How to Share Your Crowdfunding Campaign in the Media

How to Share Your Crowdfunding Campaign in the Media

Getting your crowdfunding campaign noticed by the media can boost visibility and bring in more donations. By connecting with various outlets, you can expand your audience and improve your campaign’s chances of success. 


Here’s a simple guide to help you effectively share your campaign with the media.


Tips for Sharing Your Campaign with the Media

  • Tell an Interesting Story: Highlight what makes your campaign unique. Media outlets prefer stories that are impactful and relatable. Keep it brief—no longer than a page.
  • Create a Press Kit: Include a press release, good-quality photos with captions, and a link to your campaign page to make it easy for journalists.
  • Choose the Right Media Outlets: Focus on local outlets first—they’re more likely to cover community stories. If your campaign has broader appeal, reach out to national or international media. Tailor your approach to what their audience would be interested in.
  • Reach Out to Local Media: Once your campaign has 10-20 donations and is gaining momentum, contact local blogs, newspapers, radio, and TV stations. A third-person press release with quotes and visuals works best.
  • Find Media Contacts: Use resources like The South African Government Media Directory (linked below), check the “Contact Us” section of publications, or reach out to journalists on social media.
  • Personalize Your Pitch: Customize your email for each media contact, explaining why their audience would be interested in your campaign. Avoid bulk emails.
  • Use Free Tools: Platforms like MyPR and PressPortal are great for free press release distribution and can help you reach a wider audience.
  • Follow Up: If you don’t hear back, send a polite follow-up email. Persistence can make a difference.

Media Contact List

The government has put together a list of key South African media outlets, categorised for your convenience. Use this list to reach out to the right platforms that can help amplify your campaign:

National and Commercial Radio and TV Stations



Newspapers and Magazines



Community Radio Stations



Community and Regional Newspapers

Foreign Media in South Africa

 Freelance Journalists in South Africa

Free Online submission platforms with direct links:



For an extensive list of media contacts, please refer to the Government of South Africa’s Media Directory.

By utilising these contacts and following these tips, you can effectively increase the reach and impact of your crowdfunding campaign.

Read more tips:


Effortless Giving: How to Navigate and Resolve Donation Issues

Effortless Giving: How to Navigate and Resolve Donation Issues

Your donation has the power to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life, and BackaBuddy is committed to ensuring your contribution is processed smoothly. While our process is usually seamless,  occasional issues can arise. This guide will help you troubleshoot any problems, ensuring your support reaches its worthy cause.

Common Issues with Donations

Here are some common reasons why a donation might not process as expected:

  • Cached Information: Your browser might be using outdated data that could affect the donation process.
  • Billing Address Mismatch: Ensure the billing address you enter matches the address on file with your credit card company.
  • Incorrect Security Code: A small error in the security code can prevent the transaction from going through.
  • Expiration Date Mismatch: Verify that the expiration date you entered matches the one on file with your credit card company.
  • Inactive Card: New cards that haven’t been activated yet might disrupt the donation process.
  • Credit Card Declined: Your credit card company may decline the charge for security reasons.
  • Communication Issues: Temporary issues between your credit card company, the payment gateway, or our site could affect the transaction.
  • Location Mismatch: Donations from a location different from your card’s billing address might trigger a security alert.
  • VPN Access: Using a VPN from an unfamiliar location can sometimes cause temporary issues.

Troubleshooting Your Donation

If you experience any issues with your donation, try the following steps:

  1. Verify Payment Status: If you receive a bank confirmation but encounter an error on BackaBuddy, wait 24 hours to see if the donation appears on the campaign page. If it doesn’t, please contact our Support Team with proof of payment.
  2. Retry Donation: If no payment notification is received, try making the donation again using a different device or browser. Clearing your cache and cookies may help. Ensure all details, including the address and security code, are correct.
  3. Contact Support: If the issue persists, contact our Support Team with detailed information and screenshots to help resolve the problem quickly.
  4. Pending Charges: If a failed donation shows as “pending” on your statement, it should be removed within 2-3 business days. If it remains, your bank can assist in removing the pending charge.

Processing Times

  • Credit card and PayPal donations are usually processed immediately.
  • Instant EFT donations may take up to 2 business days.
  • EFT payments might require up to 3 business days due to manual approval.

For EFT payments, please email proof of payment to [email protected].

BackaBuddy is dedicated to ensuring your donation reaches its worthy cause. If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our Support Team for assistance.

