Pictured above: Madswimmer Founder Jean Craven waves the SA flag high  

CAPE TOWN – “The Sky is the Limit” Madswimmer Team triumphantly returned to a camp in Kagkot in the Himalayas on Sunday afternoon, the 12 of May, marking their reconnection with civilization and their first steps on solid ground after a grueling fifteen-day ascent on the icy slopes of Mt. Putha Hiunchuli in the Himalayas. Their mission was to complete the highest-altitude swim ever recorded.

On the morning of May 10th, at an altitude of 6,405 meters, the team achieved their ambitious goal. They surpassed the previous record of 6,370 meters set by Australian Dan Bull in the Andes Mountains in South America, thus shifting the highest swim record to a new continent under challenging conditions- a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

Jean Craven, expedition leader and founder of Madswimmer, noted that the trek to the swim site was the most arduous part of the journey. Following three flights and a nerve-wracking 17-hour Jeep ride along steep cliffs, the team embarked on a 138km uphill trek that lasted 15 days. With the aid of eighteen sherpas and a caravan of 35 donkeys and yaks, they transported over a ton of equipment and supplies essential for their survival. They faced harsh icy conditions, battling wind and snow, and navigated treacherously near crevasses that threatened to collapse beneath them.

Pictured above: Madswimmers Vanes-Marie Du Toit,  Neo Mokuene, Deniz Kayadelen, Chiara Baars (Team Doctor), Thufayl Ali (Cameraman), Sean Disney (Himalaya Tour leader) and Sean Jean Craven, Madswimmer Founder  


Describing the swim, Jean recounted, “The last accessible liquid (swimmable) water was found at 4,900 meters. To achieve a world record, we needed to venture higher and create a suitable swimming environment at 6,405 meters. We carved out a swimming hole in the ice and melted ice in large drums that preserved the liquid water overnight. The swimming hole was covered under a tent canvas to prevent refreezing at night. The next morning, we removed the canvas, filled the ice hole with the liquid water we preserved, and took turns swimming in it for about three minutes each, wearing Speedos only. The water was chillingly cold at 3.7 degrees Celsius, with the outside temperature at minus six.”


Pictured above:  Madswimmer Vanes-Marie Du Toit takes the plunge


The expedition was conducted with a commitment to environmental stewardship. After their historic swim, the water was carefully returned to the mountain, where it refroze.

Dr. Chiara Baars, the team doctor, diligently monitored the members’ vital signs and general health throughout. Oxygen levels were measured in the morning and again at night and it was interesting observing how sleep aided their acclimatisation overnight. Despite most team members lacking experience in high-altitude climbing, none suffered severe shortness of breath or other altitude symptoms. Three members took medication to facilitate acclimatisation, which was discontinued as they began their descent. Post-swim, everyone was warmed in heated tents, dressed in warm clothes covered with hot water bottles, ensuring their bodies recovered well from the extreme cold.

The team emphasised that their expedition aimed to witness and document the impacts of climate change. They encountered alarming signs, like running water appearing nearly 5,000 meters above sea level. The solid ice is crucial for binding the soil in these frigid zones. The melting of it threatens devastating land and mudslides that could obliterate communities. With global awareness campaigns initiated by Nepalese tourism and the vivid documentation by Madswimmer, the team hopes to spark meaningful discussions and highlight the urgent need to address climate change.


Pictured above: Madswimmer Neo Mokuene takes an icy dip.



Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

‘The Sky is the Limit’ Madswimmer Team has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to support two children’s charities with their dedicated swim: the Universitas Academic Hospital Oncology Unit for Teens and Adolescents and the Red Cross Children’s Hospital.

  • Red Cross Children’s Hospital, Cape Town

The Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town provides critical paediatric care to children from across South Africa. Support for this hospital ensures the continuation and expansion of their life-saving work, offering a brighter future for children in need.

