for their employees to cover basic necessities. The campaign is estimated at R25 000 to support over 150 staff members.This will likely afford them around R150 per person which isn’t much, especially considering the uncertainty around whether this lockdown will be extended beyond 2 weeks.

Support this cause by donating to the Hout Bay Restaurant Staff Support Cause on BackaBuddy.

Lexi’s Livelihoods

The co-owner and chef at the Lexi’s, Lexi Monzeglio from Sandton – Johannesburg, has started a campaign to raise funds for the amazing team of employees that has carried them through the past year. The funds will cover the 100 employees, not for just the next 2 weeks estimated but the months of healing that come after.

Support this local favourite by donating to their campaign on Backabuddy.


Supporting Individual Initiatives


Fundraising for Nazreen Salie

Since last year’s National Lockdown due to Coronavirus, Nazreen Salie has experienced a harrowing 18-months of loss of income. Sadly, it has resulted in both unemployment and potential homelessness. Help her raise funds on her BackaBuddy campaign to avoid her becoming just one more homeless person living on the streets of Cape Town.

Support Nazreen’s cause by donating to her BackaBuddy campaign.

Tom Osborne Medical Cause

Recently diagnosed with Covid-19, Tom Osborne from Fourways – Gauteng, is currently fighting for his life in ICU with medical bills piling up by the day. His family and friends have started a BackaBuddy campaign to help Tom and his mother- Brenda, urgently raise the funds needed . Your donations can help him ease the battle, as he also suffers from Type One Diabetes.

Support Tom’s medical cause on his BackaBuddy campaign.

Help Tom


Liesl Joubert – Covid-19 battle

Currently battling Covid-19, Liesl Joubert is hospitalised at Eugene Marais Hospital suffering from severe lung damage due to the disease. Her niece, Alicia, has started a BackaBuddy campaign to help raise funds in covering Liesl’s upcoming medical expenses which include, but are not limited to, full-time oxygen treatment and home care for at least the next month, the remainder of the hospital bill, and a backup generator for oxygen machine to cover load shedding sessions.

Support Liesl’s recovery by donating to her BackaBuddy campaign.


Supporting Charities 


The Cradle of Hope 

Caring for, protecting, rehabilitating abused and vulnerable women, The Cradle of Hope has thus far raised over R 15 000 in its effort to continue providing a safe comfortable home for families who need their support. With funds and food parcels running out, the charity appeals to you to help them continue their great work. 

Support The Cradle of Hope charity by donating to their BackaBuddy campaign.



Early Childhood Development Covid-19 Relief Fund

To continue to provide bridging financial aid for early childhood development programmes, the ECD-Support-Fund campaign was created to support ECD’s ongoing operating costs and the salaries of their employees. If the ECD programmes would have to close down due to Covid-19,  it will not only have an impact on the staff but also on their young children who benefit from these programmes.

Support Early Childhood Development’s cause by donating to BackaBuddy.



Jesse -Tour De Covid-19 2021

Jesse Sher has started an amazing 109km virtual cycling race fundraising initiative for the Rohan Bloom Foundation, which is building the First Specialized Paediatric Palliative Care In-Patient Hospice in the Western Cape. This inspiring campaign was created to continue supporting the organisation despite the canceled or postponed Cape Town Cycle Tour due to the pandemic restrictions.

He has raised over R4 000 for his campaign on BackaBuddy and is appealing for more funds. 

Support Jesse’s cause by donating to his BackaBuddy campaign.


Bet on Better 

To bring hope to the Informal Settlement of Groot Marico- North West, Bet on Better is raising funds to help provide food hampers, water, and electricity for those who don’t have the necessities like running water in their community.

Support Bet on Better on their mission, by donating to this cause on BackaBuddy.



SWEAT: Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce

SWEAT together with Sisonke: National Movement of Sex Workers in South Africa, has created a solidarity fundraiser that will help sex workers in need of emergency financial relief during this pandemic. With their work not being recognized in South Africa due to criminalization, they have created a BackaBuddy campaign to help bridge the income gap for sex workers across all of South Africa.

Help a “WORKER” today by donating to Sweat’s campaign on BackaBuddy.



The Dlala Nje Foundation 

The Dlala Nje Foundation has relaunched its campaign on BackaBuddy which has raised over R145 000 to cover their staff’s salaries and day-to-day fixed and running costs, as they are unable to generate funds through their Johannesburg inner-city tours with the implementation of the adjusted lockdown. Their community centre offers a safe, diverse and engaging environment for children and the youth.

Support The Dlala Nje Foundation’s cause on their BackaBuddy campaign.



Supporting Animal NPC/ Shelters


Animal Rescue SA 

Animal Rescue SA needs your help to keep the lights on. Every month they care for almost 300 animals at their shelter in Brakpan, but during the pandemic, expenses have piled up and the organisation is facing eviction. Your small donation to this campaign will make an enormous impact.

Support this cause on BackaBuddy.


Bambelela Wildlife Care NPC

Founder of Bambelela Wildlife Care NPC, Silke von Eynern, has raised over R280 000 on their campaign, to help keep their doors open as the lockdown has directly affected their fundraising efforts and the organization’s sustainability.

Continue supporting this cause by donating to their campaign on BackaBuddy.

DIY Wild

As a wildlife charity located in South Africa in the Mpulamanga region, DIY Wild relies on the help of international volunteers whose donations are their only source of funding. With the Lockdown Adjusted Level 4 implementation, they have not only lost all of their volunteers who were booked during this time, but they have also not received any new bookings.  Your donations can help feed all the animals at the centre and also pay salaries while their staff are safe at home with their families.

Support their cause on their BackaBuddy campaign.


Supporting Shelters

Aurora Special Care Centre

As their Annual Tin Collection (where they stand outside supermarkets with tins, collecting coins) has been cancelled for the second year in a row due to Covid-19, Aurora Special Care Centre has launched a BackaBuddy campaign to raise funds for fees and groceries for the centre which feeds children who are orphaned  – to keep our pantry full.

Support this cause on BackaBuddy.

Show your support by donating to someone in need, keep the lights on of your favourite local restaurant or raise funds to help a daycare of your choice. Your support may mean the absolute best in getting them through the next 14 days and possibly beyond.


Create your own crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy:

BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up crowdfunding campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various other causes in South Africa.

For more information email [email protected].



Crowdfunding campaign launched to feed vulnerable families in Pietermaritzburg affected by Covid19.

Crowdfunding campaign launched to feed vulnerable families in Pietermaritzburg affected by Covid19.

With the implementation of the national lockdown to flatten the curve of the COVID19 pandemic, many families were been left destitute without the means to earn an income and provide for their families.

Focusing on Pietermaritzburg and surrounding areas, Porky’s People, created a campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy, which supported as many families as possible with food and other essential items during the lockdown.

Honoring social distancing guidelines, funds raised by their campaign was be converted into digital food vouchers that were redeemed at any local Shoprite supermarket.

The campaign went live on the 19th of April 2020 and has raised a total of R 14 803.69 with contributions from 36 donors.

“With our campaign, we have done our best to help as many people as possible on a first-come, first-serve basis. The public has joined us in raising funds as we strive to overcome this global pandemic.”  – Porky’s co-founder, Theresa Pienaar

The platform also welcomed donations in the form of food parcels, if any individuals or small businesses would have liked to join their efforts to feed the vulnerable families during this time.

View Porky’s People campaign in feeding vulnerable families in Pietermaritzburg here:

Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition, and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far raised over R270 Million.