7 Effective Ways to Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign and Get Donations

7 Effective Ways to Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign and Get Donations

Launching a crowdfunding campaign is just the first step towards raising funds for your cause. To achieve your fundraising target, it’s essential to engage with your network effectively and at the right time to maximize your campaign’s reach and appeal to potential donors.

In this guide, we have compiled a list of 7 Effective Ways that you can promote your crowdfunding campaign successfully and receive support from your network and the wider donor community.


Register Your Campaign

If you haven’t registered yet, please do so by clicking the link: Register Your Campaign.

With over R400 million raised for various causes nationwide, we have the experience and expertise to support you. Whether you need funds for medical needs, tuition fees, or any other cause, this is the right place.

Optimize Your Campaign

To achieve your crowdfunding goals, it’s essential to optimize your campaign content before promoting it to a wide audience. Craft a clear, emotive story explaining the beneficiary’s situation and the impact donations will have on them.

How To Write A Crowdfunding Story

Include high-quality images and a one-minute video to enhance your campaign’s credibility and engagement. Studies show that videos can increase donations 4X and social media shares 7X. It is also important to ensure that your fundraising target is transparent, realistic, and aligned with the beneficiary’s needs.

How To Create A Crowdfunding Video


Reach Out To Your Immediate Circle

To kickstart your crowdfunding campaign and receive your first donations, it’s crucial to reach out to your personal network of friends and family first via direct messages.

They are more likely to support your cause and be willing to donate, as they already trust you and have a relationship with you.

Having initial donors can create social proof and make your campaign more attractive to potential donors who may be hesitant to be the first to contribute. This can help you attract more donations and create momentum for your campaign.

You can send your campaign to your family and friends through instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or email, with a short, personalized message introducing your campaign and what you are fundraising for.

Research shows that 98% of instant messages are opened and read within the first 3 seconds, making it a fast and effective way to promote your campaign at the start.

An idea of a message you could send:

98% of Instant messages are typically read within 3 seconds, making it the perfect way to reach out to your immediate circle.


Reach Out To Your Wider Network

To maximize your chances of receiving more donations towards your crowdfunding campaign, it’s crucial to expand your reach beyond your immediate circle.

After securing a few initial donations, you should reach out to your wider network, which includes extended familyneighboursco-workerssocial groupsacquaintances, members of your community, and the wider public.

Additionally, consider collaborating with influencersnon-profit organizations, or businesses that share your cause to expand your reach even further.

As your campaign gains momentum and becomes more trustworthy, a broader audience is more likely to show their support.

Personalize your message to each group, highlighting the impact their donation will create, and ask them to share your campaign with people they know.


Reach Out On Social Media

To maximize the reach and success of your crowdfunding campaign, social media can be a powerful tool.

Research shows that sharing your campaign on social media, once you have secured at least 5-10 donations from your immediate circle and your wider network, can increase your campaign’s chances of success 5X.

This is because potential donors, especially those who don’t know you personally, are often hesitant to be the first to donate, but are more likely to contribute when a campaign begins gaining traction.

To effectively promote your campaign on social media, it’s important to personalize your message and highlight the impact that donations will create. Accompany your posts or stories with a high-resolution image or short video to enhance your message and capture the attention of your followers.

Don’t just share your crowdfunding campaign link on its own; make sure to introduce your campaign and encourage your followers to donate and share your campaign on their social media channels.

Use this easy-to-use template for sharing your campaign!

Sharing your crowdfunding campaign on social media once you have 5-10 donations can increase your success rate by 5X.


Reach Out To Local Media

To increase the reach of your crowdfunding campaign even further, consider reaching out to local media outlets once you have received 10-20 donations and your campaign has gained momentum.

Local online blogsnewspapersradio stations, and TV stations have the ability to reach thousands or even millions of potential donors who may be interested in covering your story.

To reach out, write a press release in the third person that includes relevant quotes from you or your beneficiary, along with images or a video. Consider publishing your press release on free distribution sites like MyPR and MyPressportal

To find media contacts visit download The South African Government Media Directoryvisit the “contact us” section of a publication in your area, or reach out to journalists on social media.

If your campaign has media potential, you reach an unlimited audience of supporters.


Share Updates & Milestones

Donors want to feel connected to the cause they’re supporting, so it’s crucial to keep them engaged and informed.

Regularly sharing updates on your crowdfunding campaign’s progress, including the milestones you’ve achieved and challenges you’ve overcome, can encourage donors to continue supporting your campaign.