  • Adolescent Oncology Unit, Universitas Academic Annex Hospital, Bloemfontein

The Adolescent Oncology Unit at Universitas Academic Annex Hospital in Bloemfontein focuses on providing specialised care for teenagers battling cancer. Donations help fund renovations, create a lounge and entertainment area, and ensure that teenagers receive the best possible care during their fight.

So far, the BackaBuddy campaign has raised R24,200 of their R2,000,000 goal with the support of 17 donors.

Donations can be made via BackaBuddy:






  • Jean Craven, Madswimmer Founder  
  • Vanes-Marie Du Toit
  • Neo Mokuene
  • Deniz Kayadelen
  • Thufayl Ali (Cameraman)
  • Chiara Baars (Team Doctor)
  • Sean Disney (Himalaya Tour leader)
Helderberg Hero Fights to Save Special Needs School from Closure

Helderberg Hero Fights to Save Special Needs School from Closure

Lize Marais, from the Helderberg region of the Western Cape, embodies determination and compassion as she strives to keep the doors of Milkwood Learning Academy and their beloved Toy Library open. This academy is a haven for children with special needs, including those with learning disabilities, autism, and Down syndrome. 

With a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy, Marais is rallying the community to secure the future of 18 students by the end of March 2024, facing an urgent financial crisis that threatens the academy’s existence.

A Sanctuary for Learning and Growth

Milkwood Learning Academy, nestled in the heart of the Helderberg region, is more than an educational institution; it’s a place where vulnerable children discover their potential in a nurturing and accepting environment. Founded by Marais seven years ago, the academy has become a critical resource for affordable, quality education tailored to children with intellectual disabilities. “It’s a place where they don’t feel rejected, they feel safe and loved,” Marais explains. Her commitment to these children is unwavering, driven by a vision of inclusivity and empowerment.

Marais shares poignant insights into the impact of Milkwood on its students: “Over the years I have seen so many success stories. Children come to us with very high anxiety levels. Some were rejected by society, others were enrolled in mainstream schools, and were subject to bullying from other children. Many of my children can’t speak a word or read a word when they join Milkwood. Later they learn to talk, play with others, and even read books.” 


Pictured above: Lize Marais with Milkwood Learning Academy students


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy 

Despite the positive impact on its students, Milkwood’s financial sustainability is at risk. The school’s inclusive fee structure, designed to accommodate families of all economic backgrounds, has led to financial shortfalls. “Our goal is to enable children with special needs to live meaningful lives within their communities,” Marais says, emphasizing the need for support to keep this haven for learning alive.


Pictured above: Lize Marais with Milkwood Learning Academy students


Since the launch of the BackaBuddy campaign, 13 donors have come together to raise R15,581 towards Milkwood’s fundraising target of R60 000 to address their immediate financial needs, including rent and daily operational costs

“As the deadline approaches, the story of Milkwood Learning Academy and its fight for survival serves as a testament to the impact of community support and the difference it can make in the lives of children with special needs, who are the most vulnerable among us.” – says Bernelie Barwise ( Social Media Manager at BackaBuddy.)

To support Lize Marais and the Milkwood Learning Academy, visit their BackaBuddy campaign link:


Micheal and Bailey: Balcony Accident Strengthens Bond Between Rescue Cat and Dog

Micheal and Bailey: Balcony Accident Strengthens Bond Between Rescue Cat and Dog

Furry Instagram celebrities and best friends, Micheal and Bailey

However, tragedy struck on January 2nd when Micheal, just one-year-old, accidentally fell from the fourth floor of their apartment building. This unfortunate incident left Micheal with fractures in both of his legs, necessitating urgent medical attention.

Amber recounted the heartbreaking details of the accident, saying, “We were on the balcony for our morning sun and coffee, we had mesh up, but the estate we live in made everyone remove it due to aesthetic reasons. I looked away for a split second, and something caught Micheal’s attention on the little ledge. I did not want to scare him, so I called him back inside because I thought if he got safely out there, he would be able to bring himself safely in. He was doing great until he got his hips stuck and panicked, and in a normal cat reaction, he tried to reverse. He pushed too quickly, and I started running towards him, but I wasn’t able to grab him in time.”