By doing so, donors will trust your campaign more and see the impact they have helped create. It’s also essential to thank your donors individually and publicly and consider sharing testimonials or stories from the people who have benefited from your campaign.

These updates not only build trust but also foster a sense of community and motivate continued support



In conclusion, while it is essential to expand your reach to attract a wider audience of potential supporters for your crowdfunding campaign, it is equally important to engage with your immediate network first.

By reaching out to your immediate circle through personal, direct messages, you can build trust, and credibility, and gain the initial momentum needed to attract donors in your wider network and the wider donor community.

Reaching the right people, at the right time, with the right message, will increase your crowdfunding campaign’s likelihood of success.

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7 Must-Have Elements for Creating an Effective BackaBuddy Crowdfunding Video!

7 Must-Have Elements for Creating an Effective BackaBuddy Crowdfunding Video!

To create a successful crowdfunding campaign in the digital age, it is crucial to connect with potential donors through emotive storytelling and engaging visual content. Incorporating a 20-second to 3-minute video into your campaign can be a highly effective way to achieve this.

Studies have shown that a well-crafted video can build an emotional connection with viewers, lend credibility and authenticity to your cause, and increase the chances of raising up to 4X more funds than campaigns without a video.

In this guide, we have compiled a list of 7 essential elements to consider when creating a powerful video for an online fundraising appeal.


Sean Clarke, a Para-athlete from Johannesburg, provides a great example of an effective crowdfunding video. In his campaign to raise funds for James, a teenager in need of a prosthetic leg, Sean created a short yet impactful video introducing James and his life-long struggles.

Structuring your video

  • Shoot your video Selfe-style. You don’t need to have a professionally shot campaign video to make an impact. Consider using your smartphone’s front camera to shoot a short, authentic selfie-style video to elaborate on your campaign story. It’s all about speaking from the heart, providing relevant background information, and conveying your passion for your cause.
  • Interview the beneficiary: Conduct a short interview with the beneficiary of your campaign to help lead the conversation. Ask the beneficiary to introduce themselves, explain their challenges, and let potential donors know the impact donations will have on their lives.


John Rodwell from Kwa-Zulu Natal interviewed his homeless neighbour Johan, who was living in a tent. The emotional video captured the hearts of donors who contributed to a Wendy house for Johan and his dog.

  • Create a slideshow video: If you aren’t comfortable shooting a video, consider creating a slideshow video with images and text to tell the story of your beneficiary and the needs they might have. Consider recording a voice note on your phone that can accompany your video to add a personal touch to your campaign story and keep viewers engaged.

Get inspiration from other skilled storytellers

It’s beneficial to take some time to explore successful crowdfunding campaigns and the inspiring videos campaign creators have made to garner support from the donor community. We can all learn from each other.

Zanele Hlatshwayoran 18 marathons to support SADAG, in honour of her father who took his own life due to depression. Her video captured the clear impact her campaign would go on to create.


Need more examples? Watch as Henry Cock prepares to take on 133 half marathons for suicide prevention, Zolani Mahola backs a campaign to save a little boy suffering from cancer, Trinity Van Beeck introduces her friend who qualified for a chess competition, and Marlene Spies raises funds for a Cochlear Implant with the help of her granddaughter.


Before filming your video, keep in mind that you should tell your story in less than 3 minutes to keep your viewers’ attention. Your tone should be warm, hopeful and informal, displaying your personality. Deciding where to film your video is also very important. Choose a well-lit room with a clear backdrop, or shoot your video outside in nature. Wherever you decide to film your video, make sure you have as little background noise as possible.


Your crowdfunding story is the foundation upon which you can build an emotional connection with potential supporters and inspire them to donate to your cause.

In your video, introduce yourself and your beneficiary, share the personal connection you have and provide meaningful background information, to build trust with potential supporters. As best as you can, articulate the tangible needs your beneficiary has, the challenge they are facing, and the positive impact donations will have on them. Share the defining moment that inspired you to start the campaign, and ask viewers to consider donating to your campaign and share it with their wider network.

Learn about Storytelling in more detail here.


Llewellyn Barnes was a homeless man living on the streets of Pretoria when he qualified for a major golf tournament. In sharing the story of his life, donors learned how his passion for golf got him through many difficult times in his life.

Visual and Sonic Storytelling 

While speaking directly to the camera can be effective in introducing your cause to potential donors, incorporating visual aids such as images, text, animations, or music can significantly enhance your campaign’s impact.

Fortunately, there are user-friendly apps such as CapCutTikTokCanva and InShot that can help you create professional-looking and creative videos. Additionally, you can make use of the YouTube Audio Library to access royalty-free, copyright-safe production music and sound effects for your video.


When Joseph Payne interned for DOCKDA, a charity in Northern Cape, he launched a campaign to purchase bicycles for rural school children. Joseph used a combination of video clips, images, text, and music to beautifully illustrate his story and raise funds for his cause.

Social media 

Including a video in your crowdfunding campaign and sharing it on social media can increase your chances of success by 5X, as video posts receive 7X more engagement than static posts. Additionally, videos are more engaging and favoured by algorithms, leading to greater visibility and wider sharing potential.

To further connect with potential donors, consider live streaming on popular platforms like TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram, to promote your cause, answer questions in real-time, and encourage donations. Be sure to promote your live stream beforehand to ensure a larger audience.

Milestones & Updates

Creating videos to update your donors, share milestones, and express gratitude for their support is a powerful way to build trust and engagement, ultimately encouraging additional donations. By showcasing the impact funds raised have created, like this adorable video from Blankets For Baby Rhinos, you can begin building a lasting relationship with your supporters.

Katlego Legotlo who has Cerebral Palsy, was gifted a brand new electronic wheelchair, in a heartfelt moment captured on video, that brought many to tears.


In conclusion, a well-crafted crowdfunding video has the potential to elevate your campaign’s message, convey complex information, reach a wider audience, build a meaningful relationship with donors and inspire them to support your cause.

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The Ultimate BackaBuddy Campaign Launch Template: Share Your Fundraiser Easily

The Ultimate BackaBuddy Campaign Launch Template: Share Your Fundraiser Easily

At BackaBuddy, we understand that reaching out for assistance, regardless of the cause, can be a vulnerable process. Whether you’re facing medical challenges, educational expenses, a community project, or any other personal goal, we’re here to support you.

To make your fundraising journey easier, we’ve created easy-to-use templates for campaign creators like you to help you share your campaign and encourage donations. 


Starting Your Campaign and Seeking Initial Donations


Hi [Insert name]

I have something important to share with you.

I’ve just launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to raise funds for [insert reason why you’re fundraising], and I hope you will consider being one of my very first donors.

I have set my fundraising target at [insert fundraising target], which will allow me to [insert how funds will be used/the positive impact of donations].

Your contribution, no matter the amount, would mean the world to me. 

If you’re able and willing to lend your support to my fundraiser, kindly click on my BackaBuddy link: [Insert link to your BackaBuddy campaign].

You can also support me by sharing my story on your social media or with your contacts, to help me reach more people who may be able to help.


Thank you,

[Insert your name]




Reach Out to Your Immediate Circle First

To kickstart your crowdfunding journey and secure vital initial support, begin by connecting with your inner circle of close friends and family. They are more likely to stand by your side, regardless of the cause, due to their trust and personal connection to you. Through their supportive donation messages, they can give your campaign momentum and provide social proof, making it more appealing to potential donors who may hesitate to be the first to contribute.

Remember to keep your message personal, concise, and let your unique personality shine through. Kindly ask your friends, family, and social media followers to support your cause and share it on your behalf to help you reach your fundraising target.

Now that you have your template, let’s explore ‘7 Effective Ways to Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign and Get Donations.’


Watch Our Crowdfunding Top Tips Video: 

10 Elements for Writing a Great Backabuddy Crowdfunding Story

10 Elements for Writing a Great Backabuddy Crowdfunding Story

Creating a fundraising campaign that successfully raises funds for someone in need starts with crafting a compelling crowdfunding story. Your story is the foundation upon which you can build an emotional connection with potential supporters and inspire them to donate to your cause.

In this guide, we have compiled a list of 10 essential elements to consider when writing a powerful online appeal.

Get inspiration from skilled storytellers

Before penning your story, take some time to explore successful fundraisers and their stories. Look for examples of courageous storytelling that moved you to tears, touched your heart, or left you feeling inspired. Reflect on the specific aspects of these stories that resonate with you and consider how you can incorporate similar elements into your own narrative.

For inspiration take a lot at these campaigns: Naledi’s SurgerySean’s ChallengeRomario’s Birthday CampaignNellie’s Education FundNontuthuko’s Challenge.