Micheal and Bailey with their fur-parent, Amber

While insurance did provide some coverage, the damage caused by the fall was extensive. Amber recalled, “Micheal was awake and crying. Thankfully, there was no blood, but that cry will stay with me forever! I could see his front paw was broken, but had no idea the back had snapped too.”

The estimated expenses included R2,500 for an emergency vet visit, over R40,000 for surgical procedures, and more than R8,000 for post-operative care.

Amber, feeling helpless but resolute in her determination to save Micheal, launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. The campaign aimed to raise R65,000 to cover the hefty medical bills. So far, it has garnered tremendous support, with 10 generous donors contributing over R17 400 to help Michael on his road to recovery.

Micheal underwent a successful seven-hour surgery at Sunset Veterinary Clinic, where screws and wires were expertly placed to mend his broken bones. The joy of his family, and especially Bailey (exuberantly wagging her tail), was immeasurable when Micheal finally returned home.


Micheal laying in his crate after his fall from the balcony

The pair, accustomed to doing everything together, is now temporarily separated by a crate as Micheal undergoes a six-week recovery process.

Amber shared the heartwarming details of their friendship, saying, “They love to play fight on the couch and go on beautiful walks together!”

The response from the Cape Town community has been nothing short of heartwarming. Friends and complete strangers, moved by the unlikely friendship between Micheal and Bailey, have stepped up to donate and send their good wishes. Amber and Calvin have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.

Amber shared her gratitude, saying, “We thought we were going to lose our beautiful boy. We were so overcome with emotions, but to see strangers who have never even met Micheal donating and sending good wishes, it was just so heartwarming.”


Micheal and Bailey enjoying a day at the beach

Micheal‘s journey began when Amber and Calvin were on a trip to KZN (South Coast) for their wedding. Amber shared the heartwarming story, saying, “My husband and myself had made the journey back to KZN for our wedding, and on the way down, my mother sent us a few photos of kittens. The mother had been rescued, and she had given birth to six beautiful kittens who were looking for homes. We saw the photo of Micheal, and it was instant love at first sight! He had the most beautiful blue eyes and white whiskers. We bought all the supplies needed and drove back to Cape Town as a family of 3.”

Currently, Micheal is on the mend, having completed two of his eight weeks in the crate. His bandages and stitches have been removed, and he’s yearning for cuddles and attention. While he can walk, his recovery is ongoing as his legs are still a bit stiff.

In about 7 months, Micheal will have to have another operation to remove the screws and plates, as he is still growing, and if he doesn’t have the operation, it will affect his ability to walk.

Looking ahead, Amber and Calvin are determined to move to a safer home for Micheal and Bailey, away from the dangers of a high-rise apartment. They are actively searching for a new home where Micheal and Bailey can enjoy a secure and happy life together.


To contribute to Micheal’s ongoing recovery, consider donating to his BackaBuddy campaign: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/amber-van-broekhuizen-5800058015425599212


For Updates: Micheal and Bailey’s Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/michealandbailey/

Cooking Icon Fatima Sydow Overwhelmed as R700,000 Pours in for Her Cancer Fight

Cooking Icon Fatima Sydow Overwhelmed as R700,000 Pours in for Her Cancer Fight

Celebrity chef, cookbook author, and TV show host, Fatima Sydow (49) from Lansdowne, Cape Town, has bravely shared her cancer journey with her followers since her diagnosis with Soft Tissue Sarcoma in December 2020.

This journey has tested her strength and resilience, leading her through a challenging array of treatments and surgeries, each taking a toll on her physical and emotional well-being. Her path has been marked by moments of triumph and despair as she has continuously battled against the odds. 


Crowdfunding on BackaBuddy

On August 18, 2023, realizing that she was unable to work and confronted with the weight of her battle, Fatima reached out to her followers for

financial assistance through a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy. 

Fatima with her oncology palliative nurse, Carly Rinquist and Kulthum Mukuddem Ismail, Head of the radiation department at Vincent Palotti.