Give your fundraiser a title

The title of your fundraiser is the first introduction to your campaign. It holds immense power as it draws attention to your plight and can encourage potential donors to visit your campaign page. Will you choose a lighthearted approach to grab attention or an emotive one to tug at heartstrings? Whatever you choose, make sure to include the name of your beneficiary and highlight their specific need for fundraising.

Introduce your beneficiary 

Begin your crowdfunding story by introducing the person or people you are fundraising for. Who are they? What is their name, age, and where do they come from? It’s important to provide some meaningful background information about the focal point of your campaign and why they are in need of help. Are they battling a medical condition, facing financial hardship, or have they been presented with an exciting opportunity?

As the storyteller, what is your personal relationship to the beneficiary or the cause? Sharing your personal connection can help build trust and credibility with potential supporters, and allow them to better empathize with your cause.

Nickey Seger launched her ‘Power of a Promise’ campaign to cover Nellie Khuzwayo’s final year of private school, which she paid out of her pocket for 9 years. Introducing Nellie, and the wonderful young lady she had grown up to become, Nickey reached her target, and had funds left over to send Nellie to Nursing school.

What lead you to crowdfunding?

Capture the defining moment that motivated you to start your crowdfunding campaign. What specific event or circumstance sparked your decision to seek support from others? Whether it was a personal experience, financial hardship, or sudden crisis, express it in a clear and captivating sentence or two. This will give your story context and provide potential donors with a deeper understanding of the situation, and how the needs, which your crowdfunding campaign hopes to address, came to be.

Your funding needs

It’s crucial to clearly define the need or challenge that you’re raising funds for. Provide specific details about how the issue is affecting the person in need, so potential supporters can understand the gravity and urgency of the situation. To help donors relate to your cause communicate the needs in a tangible way, providing a breakdown of costs where possible.

The Impact of your campaign

It’s important to clearly communicate the positive impact donations will have if the campaign is successful. This could include specific goals you hope to achieve or the positive changes that will occur in the beneficiary’s life. Donors contribute to causes because they are hopeful and empathetic individuals that want to be a part of the solution and know in their hearts that have made a meaningful difference.

Naledi Thahanyane, who lives in a children’s home in Johannesburg, was only 4-years-old when doctors discovered she needed Life-saving heart surgery to save her life. With donors understanding the clear impact of their donations, little Naledi was able to have her surgery and celebrates full-health today.

Call to action

Encourage potential supporters to donate to your cause and share your campaign with their networks to help reach a wider audience. Reiterate your gratitude and remind donors of the impact they will help to create for your beneficiary. Additionally include links to your social media channels where donors can receive regular updates on the progress of the campaign.


It’s important to take the time to edit and refine your message before sharing it with potential supporters. Keep your message short and concise, no longer than 200-500 words, and use paragraphs and comfortable spacing to separate your ideas. To highlight important information, consider bolding, underlining, or italicizing key phrases or words.

It’s also important to maintain a friendly and conversational tone throughout your campaign message. Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your story, as it will put donors at ease and encourage them to support you on your fundraising journey.

Before sharing your campaign, be sure to do a quick spelling and grammar check. Consider asking someone you trust to proofread your story for you, as they may be able to catch errors or provide valuable feedback.

Visual Storytelling

Incorporating visual elements such as images, infographics and videos into your crowdfunding story can make your appeal more compelling to donors, as it brings the cause to life and adds a sense of reliability to your cause.

Studies indicate that fundraisers with a video tend to raise 4X more funds than those without, as it can build an emotional connection with potential supporters, increase credibility, and make it easier to convey complex information. When selecting visuals for your campaign, ensure that they are high-quality and relevant to the story you are sharing.

Sean Clarke, a Para-athlete from Johannesburg, provides a great example of an effective crowdfunding video. In his campaign to raise funds for James, a teenager in need of a prosthetic leg, Sean created a short yet impactful video introducing James and his life-long struggles.

Updates & Milestones

To keep your supporters engaged and invested in your crowdfunding campaign, it’s essential to provide regular updates. Let your donors know when you reach important milestones and express your appreciation for their continued support. Share the impact that contributions have made, so that donors may see the measurable difference they have created. Regular updates not only build trust but also motivate continued support.


In conclusion, crafting a crowdfunding story is more than a mere appeal for donation it’s about creating a heart-to-heart connection with potential donors.

Showcase the real people behind their struggles and their dreams. Demonstrate the impact funds will have on your beneficiary and be transparent about how funds will be used.

By bravely sharing your story with authenticity and vulnerability, you can inspire others to join your cause and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

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Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R400 Million.