This moment of vulnerability was met with overwhelming kindness, as more than 1,000 donors came together to raise over R720,000 towards her target of R750,000. 

Thanks to the generosity of donors, Fatima can now focus on her treatment without the burden of work or financial worries.

These funds will provide crucial support by covering her fundamental requirements, such as medical treatment, at-home caregiving services, and the purchase of a hospital bed for her forthcoming discharge. Furthermore, they will assist in addressing ongoing day-to-day costs, including specialized dietary needs, weekly transportation to the hospital for treatment, and any other essentials that can significantly improve her overall comfort and quality of life.

The outpouring of support has deeply touched Fatima and her family, underscoring the transformative power of even the smallest acts of kindness and the resilience needed to conquer life’s challenges.

Fatima, in a heartfelt message posted on her YouTube channel on September 13, expressed her gratitude towards her donors who have contributed on BackaBuddy

“The support I’ve received has shown me the humanity of our community and the love we have for each other, our culture, our people, our city, and our country. I am so grateful; you have carried me through this journey more than you realize. You’ve done so much. Thank you; I love you all.”


Fatima recently completed a series of radiation therapy sessions, with a focus on treating the cancer in her frontal lobe, the region associated with one’s personality, and her right forearm, the skilled hand she’s used for years to craft her famous dishes—5 sessions for the brain, and 10 sessions for the arm. While she’s currently on a 10-day break, her treatment is ongoing. In the next phase of her journey, she will be managing her condition with oral medication.


Fatima is deeply touched by the support she has received from kind donors


Fatima’s culinary journey began at a young age, and her popularity soared with her Facebook page, “Cape Malay Cooking with Fatima Sydow.” She later self-published her first book, “The Journey of Cape Malay Cooking with Fatima Sydow,” which opened doors to numerous opportunities, including a cooking show called “Kaap, Kerrie, and Koesisters” and additional published works.


To support Fatima’s campaign, please visit:


Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:



Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R420 Million.

FEEL GOOD | Runner takes on Comrades Marathon barefoot to build homeless shelter in Pietermaritzburg

FEEL GOOD | Runner takes on Comrades Marathon barefoot to build homeless shelter in Pietermaritzburg

Picture above: Graham Wells from Facebook Gallery

Graham Wells (45) from Pelham in Pietermaritzburg, will take on his 8th Comrades Marathon on 28 August 2022.

Running barefoot from Pietermaritzburg to Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban, Graham has decided to dedicate his 90km challenge to the plight of the growing homeless population in Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal.

“I’m a firm believer that running medals don’t mean anything unless you have made a difference for someone else. ” – says Graham

Partnering with One Life Foundation, Graham has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy called “Run for a roof”, to raise R250 000 towards the estimated R1 million needed to fund a much-needed homeless shelter in the area.

Graham Wells 

“Whilst out training in the freezing cold mornings, I am always struck by the number of homeless in our city. As we complain about the weather getting colder, imagine what it must get like living on the street, in a park or on a field. These are normal people, like you and I, and for whatever reason, have found themselves in a difficult situation and, consequently, homeless.” – says Graham

Since the launch of his campaign, Graham has raised over R33 000 with kind contributions from 32 donors. Funds raised will not only cover the cost to build the housing structure, but also provide the homeless with the appropriate rehabilitation services to re-build their own lives.

Graham Wells

Having worked in social housing in the United Kingdom, helping the homeless has always been close to Graham’s heart.

“I have a dream to see a safe, friendly, people-centred shelter, in Pietermaritzburg, where people of any race or background can be welcomed and empowered to make something better of themselves. By coming together to fund this project we have an opportunity to change the face of homelessness in our City and restore dignity to those society has left behind. Everyone deserves kindness and a second chance” – says Graham

Support Graham’s campaign by donating here:


Alternatively, donate via Snapscan:




Create a crowdfunding campaign

South Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy has supported more than 10 000+ individuals and charities in setting up fundraising campaigns for medical fees, tuition and various causes in South Africa. The platform has thus far risen over R344 Million.